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10 Things That Annoy Us About The Backstreet Boys

10 Things That Annoy Us About The Backstreet Boys

(in no particular order)

  1. They didn't release more songs off Black and Blue Can we say Answer To Our Life? It was their best song off the album

  2. The videos no longer have a plot line

  3. Kevin's long hair. He was so hot with the short hair! We blame the wife

  4. Does Nick have a girlfriend or not? We're not jealous fans, we just want to know. He's just so mysterious about it.

  5. How Kevin always corrects and interrupts Nick

  6. They hardly ever update their website

  7. They end so many of their songs the same way (Listen to Shape of My Heart, I Want It That Way, Drowning, the list goes on...)

  8. It's always so hard to find their home videos

  9. They deprive Howie of solos so much that he always seems so excited when he does get to sing

  10. They take up so much of our thought time How are we supposed to pay attention during lectures?

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