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[Hey guys. I am so bushed, I can barely keep my eyes open. But y’all have been so great with the reviews, I just had to post the next chapter. I think I’m anxious to start posting the new ones. Chapters 27-29. I’m kinda proud of them and I can’t wait to get them up for you guys. Anyway, here is 22. Enjoy and Happy Labor Day!]


Nothing Is Chance

Chapter Twenty-Two

Brian watched me for a reaction and I glanced at Kevin and Nick. If I said that I was backhanded by a psychopath reporter and then I fell down a flight of stairs, he was going to get all worried. Well, the stairs at least didn’t sound as bad as the psycho.

“Uh, she had a run-in with some stairs.” Nick said carefully, reading my mind.

“But, I’m okay.” I added quickly. “I have a hard head.”

“How are you doing?” Kevin asked, getting the subject off of me. I flashed him a grateful smile.

“Tired.” He whispered.

“Wuss. You’ve been sleeping all day!” Nick joked with him.

Brian smiled. “You look like crap.”

Nick laughed. “I’m sure of it. It’s Ellie here. I don’t know how you put up with her all day. She is wearing me out.”

“Hey! I could say the same about you too.” I retorted, trying to keep a straight face.

Brian nodded at me, his eyes shining. “I’m with you.”

Nick rolled his eyes. “I feel so loved.”

“You aren’t, don’t worry.” Kevin cracked, joining in on the banter.

I kept the smile on my face, but a part of me was tearing up over this. In hardly any time at all, Brian had gone through heart failure, found out he was having surgery with no warning at all, woke up without a voice, and then learned there was a good chance he may never get it back. Not to mention, he was going through all this without his fiancee with him. She didn’t even know what was going on yet. His voice was a pitiful whisper, barely audible and he had to be in considerable pain, yet he laid there, not losing his smile. To be strong for us. It was almost too much and I had to take a deep breath in order not to let my emotions go out of check.

Nick tossed me a curious look and I shook my head slightly. They talked for a little bit longer, but Brian grew tired again and he drifted back to sleep. We sat in silence after that for a good twenty minutes. My eyes were getting droopy and I rested my chin on my knees that were drawn up. Just as they started to fall shut, Nick gave me a gentle shove.

“What gives?” I cast him an annoyed look.

“You can’t sleep yet. You have a concussion.” He stated, ignoring my dirty look.

I groaned. “How much longer before I can?”

“I don’t know, but you need to stay awake for awhile longer. Besides your eyes look sorta glazed.” Nick reasoned.

“How long before they get him walking?” I asked, getting the subject off me again. I didn’t have a lot of room to complain since I was the clod that fell down the stairs.

“They were going to try to tonight, but after everything that he’s been going through, they are going to do it tomorrow morning before the speech therapy.” Kevin explained.

“What exactly are they going to do?” I asked.

“Not sure. They’ll explain it all in the morning.”
As I gazed at Brian, my heart ached for him. I felt so helpless, unable to take any of this burden from him. I couldn’t imagine what it must be like to be faced with the reality of losing your voice. Especially knowing that as hard as he could try to get it back, it might be out of his hands. A hopeless feeling started to creep over me so I did the only thing that I could.
“Whatcha thinking about?” Nick whispered quietly.
I snapped out of my thoughts. “Oh, nothing, just kinda praying.”
Nick gave me a lopsided grin. “Kinda?”
“I don’t know what else to do.“ I whispered.
“Hey you two,” Kevin broke in, “it’s my turn to play sentry guard tonight, so why don’t you go and get some rest, okay?”
I rolled my eyes at Kevin. “I really doubt I’ll get any rest tonight with Nick nudging me to wake up every twenty seconds. Why don’t you rest and we stay awake.”
After a few minutes of quiet arguments, Kevin finally gave in and left us in charge of Brian. I quickly called for the lounge chair and Nick responded with a playful glare. “Remember, you can’t go to sleep on me just yet!”
“I know, I know,” I replied as I attempted to get comfortable in the chair, curling my legs underneath me.
Neither one of us said anything for the longest time, both deep in our own private thoughts. My head started bobbing as I kept drifting off to sleep. By what seemed to have been the fourth or the fifth time, I quickly stole a look over towards Nick and found that he was sprawled out in his chair, head tilted back, mouth open, sound asleep. So much for the concussion watch. Despite it all, I found myself smiling. If only I had a camera. My gaze shifted to Brian and was startled to see his blue eyes focused on me.
“Hey,” I said with a hoarse voice.
Brian didn’t reply but smiled slightly at me, raising his eyebrows.
“I thought you were asleep.” I reprimanded gently.
“I can’t sleep anymore,” Brian whispered.
“I don’t blame you. I can stay awake, keep you company , ya know?” I offered, wondering if he had noticed how bad I was fighting to keep my eyes open.
Again, Brian smiled. “You can sleep Ellie, I’ll be fine.”
“No,” I said as I shook my head. I watched as he struggled to keep the smile on his face before he gave up entirely. I didn’t miss the look of utter despair that flickered in his eyes. “Bri?”
He merely shook his head, tears beginning to well up.
“Honey, what is it? Talk to me.”
“It‘s just so much,” Brian whispered, his voice faltering.

“You’re worried about tomorrow, aren’t you?”
Brian shrugged, then nodded. “What if it doesn’t come back?”
I didn’t really know what to say to that. I was afraid of that very same thing. That he would go through the therapy and do what he could, but there would be nothing that could be done.

“I just can’t accept that that I might never sing again. I’m scared Ellie.” His voice, that strained whisper, broke before he could get it all out and the tears started to slip down his cheeks.

I knew there was nothing I could say to him that would bring him any comfort. And I really didn’t trust my own voice at the moment. My own filled with hot tears and I didn’t even bother to fight them. Wordlessly, I got up from my chair and went over to his bed. Very carefully, as to not hurt him, I wrapped my arms around him and held him tight as he cried.

“It’s okay, honey, let it all out,” I softly whispered, my own tears falling.