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^*^Chapter One: What A Deal!^*^

*At The Present Moment*

"Omigod! I can't wait till we go!"

"I know. Me either." replied Kelly.

"Well I'm excited too, you know!!" exclaimed Liz.

"Were going to Florida, were going Florida!" yelled Lyndsee.

"Watch out here we come!" screamed Kelly.

The 3 girlz stood, so excited about the good news they just recieved.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" Liz screamed at the top of her lungs.

Lyndsee and Kelly stared at her with wierd smirks on their face.

"What now?" Kelly questioned, not knowing what to do next.

" I guess we should tell everyone about our record deal huh?" Lyndsee sarcasticly remarked.

"I love all you." Blurted Liz, smiling and opening her arms for a huge group hug.

" do I." Kelly mumbled in a little baby voice, as the three girls embraced in a hug.

*6 Months Earlier*

"Ugh, I'm so much better than Christina..." Lyndsee joked, succesfully reaching a high note.

"So am I! Im better than Whitney man!" Kelly replied while listening to "God Must Have Spent(alittle more time on you)" by 'N Sync.

"We should like start our own little trio. We would rule!" Liz interupted, only joking. She broke out doing moves like b*witched.

"OMIGOD. That would be so awesome!" Lyndsee remarked, thinking Liz was serious.

"We could totaly pull it off! Everyone says we sound good together...why not?" Kel commented.

:::narration:::one day about 6 months ago, the girls did lotz of researching on talent agents, getting demos, record deals, and vocaling. They found a talent agent in New York named Kirstie Miller. She got them to do auditions, and got them in to studios to do demos for record companies, and also got them a writer to work with them on writing songs...Since they have recorded 6 full songs, they used them for demos, but their main song at the moment for audition is called "Together Forever". Written by the girls themselves.The girls worked there ass's off writing, singing, auditioning, traveling, vocaling, friends, family, and of course school. Since they were almost 18 and very mature and responsible, their parents aggreed to all of this, supporting them 100%.Well almost, except for Kelly's mother, but well get to that later. Anyway, after all the hard wotk it finally paid off.

*Back To Present*

* No shit! We got it? We got the record deal?" Kelly asked Lyndsee, getting a "yes" in reply.

Ring Ring

"Did somebody hear something?" Lyndsee asked, so eager to get in the studio and start recording to notice what was going on around her.

Ring Ring

"It's your cell girl." Liz replied sarcasticly.

"Oh...Hello?" Lyndsee answered, picking up the orange phone.

"Yeah...hey Lynds its Kirstie. I also forgot to tell you something else."

"Whatz that?"

"You have the opportunity to open up for an act on a tour to promote your up-coming album!" Kirstie said, happy for the girls. " What! What is it???" Liz and Kelly both asked, pracitcly ripping their hair out.


"Yes?" Lyndsee picked it up again.

" I forgot to tell you who your touring with!" Kristie screamed.


"Well, there are a couple of possibilities at the momant, but no one yet for sure."

"Oh...Okay" Lyndsee said, still pcyshed.

" I'll know in about and hour or so...I'll give you a call back then, k?"

"Ok, great." She said,

" Congratulations to you all." Kirstie said sincerely.

"Thankz. And Thank YOU for all your help! We owe you one!" Lyndsee spat out.

"awww…your 100% welcome! Just remeber me when all the money comes rolling in!" Kirstie said, laughing. " Well, I'll call you back as soon as I get the word."



"Cya." And Lyndsee hung up the phone.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Lyndsee screamed.

"What!?What!?" Kelly asked impatiently.

"We're going on tour! They don't know with who yet!

She's gonna call as soon as she finds out!"

All three girls screamed, jumping in excitement.

Did you like that?I hope it wasnt to corney!!!please give me feedback on the story so far!What did you like?Dislike?any suggestions??also im looking for a name of the group that will be later announced in the story!It would be so appreciated if you could give me any ideas along with feedback by emailing me here

Chapter 2:
Hosted §tories
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