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Nothing Is Chance - Chapter Two

Chapter Two

Nothing Is Chance

Chapter Two

I started to say something, but he lifted his finger to his lips. I guess my eyes had a questioning look because he smiled and nodded to me confirming that he was, indeed, Brian. I just stood there in a mild state of shock and stared at him. Then I heard the tinkle of the bell above the door followed by two girls’ voices.

“Like, I so cannot believe that he did that to you. I mean that is so wrong!” One of the girls said indignantly.

“I know! He told me it was his cousin. Yeah right, does he really expect me to believe him? I’m not stupid.” The other girl retorted.

Brian and I broke our gaze and turned towards the two girls. He started to lift his paper to cover his face, but it was too late. The damage had already been done.

The first girl that had been talking stopped dead in her tracks and squealed, “Ohmygosh! It’s...It’s...”

Her friend was staring too. “Oh wow! Do you really think...?” her voice trailed off.

Brian’s cover was about to be blown. Without even knowing what I was going to say I blurted out “Oh, hey, Jack?! Is that really you? I haven’t seen you in forever!”

Brian looked at me, obviously surprised. “Uhhh...”

‘Oh man, if this doesn’t work I’m going to feel like the biggest fool!’ I thought to myself. “It’s me, Ellie, from Sunday school. Back in California.” I bit my lip, knowing I sounded pretty dumb.

But then he caught on. “Yeah. Hey, it’s great to see you, uh... Ellie. How’ve ya been?” he grinned at me. I walked over to him and he reached out and pulled out a stool next to him. The two girls looked obviously disappointed.

“I knew it couldn’t have been him. Why would a Backstreet Boy be here?” the second girl muttered.

Brian, on the other hand, looked relieved. “Thanks.” he whispered, still smiling. Then his face grew serious. “I’m usually not like that with fans, but I really am not up to dealing with all that right now.”

“Are you alright? Do you want to talk about it?” As soon as the words left my lips I felt dumb. This guy didn’t know me from a load of hay and here I am expecting him to tell me his problems. I felt like I knew him from listening to him sing and reading articles about him and the rest of the group. To Brian, though, I was just some random girl that helped him out of a sticky situation.

So I wasn’t surprised when he politely said, “No, I’m fine, really.”

“Well, I guess I’ll leave you be then.” I said reluctantly. I kind of wanted to talk to him more.

“It’s okay, you don’t have to leave. Besides if we really are long lost friends then it would look kind of funny for you to just up and leave.” He explained.

I couldn’t help, but giggle.

“What are you laughing at?” He pretended to look hurt.

“You’re southern twang. ‘Up and leave’?!” I teased.

He blushed lightly which made him look even cuter. “I guess that is the Kentucky in me emerging.”

“Well I think it is cute. So you really don’t mind me staying? I don’t want to intrude on you.”

He shook his head. “I really don’t mind.” he repeated. Then he shut his eyes and his face contorted in pain.

Chapter Three
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