Altered States
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+Chapter Seventeen+

Trying to Blend In

Brian’s eyes darted back and forth, nervously. It had been months since he had been in any type of crowd situation and at least a year since he disappeared from the face of the earth after his illness was leaked out somewhat to the media. Although the public knew he was sick, the nature of his illness was never disclosed.

His heart quickly sank as two young women approached him as he tried to make his way back to the table and to “safety.”

“Ahem, excuse me, but aren’t you Brian from Backstreet?”

Brian looked at the petite blonde, warily. She oddly reminded her of someone familiar to him, but he was unable to place her. “Yes I am.”

She smiled coyly at him. “I kinda thought so. My name’s Steph, and this is my friend Shelly.”

“Hi ladies,” Brian replied with a forced smile.

“Would you mind coming with us over to our table, my other two friends are huge BSB fans and they would never forgive me if I didn’t have you come and meet them,” Stephanie asked, twirling a strand of her blond hair around a finger, nervously.

Brian looked past her shoulder, trying to see if he could see his table. “Oh, I dunno, my friends would be looking for me--”

“Oh come on, you’d only be gone two seconds, five at the most,” Shelly pleaded.

Deciding that only a few minutes wouldn’t hurt, Brian followed the girls over to their table in the club. After several minutes of exhanging pleasantries, Brian decided it was time to head back to his table.

“It was nice talking to you, ladies, but I think my company might be worried that I’ve been gone this long.”

“Thanks for meeting us, you have no idea how much that means to us,” the girls chirped happily.

Brian walked away and started walking towards where he thought the table was only to find that table filled with people he didn’t recognize. He scanned the bar for something that looked familiar to him to get his bearings but couldn’t find anything.

“Okay, I’ll just retrace my steps back from the bathroom,” Brian said to himself, quietly. After a few minutes he found the bathroom, but that only by following other people. He debated about standing by the doors, thinking that maybe he would be found by his party when he got the sickening realization that he couldn’t remember who he came to the club with.

The Exit sign caught his attention and he decided that maybe if he went outside, he would remember what vehicle he came to this place in.


I kept softly drumming my fingers on the table, eyes scanning the bar for any sign of Brian. AJ on the other hand was enjoying his conversation with the girl in the tight shorts.

“Nick! Dude! You’re annoying us, knock it off with the drumming!” AJ glared.

“AJ, something’s wrong, he’s been gone for over twenty minutes, he was no where to be seen in the bathroom and I’ve circled this damn club twice now!”

“Nicky, Nicky, I’m sure he’s fine, god you worry too damn much,” AJ replied as he tossed back his drink, the third one since they’ve been there.

“Okay, do you want to explain to Greenville how we lost Brian when he comes up missing in the morning?”

“Screw Greenville, judas Nick, loosen up, he’s probably found a girl and he’s getting to know which I think is a good, theraputic thing for him to do, you should try it sometime, or aren’t girls your thing?”

I tossed AJ the dirtiest look possible and reached into my wallet and threw a ten down on the table for a tip. “I want the keys dumbass.”

AJ looked up at me over the top of his shades. “No way!”

“Listen McLean, we can’t keep dicking around. Brian’s lost and you don’t seem to be too damned concerned at the moment. I am and I’m sorry, but I care, don’t you think you should make an effort? I’m sure if the shoes were switched, Brian would be tearing up the ends of the earth looking for your sorry ass.”

He looked over at his new love interest and softly chuckled. “The boy shows he does have a spine.”

I had enough. I reached in and grabbed him by the silk shirt he was wearing and literally threw him out from the booth. “Listen,” I started saying through gritted teeth, “he’s your brother too, we have to find him.”

AJ pushed himself away from me and straightened his shirt. “Listen baby, I have to go, Nick here seems to be a little testy tonight. I got your number, I’ll call,” he told the young girl and planted a kiss on her cheek to seal his comments as he left.

“Don’t sit by the phone,” I remarked as I followed AJ past her towards the doors.

