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^*^Chapter 4: The Dream^*^

On sunday the night befoe the concert, Ali had a dream.

She was sitting next to Jeanette at the concert and had a tape recorder and camera in her hands "Ali, why do you have a tape recorder?" Jeanette asked her

"Why don't you have one? Don't you wanna be able to relive this night forever" Ali asked her

"Yea, but all you're gonna get is screaming!" She answered. Just then the lights went out, which they always do right before the Backstreet Boys come on. Ali told Jeanette to fold up her chair and follow. They walked right past the guards, after all it was dark they couldn't see them.

"Ali, I don't think we should do this. It's not really a good idea!" Jeanette said kind of scared.

"C'mon, don't worry about it" Ali said as she climbed up the steps leading to the stage.

The stage is a big hexagon with a little hexagon the middle that they stand on and sing from every once in a while. Ali went right to the little hexagon and ut her chair down. Jeanette of course did the same!

As the Backstreet Boys came onstage they looked at the two girls sitting there and were totally confused. the guards of course noticed them by then and they were pretty mad!

They couldn't do anything though, the Backstreet Boys always say they love their fans and if the guards threw them offstage what would people think? So they actually let them stay!!

At one point, as Ali was taking pictures, Kevin went up to Ali and sang right into her recorder! She was so stoked!

Then during the chair routine for "As long as you love me", Jeanette and Ali did their own version of it. By this time the Boys had gotten used to them and were laughing as they did 'their routine', but the guards were fed up with them bby this time.

While the lights were out were off and the Boys were changing, a couple of guards went onstage to get them off. Off course, they weren't leaving now! The concert was almost over anyway. So instead of letting the guards take them off, they ran! They ran around the hexagon thing with about 7 guards following them! They were big guys, who knew that they could run that fast!

By now, the Boys had come back onstage and were ready to sing "I want it that way". They saw the two girls running with all the guards following and started to laugh!

Howie just said, "Okay, okay, that's enough of the entertainment for this concert. Wake up, the concert's today"

"Wake up Ali, we only have 10 hours to get ready for the concert!" Jeanette said waking up Ali.

"Huh?, wha? Why did you wake me I was having the best dream!" I yelled at her.

"Oh, oh well, tell me about it" she pleaded So Ali told her all about it. Jeanette loved the part when Kevin talked into Ali's tape recorder and the running part!

"Too bad it wasn't Nick, you're one true love!" Jeanette said sarcastically

"oh, shut up! Let's go get ready" Ali replied.

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