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~*Hosted §tories*~

There's not much yet at all!!!I will have more chapters and stories up soon!!!Make sure to give author feedback!!!

A story about Ali and her friend Jeanette willing to do anything to see the BSB in concert!!!

Life As We Know It was moved to Our Stories!

This is a Story about Brian and a girl named Bianca!!Theres not really a description for the story!!!But its good, so check it out!

It All Started Backstage!

This story is about a girl named Jessica who moved into a new house, along with her friend who moved in a couple house down from her.To her suprise fame hits real close to home!

The Girl Next Door

A Nick story! I guess to sum it up it funny where you can meet the love/was love/or friend for life sometimes..think about it McDonalds!{hehe}lol, well anyways its about a girl named Rhianne and her to be relationship with nick?Friend?Ex?Love? Read and figure out!

Love and Affection Between Two

Main Page
