For all authers and soon to be authers on this site

Because running this site takes a lot of time that I don't have, I need a little help from all authers and soon to be authers.
When I post stories, I have to go through each one and put codes on it so that it isn't one big paragraph. I don't have the time for that, so what I'm asking of you is, please code your own work before you send it to me! It would help me so much! And there's not a lot of codes to know! Only a few basics that would help so much!
For those of you who do not know how to code, or would like to brush up, I put a textbox on this page with all the codes and what they do.
All of the chapters I already have, I will code, but any future ones, you must code yourself. This will help me out a lot and there hopefully will not be anymore me shutting down the site scares! Thank you!

Send in my Fan Fiction Details
