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Any purposeful killing of another human being is considered murder. Despite a recent decline, homicide rates remain at an all-time high in North America. Although a high percentage of murderers have historically known their victims, random violence has increased in recent years.

Non-consensual sex is one of the most common and unreported crimes. Rape is almost always committed against a woman, and the perpetrator of the crime is often an acquaintance of the victim.

Robbery is the unlawful taking of a property or possession by use of force or threat of force. Robberies are typically undertaken by small groups of people who commit their crimes to earn a living.

Any attempt to injure another person—successful or not—is considered assault. Many assaults include the use of a weapon or other instrument that could cause extreme physical injury or death. Assault rates are highest in the summer and lowest in the late winter.

Burglary is the unlawful and usually forceful entry into a building or other structure with the intention of committing a felony or theft. Most burglaries occur in the late morning or early afternoon.

Larceny is the unlawful taking of a property or possession. It includes shoplifting, embezzlement, and forgery. Also called theft, larceny is the second most common crime committed in North America (behind drunk driving). Auto theft is not included in this category.

Auto Theft
This category includes all motor vehicles, but excludes items such as motorboats and airplanes. Like most other crimes, incidences of auto theft are highest in larger metropolitan areas. With mandatory auto insurance laws going into effect in many states, victims of auto theft are typically compensated for their loss.