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Chapter 3: "Sunglasses Hut or Arcade?"

Jessica: What?

A.J.: What? I didn't say anything but just wait. [A.J. tried to cover up that he had just called her Hun.]

Jessica: You called me Hun.

A.J.: Uh..............No I didn't.

Jessica: Yeah, OK, whatever. [She knew that he called her Hun, and she was happy about it, too.]

Nick: So, where are we gonna go?

A.J.: Lets go to the Sunglass Hut!

Nick: You already have enough sunglasses. Let's go to the arcade!

A.J.: Oh, no. We will go after we shop. Once you get to the arcade you won't leave untill they close or sometimes later than that.

Nick: That's not fair, Bone. Once you get to the Sunglass Hut you won't get out.

Jessica: Well I have been wanting to get a new pair of sunglasses so I'm gonna go to the Sunglass Hut.

Lis: Yeah right, Jessica. You just want to go to the Sunglass Hut cuz A.J. wants to go.

Jessica: No, seriously. I need a new pair of sunglasses. So who wants to go with me?

A.J.: I will.

Nick: Happy hunting cuz you already have most of them, so you probably won't find any that you already don't have.

A.J.: Do I really have that many?

Nick: Does almost everygirl like me the most?

A.J.: That was stuck-up, man. But. you're right, almost everygirl does like you. Hmm? Well, I still wanna look just incase they have a new kind out.

Lis: Well, I'm wanting to go to the arcade too so I'm gonna go with Nick.

Jessica: Mmm huh. Yeah. Right. Whatever.

A.J.: Hold on. Don't we need a time to be back and where?

Jessica: Yeah. How about two hours from now at that earpiercing place over there?

Nick, Lis, and A.J: OK.


Jessica: Where are they?

A.J.: There they are. [Points at the couple coming towards them hand in hand.]

Jessica and A.J.: Awwwwww!

A.J.: How cute.

Nick: Shut up, Bone!

Lis: Now what do we do?

Nick: We can go to the beach. Jessica: Cool. I'm in. A.J., Lis? What about ya'll?

Lis and A.J.: OK.

Jessica: Good, cuz I wanna try out my new bikini.

Lis: Me, too. Let's go!

Jessica: Hold on. A.J., Tell me now.

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