Chapter 10

When Sarah walked into her house, her bro was like starring at Sarah. SARAH-”What?” Bro-”nothing” he was still looking at Sarah with a where-have-Sarah-been-and-what-was-Sarah-up-to look. SARAH-”Nothing happened!!!” Bro-”oh really????!!!!!!! I'm surprised!!!” SARAH-”and what is that supposed to mean?!” Bro-”oh,......nothing!” SARAH-”oh whatever!” SARAH give him a hug, and go up to her room(AJ already left.). SARAH's up in her room, and are almost asleep, when the phone rings. SARAH pick it up and in a sleepy voice, say, SARAH-”Hello?” P-”hey! Do Sarah know who this is?!” SARAH-”no, but I have an idea.” P-”well, you’re going to have to guess! Who am I?!!” SARAH-”AJ, is that you?!” P-”Nope! guess again!” Then Sarah heard the doorbell and her bro said he'll get it. so Sarah was still on the phone: SARAH-”OK, WHO IS THIS AND HOW DID SARAH GET MY NUMBER?!” P-”SARAH r going to have to guess!” SARAH-”who the f”““ is this???!!!!!!!!” P-”GUESS!!!” Then AJ came into her room and said, AJ-”hey baby! who r Sarah talking to?” SARAH-”I don't know! Is this another one of her and Nick's jokes?!” AJ-”what r Sarah talking about?” SARAH-”Is Nick or Brian calling me right now?!” AJ-”no, the guys r with their g/fs at the mall, so I don't think the gals would let them do that.” SARAH-”You’re right. Well,....if it's not them, then who is on the phone?!” AJ-”I don't know! here, lemme talk to him.” so Sarah give AJ the phone and he says, AJ-”who is this?!” the person hung up. AJ-”Ok,......that's weird.” SARAH-”what?” AJ-”the person hung up on me after I asked who it was.” SARAH-”ok then.” AJ hung up the phone and sat on her bed. SARAH-”so y did Sarah come here?” AJ-”I wanted to see Sarah! I couldn't stand being apart from Sarah! I really want to ask Sarah something.” SARAH-”what's that?” AJ-”will Sarah move in with me?!” SARAH-”SARAH sure Sarah want me to move in with Sarah?! SARAH're going to have to stand me 24/7!” AJ-”PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!”and he makes the irresistible puppy face. SARAH-”ok, fine! If Sarah want it that bad, I'll move in with Sarah!” AJ kisses Sarah and gives Sarah a hug, then he kisses Sarah again for like an hour, then her mom comes in, and Sarah pull away VERY quickly. M-”oh hello AJ.” AJ-”hello Mrs.Alveras! SARAH look lovely today!” M-”why thank Sarah!” AJ-”now that I actually saw Sarah, I know where her daughter got her incredible beauty from!” her mom starts chuckling.