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Top Ten BSB Queries We Have

Top 10 BSB Queries We Have

(in no particular order)

  1. What's with Kevin's really long/feminine/ugly hair?

  2. The Call: AJ says, "I said hi, I got a little place nearby, wanna go?" Then he says, "I should've said no" Say no to what? He was the one asking her out! Also, what does Howie do to get in trouble? It was always the girl; Howie was just getting a cup of tea.

  3. Just To Be Close To You: Flowers and trees aren't always physically close, but they are related. So does that mean that they want the girl to be as close as a cousin? We know they're southern, but gosh!

  4. Do they remember the words to the songs they never sang in concert?

  5. If the guys have KBNHA, then why did Brian start Brileigh? Which by the way, features the soundtrack to Olive Juice. Do we detect a bit of Yoko Ono here?

  6. AJ's weird sideburn things

  7. Why does everyone's hair but Brian's suck lately?

  8. In their first home video, Nick was asked if he had any tatoos and if he thought getting one would improve his sex life. So maybe that's why Nick and AJ keep on getting more tatoos...

  9. Has something happened between Nick and Brian? They never hang out anymore, Nick's always with AJ. And he doesn't seem to be having the best influence on our Nicky either...(getting arrested, wearing those stupid sunglasses lately) Brian: please go back to Nick!

  10. If they ever check out BSB fansites. If so, "Hi!", and could you answer our questions, please?

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