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^*^Chapter Two^*^

We're Going

The day the last auction ended, Jeanette me and our friend Chrissie, decided to go to the mall. We didn't really want to go, but since Chrissie just got back from vacation we hadn't seen her in a while. And to not go just because our tickets were ending would have been mean. We told her that we had to be back at my house the latest 5, the auction ended at 5:30.

Well, we didn't get out of the mall until 5. Usually it only takes 15 minutes to get back to my house but of course there was traffic! We didn't get home until a 5:30, and then the computer wouldn't sign on! It was about 5:45 and I had given up hope of ever going to see them in Albany.

Just then Jeanette remembered that I want it that way and Larger Than Life had been played in a row in honor of something that happened that day and the DJ liked them. She thought this was a sign.

"Yea, a sign that we won't get the tickets, so someone is trying to make us feel better." I told her.

"We're connecting!! Go to e-bay!! Quickly, sign-in! C'mon!" Jeanette basically screamed. The first thing I did when I saw that we won was laugh. You see, Jeanette was crying because she was so happy and it was funny watching her turn bright red and start to cry. Then of course, I went into my room and started to blast one of my Backstreet Boys CDs...just for them of course! Then we did the usual teenage girl thing, We jumped up and down screaming!

The next day in school we told just about everyone we saw. And I mean everyone, even we people we would just pass in the hallways. I even told my history teacher, he wasn't as I excited as he should have been though.

We also stayed after school that day, to decorate our locker! We taped up a countdown, to our plain old Backstreet Boys covered locker. Besides, it was only 60 days to the concert! Everyday we would rip off a taped on number but we had to be careful. Our locker may be small, but its all BSB!!

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