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1. You scream and jump up and down whenever someone says "*N SYNC"

2. When "Tearin' Up My Heart" comes on the raise the volume all the way up and say "that's the ONLY way to listen to the song"

3. You make an *N SYNC website.

4. You buy all of the teeny-boppers mags and cut out all of the pic and posters of *N SYNC and tape 'em up on your wall.

5. You buy all the singles and order videos and import albums from the Internet.

6. You visit their list of appearances everyday to see if they are coming to your city.

7. You record MTV's 'Total Request' every night, hoping that *N SYNC will be on.

8. When you watch your personal tape of *N SYNC apperances, you notice little things like when Justin's voice craked or if JC missed a dance step. :)

9. You call in and request *N SYNC's songs so much, the DJ knows your first name.

10. Your get mad when your e-pal tells you about the totally awesome time she had at the *N SYNC concert she went to.

11. You tell all your friends you're going to move to Orlando when you finish college.

12. When your fav *N SYNC-er is pictured with any girl, you cut her out of the picture and put a giant red X on her face.

13. You write "[your first name] Timberlake" all over your diary/journal.

14. You watch the MTV Live tape over & over again so you can learn all of the dance steps (just in case if you do see them, you'll want to impress them with your mad dance skills and possibly go bust some moves together @ a dance club)

15. You force everyone to listen to *N SYNC's album so they can "understand".

16. In your dreams, you're married to your fav *N SYNC-er.

17. You demand that your parents/friends/teachers call you "Mrs. Chasez/Timberlake/Bass..etc."

18. You drive 12 hours to see *N SYNC perform in another state because "the show might be different" and you don't want to miss it. (hehe...)

19. You tell yourself, "if I was there, Justin wouldn't have broken his thumb".

20. You mark Lance, JC, Joey, Chris, and Justin's birthdays on your calender.

21. You're partially deaf because you listen to your *N SYNC music too loud. :)

22. You ONLY hand out Sprees, Caramello bars, and Sweet-tarts at Halloween.

23. Your friends ban you from talking about *N Sync at lunch.

24. You know the roadies that travel with *N Sync better than you know your sisters.

25. You listen to the "Home For Christmas" CD in the middle of July cause you need to "get in the holiday spirit"

26. Even if someone says one word, like "Tearin'" you automatically start dancing and singing.

27. You're the only one (out of 20,000 people) singing "U Drive Me Crazy" & "Bye, Bye, Bye" at the concerts.

28. Your parents take to a shrink to see about your so-called "unhealthy" obbession.

*N SYNC Studio!