Chapter 17- A Party

They had been home a week. Everyone was getting along, well sort of. Nothing had changed all week and to some they didn't mind but others were completely torn.

AJ and Amy, the happily married couple were throwing a little shindig in honor of their wedding. So Amy could finally met Mrs. McLean and so AJ could finally meet Mrs. Evans.

All week long preparations were set and nerves were too.
Kev and Kristin seemed distant all week long. And at the party it was apparent things weren't going well, or at least in the minds of the viewers it seemed that way. But about 5 minutes into the whole thing, when the mothers hadn't even arrived yet, they made up and hit upstairs to make out. Acting like little teenagers, they hadn't told anyone where they were going.

Brian and Melissa sat by each other talking but it looked uncomfortable and it looked forced. She was still a little shaken by the fact the man she hasn't even seen naked, got drunk and did that with someone. He was still trying to get her back but lessened his pleas reliazing that she did need more time to get over the ordeal and considering that is exactly what he wanted her to do, he backed off. Still hating himself.

Nick was helping Em, but the status of their relationship hadn't changed. He was afraid that tonight she would have some alcohol. She was afraid of the same thing but told herself she shouldn't and she vowed not to touch any alcoholic beverage until her and Nick were back together. HE didn't hear the silent vow she made. She wanted him back so bad. They sat side by side. He was leaning forward in his chair eyeing the happy couple dancing. She was sitting back in hers, gazing at him longingly. His complexion more radiant than usual in the lighting. How she missed kissing those lips. Looking into those comforting eyes, and holding on to that firm body. But she made a mistake and for now she could do nothing.

Nick was still confused. His mind and body were saying two different things, and then his heart was saying another thing entirely. He couldn't listen to it all. So he chose to just not listen to any of it. To just be Em's friend. It was weird considering all the time they used to spend making out was now spent talking. And there was nothing really wrong with that. He had learned a lot these past few days, and shared a lot too. But he missed the relationship part. The kissing, the flirting, the everlasting smiles. It was gone and he wasn't yet sure if he wanted it all to return.

Amy and AJ danced until the moms arrived. With sweaty palms like the teenagers who just discovered the other sex they all exchanged handshakes. And introductions. Mrs. Evans and Mrs. McLean got along wonderfully, but both were a little shaky on the idea of their kids being married already.

"Why didn't you tell me Alex?" Chastised Mother McLean.
"It was the spur of the moment." AJ explained.
"AMY" Her mother said discouragingly.
"Yes mom." Amy said, afraid of what she might say next.
"I do admit its kind of cute." She said and hugged her daughter.
"That I will agree to." Mrs. McLean said and lifted up her wine glass in the toasting motion. AJ and Amy were so relieved to have some support from their mothers, their makers, their own flesh and blood.

"Oh dear, where is Kevin and Kristin?" Amy wondered as the party took off. People they didn't even know where using the makeshift dance floor but they enjoyed the company.
"I don't know. Kevin is a big boy he can take of himself and Kristin." AJ replied.

He pulled her out to the dance floor again with so much love in his eyes. He couldn't believe he had fell in love and so quickly but he felt lucky. And that he was. Amy returned the feelings. Amy knew she was lucky, but she was also a bit afraid. After all AJ being a big star and all and she would get some unwanted attention from the press and even more unwanted attention from the fans. AJ noticed her discomfort.

"Honey, you all right?" He asked sweetly.
"Yeah I am fine, J." She replied smiling and leaning against his warm and comforting chest.
"Are you sure?" He asked unconvinced.
"Right now I am." She replied and they swayed some more to the romantic music.

Chapter 18