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Chapter 1

"Yeah Kara, now tilt your head back a little. Yeah just like that. Great." Sergio said.

Kara sat up from her pose and jumped off the pedastal to see her pictures.

"The camera does you NO justice, Kara."

" What do you mean, Sergio, the pictures look great."

"Your much more beautiful than this, the camera just can't capture it."

Kara smiled. Looking at pictures, with pride she couldn't believe that she was modeling for Donna Karan ads. It was another step up in her career.

"Well, Serg, I gotta go I'm going to lunch and then shopping. Bye!"

At Chanel

Kara wandered over to the accessories. She needed another pair of sunglasses. As she reached for a pair, a pair of hands reached for the same glasses. As she looked at the person who the hands was attached to, he was already wearing glasses, and a wife beater w/khakis.

"Uhh excuse you. These are MINE."

"Sure. You can have them, your so pretty who would want glasses to stop them from seeing you?"

"Uhuh. Whatever. GoodBye."


As she walked down the corridor, he walked behind her and said,"So you like Chanel?"

"Wouldn't be here if I didn't." she replied.

Kara heard someone gasp and scream ass they ran up to her. When she turned around, a girl said "Oh my god do you know who you are...I mean of course you do..I mean..."

Kara smiled, "You mean..can i have an autograph?"

"Oh god would you?? I would love to have one!"

The girl walked away with a ridiculous grin on her face...and Kara turned around to bumped to that guy.

"You know your really pissing me off at this point."

"I will leave you alone if you..."

"If I what? I already gave up some sunglasses i really wanted."

"Lunch. That's all I'm asking."

"I' sorry but i am NOT going to lunch with someone I don't know."

"Don't you listen to music? You seriously don't know who i am?"

"No. And I don't give a damn."

"Lunch.Lunch.Lunch.Lunch.Lunch.Lunch.That's all i want."

"I will not go to luch with a Backstreet Boy!"

"I knew,you knew who i was."

"OK. So I know who you are. Don't get giddy cuz i am not going to lunch with you."

"OK then don't think of me as a BSB, just think of me as a fan, who is dying to get to know you better."

Kara looked at him, in his deep brown eyes and sighed "Fine. I'll go."

The long awaited Chap. 2 is here Click here!!!
