don’t they have any good food?” Jackie asked rummaging through the
refrigerator on BBmak’s tour bus.
Megan and Jackie were waiting for the guys. They had to leave the
early so they wouldn’t get attacked by crazy fans entering the bus.
took a bite of a sandwich that was wrapped in foil, then threw it back
in the
fridge. She closed the door and plopped down on the couch.
“We are so going to McDonalds when they get here,” she said.
Megan peeked through the closed blinds. The parking lot was jam packed
cars. It was deserted, though, as far as people went.
“I wish we could see the whole concert for once,” she commented.
“Hello!” Ste said huskily as he burst through the bus door.
“Baby!” Jackie exclaimed as she pulled him by his shirt behind the
that lead to the bunks.
Christian and Mark followed through the doors.
“Who took a bit of my sandwich?” Christian asked pulling out the
Jackie bit.
Megan shrugged her shoulders. Ste poked his head out from behind the
“Tell Danny to take us to Mickey D’s,” he said.
“Yeah, that’s a good idea. Now that I can’t eat my sandwich,” Christian
“It’s just a bite, you can still eat it,” Mark said.
Christian went to the front of the bus to tell Danny, the bus driver,
to go. The bus started moving and Mark sat down next to Megan, putting
an arm
around her.
“Did you like it?” he asked.
“You guys were great!” she exclaimed, “But you wanna know what would be
“What?” Mark asked.
“If we could see the end of it one day.”
“Oh, don’t worry about that. Christian does a pelvic thrust, that’s
it,” Mark recapped.
“But I wanna see that pelvic thrust!” Megan exclaimed.
Mark and Megan looked at Christian. He smiled and did a pelvic thrust.
“Happy now?” Mark asked.
“I guess...” Megan answered.
“You guess?!” Mark exclaimed and started tickling her.
“I smell it!” Ste burst out of the bunk room.
“What?” Megan, Mark, and Christian exclaimed in unison.
“Food! Sweet, loving, tasty, foooooooooood!” Jackie exclaimed coming up
behind Ste.
The two sped out of the bus and into the restaurant. Megan, Mark, and
Christian soon followed. Megan and Mark started discussing how to spend
rest of the night as they waited behind Ste and Jackie who were buying
whole restaurant.
“Club?” Megan suggested.
“Somewhere I know people,” Mark thought.
“You know someone having a party?”
“I think Erin’s party is tonight.”
“I love being home in England! I can go to parties with people I know!”
“Party?! Where?!” Christian whipped around.
“Erin’s,” Mark answered.
“Yeah! It’s time to party party...” Christian sang as he carried his
tray to
a table.
Megan and Mark bought their food and sat down around Ste and Jackie who
busy chowing down.
“Is that apple pie?” Ste asked, mouth full, pointing to something on
“It might be,” Jackie answered carefully, putting a protective hand
near the
Ste took a bite of her cheese burger and Jackie gasped in mock horror,
quickly retaliated by taking a handful of Ste’s fries.
“Are you guys done yet? We’ve been here for a half hour,” Christian
looking at his watch.
“You do want to catch Erin’s party, don’t you?” Mark asked.
Ste and Jackie stood up and ran to the door. Jackie stopped and ran
back to
the table. She picked up her apple pie, smiled, and ran out the door.
soon arrived at Erin’s. The party was kicking, and Christian was
getting down before they entered the house. It was crowded with dancing
“Lets dance!” Mark said pulling Megan onto the dance floor, the living
Christian started mingling. Ste smiled devilishly at Jackie.
“What are you thinking?” she asked suspiciously.
“Doesn't Erin have a pool?” he asked.
Ste grabbed her hand and pulled her through the dancing party go-ers.
was a large, lit up, built-in pool.
“Oh, I don’t wanna get my clothes all wet,” Jackie said pulling her
hand out
of Ste’s.
“Who says you have to wear clothes?” Ste smiled.
“No, I’m not skinny dipping when there’s a party going on inside.”
“Pretty please?”
Ste stuck out his bottom lip, “Puh-leeeese?”
“Fine! But quickly!”
Ste did a little wiggle dance and pulled his shirt off....and
everything else
before jumping in. Jackie quickly did the same.
wrapped her arms around Mark’s neck when he pulled her closer. the
cords of a Backstreet Boys song was playing.
