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“Hello?” Jane Carter asked as she answered her phone one rainy morning in April.

“Jane? This is Susan James. From New York. Do you remember me?” the woman asked. Jane could automatically tell that her old friend had been crying.

“Susan, what’s happened?” she asked her. Jane and Susan were friends from preschool up until Jane moved down to Ruskin, Florida sixteen years ago. Although, they had spoken a few times.

“It’s Mark. He’s been in a terrible car accident! He died last night in the hospital. The funeral is next week. Do you think that you will be able to come up here?” Susan asked in between sobs.

“Nick and Aaron did just finish their tours so I think that I just might be able to bring the whole family. Do you still live in the same house that you used to, or have you moved?” Jane asked after a second of thinking. She definitely knew where that house was. Susan’s parents left it to her when they died when they were both still in college.

“Yes. Same house. Valerie will be flying up from college in the morning. Did you know that she is a freshman at Florida State?”

“No I didn’t. she’s nineteen now, right?”

“Yes. I have got to go now. I have a lot of people to call tonight. Thank you for coming. Bye Jane.”


Chapter One