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*^Chapter One*^

Start the bidding!

I just sat there scrolling down looking aimlessly at the page, with my father standing beside me.

"Click on that one," he says.

"Why? What do I need tickets for Backstreet Boys in Albany for? We live like three hours away!" I answered him

"More like six, bid on it. For $3 you can put them into a scrapbook. Second row for that cheap isn't bad for a scrapbook."

"Okay fine whatever."

As I bid though I thought to myself, it would be so cool just to hold second row tickets in my hands! In school the next morning, I told my best friend, Jeanette. She squealed and said, "Alli, you have to win those tickets and take me. Those seats are so much better than last time!"

I just nodded, remembering our seats at the last concert. We were almost past the nosebleed section. But with my binoculars, which cost more than both tickets, we could see pretty well. The problem was who got the binoculars and for what song. Our pictures had pretty much sucked though. But even if we got the tickets somehow, how would we get to Albany?

That afternoon, I went online and was obviously outbid. Since I was on the phone with Jeanette she made me bid up to $50. I did it because, hey it was only 25 a ticket.

At dinner I somehow convinced my parents into letting us take the train up there. We had figured out how much it would cost and it came out to about $90 each way per person. So we'd have to get jobs. But, this is the Backstreet Boys we're talking about! I'd get a job for them...who wouldn't? Of course though I still tried to convince them that taking us up to Albany themselves would be easier.

"Well, you always say that you wanna start checking out colleges. Why don't we go check out a couple that are upstate, like near Albany? And while we're there, maybe we could catch out a concert or something." I pleaded...not too obvious huh?

After a couple days of that and Jeanette whining "Please?". They caved in! By now, the auction for the second row tickets was over, but there were plenty of others. I quickly found other and starting bidding as high as $50.

Pretty soon the $50 turned into $200, but it is the Backstreet Boys! By December tenth Jeanette was the highest bidder in seven and I was winning about four. They all ranged from row 27 up to row 3, all on the floor!

Like the first chapter?? then Email Ali the author telling her what you think of it!!What you liked, disliked, or just suggestions!!!

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