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^*Chapter 4: I Love Sunblock!*^

A.J.: Huh? Oh yeah. I was telling them how I was gonna ask if will you go on a date with me tomorrow, so will you?

Jessica: Wha? Ummm...........Uhhh......Yeah!

A.J.: Cool. I'll tell you when and where on the way home from the beach. OK?

Jessica: OK.

[A.J. already had his swimming truncks at Nick's house, and Lis had her swimsuit at Jessica's house so Jessica didn't have to make any other trips besides to her house and to the beach.]

Jessica [who just got in the car]: Lis, come on!

Lis: OK! OK! I'm coming!

[Lis had on a bikini that had the little shorts, and it was purple with lime green flowers on it. She also had some short shorts on over her swim shorts. Jessica had on an identicle outfit but her swimsuit was lime green with purple flowers on it.]

Lis: OK. Where are the guys?

Jessica: There they are.

[Nick had on army green board shorts with little white Hawiian flowers on the top of them and a white tee. A.J. had on board shorts, too but his were a dark purple with little white Hawiian flowers on the top of them, and he had on a surfers shirt on. You know, the really tight long sleve shirts made out of that streachy stuff?]

Jessica: Yuummyy, A.J.!

Lis: You too Nick.

A.J.: You don't look too bad yourself, baby. *Ooops*

[If you don't know *Ooops* means that he thought it.]

Jessica: Thanks.....[She trailed off a little]

Nick: You don't look bad either, Lis.

Lis: Thanks.

Jessica: Ya'll will have to lead me to the beach.

Nick: Oh..Right...Left.......One light......Left then right and you're there.

Jessica: Thanks. We're here. Tha wasn't long!

A.J.: Cool.

[A.J. grabbed Jessica and threw her over his sholders and ran towards the beach.]

Jessica [In between giggles]: A.J.....Put me.........Down!

A.J.: Nope!

[By then they hit the water.]

Jessica: The water is FREEZING!!!

A.J.: I know. That's why I got you. So you would get in the water.

Jessica: Oh! Thanks a lot. Now my shorts and shirt are soaking wet!

A.J.: Oh no! What shall we do? [A.J. said this in a sarcastic voice.]

Jessica: Oh. Very funny, A.J. [She giggled after she said it.]

[Jessica went back on shore and took off her soaking shorts and tee. A.J. was looking at her as she was putting on sunblock, and he went over to her.]

A.J.: Sorry for soaking you. Can I help you put on your sunblock?

Jessica: It's OK. I needed someone to put me in the water so I wouldn't be as cold as when I would get in by myself, and sure you can put some on my back.

A.J.: OK.

[A.J. finshed putting the sun block on Jessica's back and she turned around to give him a thank you kiss on the cheek, but he turned his head on accident and she kissed him on the lips.]

Jessca: Sorry. I was aiming for your chee.......[She was cut off by A.J. kissing her back but with more feeling in it.]

A.J.: Sorry. I just had to do that. Jessica: That's OK. I kinda liked I did like it.

[A.J. sighed with relief and picked Jessica up again and carried her to the water.] A.J.: Nope. You need to get into the water so I'm putting you there.

Jessica: Hold on. Where's Nick and Lis?

A.J.: I don't know. Let's go find them.

[A.J. walked back on the sand and put Jessica down, and they set off looking for the missing couple.]

Lis: Nick, where are we going? Can I open my eyes now? How much longer till we get there?

Nick: Whoa. One question at a time, baby.

Lis: Oh, sorry.

Nick: That's OK. I can't tell you where we're going, no, you can't open your eyes yet, and we will be there in.......umm...........25 seconds tops.

Lis: Oh. Do you think Jessica and A.J. are wondering where we are?

Nick: I didn't think of that but oh well. We will come back.

Lis: Oh.

Nick: You can open your eyes now.

Lis: You took me to a peir?

Nick: Hold on.

[Nick started to slap the water and to fins arose out of the water.]

Lis: Get your hand out of the water! There are sharks in there!

Nick: No there's not.

[Just then two beautiful dolphins appeared.]

Lis: Oh. They're dolphins!

Nick: Want to swim with them? Lis: Can we do that?

Nick: Yeah. I do it all the time.

[Nick took off his shirt, that's a first, and jumped in the water. Lis did the same.]

Lis: Where did they go?

Nick: Hold on.

[Just then the two dophins appeared.]

Nick: Go ahead, touch them.

[Lis touched the rubbery skin of one of the dolphins.]

Nick: OK. To ride them just hold onto thier dorsal fins and hold on tight. Lis: This is fun but how do you stop? Lis: OK. Come on Nick.

Nick: I'm coming.

[Just then A.J. and Jessica showed up.]

A.J.: I had a feeling that you would bring her here, Chaos.

Nick: Yup.

[Lis stopped to say hi to Jessica and A.J.]

Lis: Hey, guys. Nick showed me this place and it's great.

[Jessica just stood there in awe looking at the dolphins.]

Jessica: Oh cool! I didn't know that there were dolphins here.

A.J.: Yup.

Jessica: Well, why didn't you bring me here?

A.J.: I thought Nick would want to bring Lis here so I decided that they would want to be alone. Sorry.

Jessica: That's OK. I'm afraid to get in the deep water in the ocean anyways.

Nick and A.J.: Why?

Jessica: I don't know. Maybe because I'm afraid might be sharks or something that I don't want to encounter.

A.J. and Nick: Oh. Jessica: Oh OK. I might get in the water but I can't promise anything. A.J.: Ready on the count of three throw her in the water.

Nick: OK.

Jessica: Guys, put me down, NOW!

A.J. and Nick: Nope!

A.J.: 1....2......

A.J. and Nick: 3!

[They threw Jessica in the water and she didn't come up for a while. A.J. and Nick were becoming frantic and they jumped in to find her.]

Chapter 5 *not up yet*
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