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<*>Chapter Three<*>


When there were only about forty days left, we decided to send in a tape for fanatic. Hey, why not? We were sitting up close, but we didn't have backstage passes so it wasn't as if we were going to meet them!

We made it really long. In it, we filmed our rooms, our lockers, and anyone that knew us and would talk about the Backstreet Boys on camera. We also did a 'recreation' of when we won the tickets, with Jeanette crying and all. And everything else we could think of involving the Backstreet Boys.

On February first, only fourteen days until the concert, I got a phone call...from MTV!

"Wow," I thought as I picked up the phone, "could this really be happening? Did we really get it?"

"Hello, Is this Allison?" a nasally sounded woman asked.

"Uhm...yea." I replied, kind of scared.

She answered, "Yes, well this is in regard to the Backstreet Boys Fanatic tape that you sent in." She paused, then continued, "Well, I hate to tell you this but we are sorry you didn't make the cut. Maybe next time." Click.

I just dropped the phone, I was so upset! "Why do they even bother to call the people that don't win? That's just mean." I asked my mother.

To make me happy, she just said, "Ali, honey, your sitting third row, calm down. You are going to be able to see up their noses, and get pictures of it! So what if you didn't win fanatic, its not a big deal."

The days went so slowly. every one day felt like ten, maybe twenty days!

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