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Ten Things About Nick's Arrest That Makes Us Laugh

Ten Things About Nick's Arrest That Make Us Laugh

*We had a lot of difficulty making up funny things about this because it is just so f#@king hilarious all on its own.*

  1. They gave him to the count of 3 to leave...maybe he thought he had more time. 1,4,8,5,2,...

  2. He blames his Backstreet Boys status for the arrest. Because I am so sure that all the cops are sitting around plotting how to get all these damned boybands off the streets.

  3. When he said, "I've never been arrested before, I don't know what to do" See that's why you're not supposed to do anything without Kevin

  4. If he had to go to prison, how long would it take for him to become someone's bi#@h hmmm...1,2 minutes...

  5. We wonder if he got mugshots and fingerprinted, if so, would somebody please put them on the net. cuz that would be sooo hot

  6. To see Nick drunk ... LMMFAO

  7. Will he have to go to rehab too?

  8. Maybe the girl he was arguing with mistook him for Justin Timberlake.

  9. Maybe she knew who he was, but didn't think he was the cutest Backstreet Boy.

  10. 4 words: "It's okay to cry!"

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