SARAH run to her house and on the way, a girl stops Sarah and says G-”Hey, you're AJ new g/f, right?! OMG! SARAH R SO LUCKY TO HAVE AJ!!!!!!!” SARAH-”just shut up!” with tears running down her cheeks. So Sarah keep running and finally reach her house, Sarah see AJ's car parked in the driveway and stop. SARAH get into her car and drive away. The LAST place Sarah want to be right now, is where AJ is. So Sarah drive around town for a while, then Sarah decide to go to the beach. SARAH park her car on the beach parking lot, and take a walk on the beach. Pretty soon, Sarah see a figure in the distance. Soon after, Sarah realize that it's Nick. he comes over and sits beside Sarah on the sand. NICK-”Why r Sarah so mad at AJ?!” SARAH-”I'm not mad at HIM, He's the one mad at ME!!!” NICK-”He's not mad at Sarah, just doesn't get why Sarah cheated on him with Howie.” SARAH-”I didn't cheat on him!!! Howie was just trying to make me feel better, because I was crying, and AJ came in and TOTALY took it the wrong way!” NICK-”oh, well he thinks that you cheated him. He still loves Sarah very much, but doesn't think Sarah feel the same way about him.” SARAH-”Well, I do, but he won't even listen to me! He won't let me explain!” NICK-”well, he all sad now. He stayed at the hotel, and won't come out of his room, or let ne1 in. Maybe Sarah should talk to him.” SARAH-”How can I?!?!?! He won't let me say a word!!!” NICK-”Can Sarah at least try?!” SARAH-”um,........” NICK-”OH C'MON!!! YOU’VE GOT TO! THE GUY'S DIEING IN THAT ROOM!!!!!!!!!” SARAH-”well,..................ok, fine. I'll TRY to talk to him.” So Nick took Sarah went to the hotel, and AJ was there in his room, with the door locked. SARAH knocked on the door and said, SARAH-”can I come in?” there was no answer. SARAH-”AJ, r Sarah even in there?” AJ-”yeah, why do Sarah care?” SARAH-”oh, c'mon! Sarah know I care about Sarah!” AJ-”oh really?!?!?!” SARAH-”yeah!!! C'mon baby, let me in, so we can talk.” AJ-”fine.” he unlocked the door and Sarah came in. Nick was in the hall and when he closed the door, Sarah two was talking. SARAH-”Baby, Sarah know I care about Sarah, right?! Y would I cheat on Sarah?!?!?!” AJ-”I have no clue, y Sarah would do that, but Sarah did.” SARAH-”I did not! Howie was just trying to make me feel better, because I was crying.” AJ-”Why was you crying?!” SARAH-”because, I......” then Nick closed the door and went into the living room. every1 could hear that Sarah and AJ was talking, but couldn't make out a single word. Then, Sarah and AJ started screaming at each other, but the rest of the people still couldn't make out what Sarah two was saying. The rest of the BSB and their g/fs, was in the living room, listening to Sarah and AJ fight and watching TV. SARAH and AJ was screaming at each other for like 2 hours, then stopped for 2 minutes, and started again. NICK-”do Sarah think we should go check on them?” Kevin-”Nah, they'll be ok!” After two more hours of screaming, Nick said, NICK-”I can't take this anymore! I'm going over there!” so he came to AJ's room and opened the door! and his jaw dropped to the floor! He was starring into the room and couldn't move! Nick saw Sarah and AJ, on the bed, making out, and the tape player was on. the screaming and yelling that every1 heard, was coming from a tape!!!! SARAH and AJ was on his bed making out!!!!!!! SARAH had no shirt on, just a bra and Howie came in and was starring at Sarah and AJ the same way Nick was, so then Howie finally came to his senses and cleared his throat, but Sarah guys didn't hear him and kept making out, so Howie cleared his throat again, but this time louder. They heard him this time and stopped. SARAH quickly put her shirt back on and sat up on AJ's bed. HOWIE-”So AJ, I guess you and Sarah r going out again, huh?” AJ-”uh........yeah!” SARAH giggle. NICK-”hey Sarah, you think you can make me feel better if I lock myself in a room?” Nick said sarcastically. AJ-”Sorry Nick! She's taken!” Sarah laugh. SARAH-”Victoria is in the living room, SARAH want to try locking herself in a room? I'll tell her if Sarah want me to.” NICK-”SURE!!! I'll go lock myself in the bathroom right now!!!!” SARAH-”SARAH was in the bathroom already! Try something different, like a bedroom!” Nick laughs, NICK-”oh sure! I'll go lock myself in my room right now!!!!!! Don't forget to tell Victoria!!!!” SARAH-”I won't!” So Nick left and Sarah, AJ and Howie, went to the living room. SARAH was talking to the girls and telling them all about what happened and all of a sudden, SARAH-”oh Vicky!” Victoria-”yeah?” SARAH-”SARAH might want to go check in one of the bedrooms.” Victoria-”You think?” SARAH-”oh yeah! totaly!” Victoria-”ok, I'll go then!” so Victoria went into Nick's room and every1 heard a scream coming from Nick's bedroom. SARAH rushed over there and knocked on the door, SARAH-”everything ok in there?!” Victoria-”uh,......ummm,...........yeah, I just um...........saw a spider on Nick's bed. But it's gone now! So yall can go back to the living room and not bother us until tomorrow morning.” they laughed and went back to the living room. It was getting late, so Sarah and AJ left to go to his house. On her way there, Sarah called her mom to let her know, that Sarah was going to spend the night at AJ's house. SARAH-”hey mom!” M-”hey hun! where have Sarah been?!” SARAH-”oh just hanging with the”kiss” BSB and Victoria.” M-”Is that kissing I hear?!” SARAH-” mom! I'm by myself, going to AJ's house.” M-”oh, ok. Well I'll see Sarah tomorrow then?” SARAH-”Uh........yeah”kiss” sure, bye mom”kiss”!” M-”bye hun! and STOP KISSING AJ!” SARAH-”MOM!!!!!” she laughed and hung up. So Sarah and AJ arrived at his house, and went swimming in his pool. SARAH and AJ bought lots of stuff at the mall including a bathing suite(?), and most of the stuff was over at AJ's. So Sarah two went swimming but Sarah didn't want to get in just yet, so Sarah sat on the edge of the pool and soaked her feet in the water. AJ came up behind Sarah and picked Sarah up. SARAH-”AJ McLean, don't u dare throw me in that pool!!!!!!!” AJ-”I don't want to throw Sarah in the pool right now.” so he leaned in and just before his lips touched yours, he dropped Sarah into the water. SARAH screamed at the top of her lungs and went under water.