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~*~Chapter 5 "She's Alllll That!!!"~*~

Nick: I can't find her!

Jessica swam back to shore while Nick and A.J. wee still looking for her under water. She went back on the dock.]

A.J.: We can't find her, Lis!

Jessica: Can't find who, and A.J.?

[They swung around and there mouthes dropped. A.J. got out and started to run after Jessica and Nick swam after Lis.]

A.J.: I'm gonna get you my pretty.....

Nick: And your little friend, too! Ha ha ha ha!

[Everyone cracked up and Jessica and Lis had to stop because thier sides were hurting from laughing so hard. A.J. and Nick caught up with them at the same time.]

A.J. and Nick: Got ya!

Jessica: Hey that's no fair you made us laugh so we had to stop!I can't belive yo......

[A.J. cut Jessica by kissing her softly on the lips.] Jessica: Whoa.

A.J.: Sorry. I had to shut you up. Sorry aga...

[This time A.J. was cut off by Jessica kissing him back. Nick and Lis watched in awe as A.J. and Jessica stood there holding each other and kissing.]

Lis: Awww. Isn't that sweet.

Nick: Yeah. Can I have a kiss, too? Please.

Lis: Ummm.........Maybe.

Nick: Oww. Come on. Please.

Lis: Oh OK.

[Then Nick and Lis did as A.J. and Jessica, holding each other and kissing.]

Jessica, after they were done with thier kiss: So, what do we do now?

Nick: How about we go rent a movie and watch it at my house? OK?

A.J., Jessica, and Lis: OK.

~*That Night*~

A.J.: I'm glad that we decided to rent "She's All That", cuz that was a great movie.

Jessica: Yeah it was. Well We better get home or Lis and my parents will get worried. So, I will see you tomorrow, A.J. Oh yeah! What time and where?

A.J.: Umm. How about 5:00 at your house. OK? Jessica: OK.

[Jessica and Lis left only to to gloat to one another about how great thier men are.]

~*The next day at 3:00*~

Jessica: Lis!!! Come help me find something to wear! Lis: OK. OK. Ummm. This outfit.

[Lis held up a spegetti-strap shirt with a butterfly on it and a pair of denim peddle-pushers with butterflies on the bottom of them.]

Jessica: Oh. How cute OK. I'll wear that.

[Jessica changed and put on her make-up. Right when she finnished putting her hair up in a messy bun with chop-sticks in it the doorbell rang.]

Jessica: I'll get it!

[When she opened the door she was smothered in a huge hug.]

A.J.: Hey. Are you ready?

Jessica: Yeah. What if I wasn't the one that answered the door and you ended up hugging my dad or someone else?

A.J.: I dunno? Well, I'm glad it wasn't your dad. I'm in a huggy mood today though. Jessica: Why is that?

A.J.: Cuz I'm with you and we are going somewhere that I LOVE!!!

Jessica: Where is that?

A.J.: You will see when we get there.

Jessica: Oh come on! Tell me!

A.J.: Nope. Just wait.

Jessica: Oh, OK.

[About 30 min later they arived at Bush Gardens]

A.J.: We're here. You can open your eyes now.

[Jessica opened her eyes and starred n awe at the sight infront of her.]

Jessica: Omigosh! You took me to Bush Gardens! Is this safe for you. You know, being a BSB and everything?

A.J.: Yeah. It's OK. I mean as long as I wear my sunglasses and hat, I'll be fine.

Jessica: OK. Whatever you say, A.J.

[A.J. and Jessica walked thru the park in search for a water ride when out of nowhere came about 20 screaming girls . These wern't any ordanary girls, they were BSB fanatic girls.]

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