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For the time being, the Blane website will be down for a bit until the band is able to make judgement on its future. In the last few months, Blane has remained very low key as they have been busy adjusting their sound. Blane's future currently remains in limbo as the members are all busy with other concerns at the moment.

In the last few months, Blane aquired Matt (current member Buffalo's local punk sensation, One Last Chance) as the new drummer. Ray, Tim, and Matt are still currently practicing together and writing new music in the free time. The three will eventually expand on their new music that may or may not be labeled as Blane. More information on that project will be available hopefully within the next few upcoming months. As for members:

- Ray is currently attending ECC and working on an internship this summer.
Matt is still playing out and around Buffalo for his other band,
One Last Chance.
Tim has recently taken up the drums and is now a member of an upcoming Buffalo project (featuring many members of other well known past local bands) known as
The Lufthansa Heist.

Hopefully, all three will be able to come together for shows by the end of summer. Keep checking back on this website for more information.



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