This is Pat Ratt. Many of you may recognize him from the Carbonas. Pat was our original Bass Player. Although his stay with us was short lived he still managed to write some very good bass lines. Pat would come over to Chris' when we practiced and would light up the place. He's got a great sense of humor. Pat decided to pursue a more harder edged band and so he left. This is Pat Ratt and this was his story.
Many People Don't know this but we had a keyboard player at one time. His name was Pat. Chris found him at school and he stayed about a week. Sorry but we have no picture of him. He decided to leave probably because Backdrop was a little different than he expected.
Have you ever heard of the band Superfly Jimmy Hooker? NO, well how about, Side waste Oscar? It rings a bell huh? Well what about Calypso Taxi? Ok now were getting somewhere. All these bands have two things in common. Steve Mueller was in all of them. And Uptown formed because of them. Steve is a twenty-year-old Guitar player, who has played the bass for only one year. So how is he so good you ask? I don't know you would have to ask him. Legend has it that Eric got really drunk at a Hanger 18 show and told Steve he could be in the band against Darren's wishes. Now Darren is eating his words because Steve gives him manicures. It is still a mystery how Steve has maintained his status, because he has quit 3 times. When he's not putting up with all this Drama he, Tours in Japan, sings Backdrop songs loudly at Hanger 18, sings backups to any and all songs, and watches Gleaming the Cube. Les Claypool, Joe Satriani, Brian Adams, Trevor Keith, and Slash influence Steve. He currently attends Pivot Point Beauty School. (Sorry boys he's not gay). Some of his favorite bands are Strung Out, Face to Face, Samiam, Sunny Day Real-estate, and Jimmy Eat World. Steve was in Uptown for a while and also played with Crackerjack for a day. You can also see him with Morning Side Drive. Steve is the singer/Guitarist, Fred plays bass, and Jerry plays drums, so go check em' out. Steve left the band on June 30th. We had our last show with him at the Fireside. Steve now plays guitar and vocals for his band Morning Side Drive.
Chris Yeazel was an instrumental part of Backdrop from the very beginning until November 2001 when he decided to leave the band. Chris is a very technical drummer with influences ranging from Carter Beuford to Haracio El Negro. He was a big part of Backdrop's sound and will continue to be a part of our music.

Damian Zanon joined our group for a short time in 2002. He filled in for us while we were in search of a new drummer. Damian played about 5 shows with us in his time. His influences range from the Alkaline Trio to awesome rap songs.

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