“Calm down you’ll be okay. Just relax you’ll get the job” I was trying as best as I could to relax myself. Here I was, Stacy Dillon, trying out for a place as one of the BSB’s dancers. One of the girls had left so this was a last minute audition.
“Stacy Dillon” The casting agent called out. I swallowed the lump in my throat and went in.
“Hi I’m Fatima. You must be Stacy.” She stuck her hand out and I shook it.
“Yeah that’s me.”
“Okay well let’s get started. Just put your CD in and we’ll start” I put the CD in and she leaned back in a chair to watch me. The music for ‘I’ve Got My Eyes On You’ started and I began dancing. Before I knew it the song was over. She just stared. I knew I didn’t get the job. “That was great. We leave on Friday at 8 am.”
“I got the job?” I stuttered.
“Yeah she you later Stacy” I gathered up my stuff and ran home to tell my mom.
“Mom! Mom! I got the job!” I yelled as I ran into the house. We ran to each other and hugged.
“That’s so great!!! That means you leave on Friday”
“I know. I gotta go pack and...”
“You just go pack I’ll do everything else” I squealed and ran up to my room. I was gonna meet my beloved BSB. My AJ. I wonder if he had a girlfriend. But there was no time for that. I had to pack. I was never gonna get to sleep tonight. Defiantly not.
“Wake up Stace, you gotta go in a few hours.” I groaned and sat up in bed.
“Do I gotta get up THIS early?”
“Yes. Now come on I fixed some breakfast for you. We have to be at the airport in an hour so hurry up!” I got in and out of the shower in record time. I couldn’t even believe that. “You better be able to eat baby”
“I hope I can mom. I’m gonna miss you.”
“I’m gonna miss you too sweety but we always have cell phones and email....”
“I’m scared”
“Relax sweety. You ready? It’s time to go” I nodded and stood up from the table. I grabbed my bags and headed to the door. “Bye bye house, hello new life”
“Okay people we got have a head count so everybody line up here” Nina called among the chatter. One by one she called out each of us. “You guys this is our new dancer who replaced Kristin. This is Stacy you guys.” A chorus of heys and his met my ears.
“Hi everyone”
“We are all in first class along with the boys. If they ever get here..”
“We’re here Nina don’t have a cow” There he was. The man of my dreams. He looked so good. He had on a pair of black jeans and a white shirt. But damn it showed off everything.
“Okay head um up and move um out” We each grabbed our bags and headed to the plane. The bodyguards let each of us through.
“um excuse me you can’t go in there” One of the bodyguards had stopped me.
“But I’m one of the dancers”
“Yeah sure”
“Let her Q” I voice spoke up. “She’s is a dancer” I looked up. There he was again. I smiled at him and he smiled back.
“Sorry ma’am. Just doing my job”
“No prob. Thanks AJ”
“a fan too right?” I blushed.
“Don’t be embarrassed it’s okay. But since you know my name what’s yours?”
“It’s very pretty”
“Well I’ll see ya later”
“Bye” I plopped down in my seat and leaned out the window. I had really done it. I made my dream come true.