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Chapter One

*In New York, on the way to the funeral*

“Now Nick, hunny, I know that you don’t remember Mark, but you two were the best friends in the world. You were inseparable.” Jane told nick a few minutes into the car ride. “Now I want you to try to be friends with his sister Valerie, she was as close to her bother as you were.”

“OK. How old did you say she was? I need some basic information here.” Nick added. He always hated funerals as much as the next guy, but this one was different. This one was going to be full of people h didn’t know. His only hope was that this Mark guy didn’t have many girl friends that were big fans of the Backstreet Boys. He didn’t feel like getting mobbed hat a funeral.

“She’s nineteen for the last time! That makes seven now Aaron. Are you counting?” she asked her youngest son.

“Mom, I can see why you want Nick and BJ to come, they kind of knew them, but why do the rest of us have to come? Were weren’t even born yet when you moved.” Leslie asked after a few minutes of silence.

“Les, I wouldn’t remember them if my life depended on it. I was almost two when we moved,” BJ told her very matter-of-factly.

‘Oh crap. Here comes another argument.’ Nick thought to himself, ‘And here I m sitting in the middle. Now how was it that I got stuck in the middle? I’m the oldest.’

“Nick? Is something wrong? You sure are quiet today.” Angel, Aaron’s twin sister asked.

“What? Oh, nothings wrong. Just thinking.” Nick answered her.

“And the world didn’t come to an end? it’s a mericle!” Aaron shouted over BJ and Leslie’s yells. *At the James House*

“Mom, I don't know if I can look at Nick Carter with tear streaks on my cheeks!” Valerie yelled at her mom. She usually had baby blue eyes that went along with her long blonde hair and tall slender figure, but today they were a stormy gray.

“Val, you’re going to have to face him one way or another. He’s the one that’s driving you back to school.” Susan told her daughter.

“He’s what? Oh my god! Oh my god! Breathe in . . . breathe out . . . breathe in . . . OK all better. You are joking aren’t you?”

“I’m afraid not. I can’t afford another plain ticket along with the funeral expenses. You know that.”

“Yea momma, I know. But can’t I just ride home with the Carters? Please?” Valerie begged her mom.

“There is no room in the car with the Carters. Besides, Nick has to drive all the way home all by himself.” Susan told her. She then looked down towards Valerie’s room and listened for a second. “Valerie, did you leave your CD player on again?”

“Woopsies. Sorry momma. I have got to finish getting ready any way.” Valerie said then ran back toward her room.

*Twenty minutes later*

“Momma! Can you get the door for me?” Valerie screamed down the hall. “Please not Nick! Please not Nick!’ she thought to herself.

“Valerie! Come out here! The Carter’s are here! You need to introduce yourself!” Susan yelled down the hall.

Valerie opened her door an walked down the hall. She had tried to put on some makeup to cover up the tear streaks, and it did help some, but not much. She almost started screaming a second later when she saw Nick standing there. “Um . . . hi. I’m Valerie.” She said shaking each one’s hand, taking longer on Nick’s then the others. She then noticed that he had not stopped staring at her since she first saw him.

“Hi Valerie. I’ve heard so much about you over the years. I’m Jane. This is Aaron, Nick, BJ, Angel, and Leslie. It’s nice to meet you.” Jane said with a smile. ‘Wow.’ Nick thought, ‘That’s who I’m driving home? Wow.’

“Watch it Nick.” Susan said then gave him a forced smile.