Chapter 1
“Ok, I’ll be there in about 15 minutes, Nicole,” Kelly told her college
roommate from her cell phone. She was coming home from Christmas break which
she had spent with her parents and two sisters up in her home town in Illinois.
She was glad to be coming back to Orlando. She missed her two roommates very
much. “Do you want me to get you and Chanteale anything at Quickees?”
“Chantale! Do you want anything from Quickees!?” Nicole yelled across her dorm
room, which she shared with Chantale and Kelly.
“Yeah, a Sprite and some Doritos,” Chantale replied.
“She wants a Mt.D-“
“I heard her,” Kelly interrupted.
“Oh, ok. Get me a Sprite and swing by Brian’s house and get him too, ok?”
Nicole told Kelly.
“Oh sure, no prob!” Kelly said sarcastically. “I’ll just, ya know, casually
drive into his gated community, break in his house, kidnap him, and bring him
back here. I’m sure he’ll be a-ok with that idea.”
“And Chantale says to get Nick too.”
“Jeez! You people are so demanding! I don’t know how I put up with you two,”
Kelly joked back at her friend. All three of the roomies had been BSB fanatics
since they could remember, and in fact, that is how they became friends.
Chantale, origionally form Canada, Kelly, from a small town in Illinois, and
Nicole, from Florida, had all met on a Backstreet Boys message board about 5
years ago. They found themselves chatting on the MB and on MSN instant
messenger for hours a day. Aside form the few trips to see one another, the 3
best friends felt that going to college together would bring them even more
closer than they already were. They were right. The 3 were now insepritable.
“Alright, I’m gonna let you go, I’m in Quickee’s parking lot. I’ll see ya in
about 10 minutes,” Kelly said over her cell phone.
“Ok, but don’t forget to get Brian too!” Nicole reminded Kelly.
“And Nick!” Chantale shouted in the background.
“Ugh, you guys are pathetic and need serious mental help,” Kelly told her
Backstreet obsessed friend.
“Dude, you think I don’t know that?” Nicole told Kelly, who was just as
obsessed with AJ as Nicole was with Brian, and Chantale with Nick.
“True true” Kelly chuckled. “I’ll see ya!”
“Ok, bye!” Nicole said, hanging up the phone.
“Kelly hung up her cell, turned off her 2000 VW bug, and opened her car door.
The humidity hit her as she stood up to go inside the small drug store that was
located about 2 blocks away from her dorm room. After spending a week and a
half up in Illinois where the weather was now below freezing, she realized very
quickly that she had not yet adjusted back to the hot, sticky, Florida weather.
Damn humidity, Kelly thought to herself. I can hardly breath out here.
She shut her car door and quickly pulled her dark blonde hair up into a
She walked into the store and looked around, taking notice of the people
To her right, over by the cash register, she saw a woman and her daughter
checking out. The girl, who was around six, was practically in tears because
her mother wouldn’t buy her her favorite candy bar.
Kelly looked to her right and saw two boys who looked to be about 10 standing
in the magazine isle, arguing about which pokemon card was better. She laughed
to herself and walked down the isle which held the soda and chips. She grabbed
the Doritos, Chantale’s favorite, and the sodas.
She then walked down the magazine isle, taking notice of the boys, who were now
fighting over which wrestling magazine was the best.
Kelly picked up a copy of Teen People magazine which had Backstreet Boys on the
“Backstreet Boys! The new tour! 2 hot pinups of each guy!” Kelly read, her
eyes quickly skimming the cover.
She checked out and got back in her car, taking notice, once again, of the
dreaded humidity. She stared the car and headed back to her dorm.