
Once again the door slammed. Michelle felt a cold gust of wind from the night sting her already aching cheeks. It was bad enough tears were slipping down them already. Daniel had walked out pissed again. Night after night Michelle put up with the same shit. An alcoholic boyfriend who got abusive if she said the wrong words. Michelle looked at her arms where Daniel had tightly gripped them only a few minutes earlier. The reddness burned. Michelle sighed. She needed a way out, an escape route. She hadn't a friend in the world thanks to Daniel. Daniel wanted to be her life, the only thing in it. He didn't want Michelle having friends, socializing with the rest of the world. She had to find help though or tonight she swore to God in heaven she would breathe her last. Slit her wrists, hang herself, drown in bathwater...she didn't care how. She wanted to die instead of going on with this pain, this anger and frustration. She thought she had more to offer to the world than that. Is this all she had left? Is this the way God had intended her to fufill her life? Live with an abusive boyfriend and slowly began to fade? What had Michelle ever done to deserve this? She had gone to church, read the scriptures. She was raised to be a church goer then in college she had to focus on school. What had she done wrong? Michelle didn't know but she needed help and she needed it fast.