“I’m glad you decided to come on tour with us,” Mark confessed.
“I’m glad I did, too,” Megan responded.
Megan rested her head on Mark’s shoulder and closed her eyes. She took
it all
in. Dancing with Mark, having him hold her in his strong arms, the
beating of his heart along with hers. Mark quietly sang along to the
making Megan’s heart beat quicken even more. When the song ended Megan
want to let Mark go, but she reluctantly pulled her arms away.
“Thirsty?” Mark asked.
“A bit,” Megan replied.
They walked to a couch, Megan sat down.
“I’ll go get us something to drink,” Mark said.
He disappeared through the crowd. Megan smiled to herself. Maybe
will happen tonight. Maybe he feels the same way, Megan thought. She
for a bit, but Mark didn’t return. She decided to get up and look for
Maybe he got lost. She found her way to the refreshment table, but Mark
wasn’t there.
“Have you seen Mark Barry?” she asked Erin.
“Megan! It’s so great to see you!” Erin exclaimed and hugged her.
Megan smiled.
“No, I haven’t seen him,” Erin answered.
“Okay, thanks,” Megan said.
She scanned the room, but she didn’t catch a glimpse of him.
is that?” Mark asked Christian.
“Kerry Oaks,” Christian answered, “Do you like her?”
“Nah, I just never seen her,” Mark said.
Christian nodded and danced his way to the middle of the living room.
approached Kerry.
“Hi, I’m Mark,” he introduced himself.
“Hello, my name is Kerry,” Kerry replied.
Mark smiled, he didn’t know what to say.
“You’re from BBMak,” Kerry stated.
“Yeah, but let’s not talk about that.”
“Oh, yeah, sorry. You’re probably tying to have a normal night out.”
“Yeah. Did you just move here?”
“A few weeks ago, yeah. I actually moved few houses down from Christian
“Oh, Christian didn’t tell me such a beautiful girl moved in near
Jackie tied her hair in a sopping pony tail.
“That was fun,” Ste said wrapping his arms around her from behind.
Jackie turned around and kissed him. Then she pushed him into the pool.
“You’re gonna get it!” Ste laughed when he surfaced.
“No, no I’m not,” Jackie laughed at him.
Ste got out of the pool and chased her. Jackie tried opening the
doorwall to
Erin’s house, but it was locked. Ste grabbed her from behind and threw
into the pool, then jumped back in. Jackie swam to him and wrapped her
around his neck. She pulled him in for a kiss, but dunked him instead.
pulled her under with him and kissed her underwater. They came up for
air and
started kissing again.
“Maybe he went to the bathroom,” Megan said to herself.
She walked to the bathroom, a girl walked out of it, and Mark wasn’t in
long line to use it. He couldn’t have just forgotten about me, Megan
“Dance with me!” Christian demanded as he took her hand and pulled her
from her search for Mark.
“What’s wrong?” he asked placing Megan’s arms around his neck.
“Nothing. Nothings wrong,” Megan lied.
“Here’s my number,” Kerry said slipping a piece of paper in Mark’s
“I’ll call you tomorrow,” he promised.
“Lets go!” Christian shouted.
“Okay!” Mark shouted back.
He turned to Kerry, “Talk to you later.”
Mark and Christian ran off to join Megan at the bus.
“Where’s Ste and Jackie?” Howie asked.
“Right here,” a drenched Jackie said.
“What happened to you?” Megan laughed.
“We went sk-” Ste started.
“We went in the pool,” Jackie said.
“We can tell,” Christian said.
“Where’d you go?” Megan asked Mark as they entered the bus.
Mark turned to her.
“What?” he asked.
“You went to get a drink, but you never came back.”
“Oh, yeah. Sorry. I ran into some old friends I haven’t talked to for a
“I was looking for you...”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to do that.”
Mark took her in a hug.
“Oh, don’t worry about it, I danced with Christian, I was just
wondering what
happened,” Megan laughed.
She covered her hurt with laughter. She didn’t want to let Mark know it
ruined her night. She thought they might have been going somewhere.
“I’m going to bed. Night,” Mark said kissing her cheek.
“Night,” Megan replied.
Mark disappeared through the curtains to the bunks. Megan sat on the
and opened the blinds. She sadly watched the houses go by as Danny
drove her
and Jackie home.