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Nothing Is Chance - Chapter Twenty-Seven

Nothing Is Chance

Chapter Twenty-Seven

“Idiot.” Nick mumbled to himself as he stalked down the hallway toward Brian’s room. But even as the word slipped from his mouth, he only half-meant it. AJ was an idiot for running out on Brian like he did, but then again he had a point.

Why Brian?

Nick’s mind wandered back to a couple years ago. They were on tour, the last leg of it. Nick, Howie and AJ had gone to a club and Nick had gotten a little carried away and had caused a bit of a scene. When it had gotten back to management, they had really let him have it. It was Brian who had calmed the young blond down and reassured him that he wasn’t an “inconsiderate and self-centered brat” as he had been called. Nick hadn’t wanted to admit it, but the accusations had really gotten to him and made him feel pretty low about himself.

In fact, Brian had been the only one who had always, always been there for him. Through all of the family, weight, girlfriend and esteem issues that brought Nick down, Brian had been the only one who could truly reach the youngest member of the group. Brian was always there to listen, support and encourage his best friend.

So why did he have to be the one to suffer this burden now? Nick’s furious stomping had slowed to a slow trudge. His thoughts shifted to Ellie. After they hadn’t found her on the stairwell, Kevin asked one of the bodyguards to check out the cafeteria and anywhere else that she might have wandered off to. Meanwhile, Nick had called Howie’s cell to have him and AJ swing by Ellie’s apartment, just in case. AJ had already left to return to hospital, with Howie planning to leave a little later. When Nick explained the situation, an alarmed Howie left the hotel right away to go check the apartment. He was supposed to call Nick’s cell if he found anything. So far there was no call.

What the hell was he going to tell Brian? Part of him wanted to be angry with Ellie for leaving, but he could barely bring himself to. He was too worried for her and Brian as well.

“Hey Bri, um, are you ok?” He called out hesitantly. The lights were dim so Nick didn’t notice that Brian was asleep. He sighed and sank down into the recliner by Brian’s bed. With a heavy heart, his eyes fell on the dried tear-stains that trailed down Brian’s cheeks. “Oh Brian.” He murmured softly.

“AJ don’t do this to yourself. Besides, we have a potential problem on our hands.”

AJ looked up at the tone in Kevin’s voice. “What do you mean, ‘potential problem’?”

“Ellie’s gone.” Kevin stated flatly.

“Gone?” AJ echoed. “What does that mean?”

“I don’t really know what happened, but Nick said something about her not thinking that Brian wanted her in with him. She went and got Nick, evidently pretty upset, then disappeared. Rob searched the hospital and couldn’t find her and Howie is supposed to be checking out her apartment.”

“That doesn’t sound good.” AJ observed.

“No and we don’t really need this on top of Brian, either.” Kevin commented.

“Ya know, she didn’t ask for any of this either.” AJ snapped.

“That’s not how I meant it, AJ.” Kevin said quietly. “I only meant that everyone is under a lot of stress right now and her up and disappearing like that probably isn’t the best idea. For anyone’s sakes. Not to mention, that freak reporter is out there somewhere. He apparently cornered Nick and Ellie again.”

AJ’s eyes widened. “What the fuck did he do this time?!”

“Nick didn’t say, but he was pretty worked up about Ellie being gone.” Kevin replied.

“Let’s pray Howie finds her quick then.” AJ said softly.

“Stupid, stupid, stupid!” I cursed myself as I stopped to lean against a telephone pole. The tears were still streaming down my face and I tried in vain to stop them. “So many words for a broken heart...” that voice haunted me and I felt like my heart was broken. Brian was going through so much and I had just run out on him. On all of them. Worse yet, as much as I wanted to be with them, I didn’t really belong. Nick’s assurance that they did need me there rang in my head, but I couldn’t bring myself to believe that. Why should they need me, I wasn’t anyone important. Just a girl that got caught up in everything and they were all too nice to tell me that I wasn’t a part it.

My phone rang and I jumped at the noise. I fished it out of my pocket and looked at the caller ID. My heart skipped a beat, immediately assuming it was one of the guys and something had gone wrong with Brian. In a split second I was consumed with guilt and grief. The screen showed it was a blocked number and I could feel my hands shaking as I put it to my ear.

“Brian? Is he-”

“Why Ellie, it’s so good to hear your voice.” A low voice drawled.

My heart skipped again and my voice caught. “Leon.”

“Ah, you remembered. I’m flattered.”

“How did you get this number?“ I demanded.

“Don’t you worry yourself about the unimportant things.” He said, nastily. “Seems to me you left the hospital. And I believe you and Carter owe me an exclusive interview. I’m a little surprised Ellie. I thought you were so hell-bent on protecting Brian. Remember, I said that if things don’t go my way, I might have to pay him a little visit. Poor helpless, vulnerable Brian. This is going to be so easy.”


“NOOOO!!!” I screamed into the phone. Several people looked at me in surprise, but I ignored them. My hands trembled as I tried to work the buttons on my phone. But then I realized that I didn’t know any of the guys’ phone numbers. “Shit!” I yelled, beginning to panic. I took a deep breath and tried to make myself think clearly. Realizing I had few other options, I turned on my heel and started running back towards that convenience store. When I charged through the door, the young clerk looked up at me. When it registered that I was the same one that had run out of here before, he gave me a weird look.

“Uh, are you alright?” He asked, staring at me like I was a lunatic.

“No!” I said breathlessly. “Do you have a phone book?”

Wordlessly, he shoved a worn phone book across the counter to me. I hastily opened it and flipped to the white pages, looking for the phone number to the hospital. My hands were still shaking as I dialed.

The poor woman didn’t even get the greeting out before I cut her off. “I need to have Kevin Richardson paged. He’s on the fifth floor, in a private waiting room. This is an emergency.”

“I’m sorry ma’am, but I can’t do that.” She replied curtly.

“It’s an emergency!” I exclaimed, my voice rising.

“Ma’am, you are the dozenth fan that has called and said the same thing. Please-”

“I’m not a fan! I’m the one that was with them!” I blurted, frustrated.


“Dammit!!” I yelled, slamming my fist on the counter.

“Hey! You’re the girl that was with that Backstreet Boy huh?” The guy behind the counter announced suddenly.

I glared at him. “Gee, how did ya guess?” I snapped sarcastically.

He ignored that. “So, what are you doing out here then?”

My eyes filled with tears again. “I don’t know.” I whispered miserably. “But I need to be there, it’s-”

“I know, an emergency.” He finished for me. “Is he gonna die or something?”

“I don’t know! He’s in trouble, if I don’t get there, he might!” I exploded desperately.

“How do you mean?”

“Someone’s after us.” I said hatefully.

The boy’s eyes glittered. “Oh? I could take ya up there.”

I stared up at him. “Really?”

“Yeah, Les can cover for me.”

“Les?” I looked around the store.

“Yeah, my friend. He’s hanging out in the back room. No one would ever know.” He whispered slyly.

“You’d do that for me?” I whispered, hopefully.

“Sure. I mean, I don’t like their music or anything, but I don’t want the guy to die.” He gave me a wry grin. “Be right back.”

He disappeared and I heard him talking to his friend in the back. A moment later he reappeared. “Let’s go.”

Darren drove like an absolute maniac, swerving around cars and driving way over the speed limit. He chattered excitedly the whole way, but I barely heard him. I directed him to the rear entrance and he pulled up by the doors. Before jumping out, I turned around to thank him.

“Hey, it’s better than being at work.” He shrugged. “Anyway, maybe I’ll be famous someday for helping save a Backstreet Boy.”

“Ya never know. Thank you Darren. I’ll pay you back somehow.” I swore.

He shrugged again and grinned before speeding away. I shook my head as I hurried through the door. But when I got to the elevators, several security guards guarding them.

“Excuse me miss, but you need to be cleared before you can go up.” One of them informed me.

“Look, I’m not a fan. My name is Ellie. I was-”

“Nice try honey, but you aren‘t the first ‘Ellie’ to try to get through here.” Another one retorted, sounding bored.

“It’s true! Call them! Get one of them down here then!” I cried desperately.

“I don’t think they would appreciate one of their fans using this unfortunate happening to meet them.” The first guard said, a disapproving tone in his voice.

My mouth dropped open. “Please! You’ve got to believe me! Brian might be in danger!”

One of the guards exchanged glances with first guy and nodded. He took a step closer to me. “Miss, I’m going to escort you out now.”

I backed away, horrified. Before I could protest again, the overhead speaker sounded. “Code Blue. Dr. Johanson stat to ICU!”

I froze. “Oh god. Brian!” I cried out.