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Nothing Is Chance - Chapter Thirty

Nothing Is Chance

Chapter Thirty

I don’t know why I kept glancing at that clock on the wall. It wasn’t like I was waiting for something to happen or that I had somewhere I needed to be. For once, everything was calm, peaceful even. Even though it was nearly eleven o’clock, I wasn’t really tired. That fact was even more shocking considering the day we’d all had. It was only hours ago that I had fled from the hospital, taking that cab as far as I had the money to go. It felt like days. Then, the scare in the ICU. Even that felt like days ago. As fresh as it all was in my head, it still seemed so far away.

Howie and I stayed down in the coffee shop for the better part of two hours, talking and watching hospital staff breeze in and out. He has a way about him that put you at ease. He was just so...natural. Talking to him made me feel a lot better about everything. He’d told me that him and the other guys felt that it was in Brian’s better interest that he didn’t know about me leaving. I agreed. When we returned, Nick was gone. Evidently the ICU had let him stay in with Brian because Kevin had informed us that he’d been in there for the rest of the evening. Howie left with AJ after that to get a little bit of a breather. Harold and Jackie came up for a little bit and obviously spent most of their time in with Brian. They had to fly back out to Lexington on a red eye to get back to work, but they were going to try to get back as soon as they could.

With Kevin still absorbed in that same book, I was left alone in my own thoughts. Unfortunately they kept returning to that phone call from Leon. I told Kevin about it after AJ and Howie had left. Not surprisingly, he was pretty angry. He assured me that in the morning he would make some phone calls to tighten security, just in case. That should have put my mind at ease, but I still had a nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach.

About half past eleven, Howie let himself in the room. “AJ is down with Brian and I’m going to take Nick back to the hotel for a bit. You guys want us to bring anything back?”

Kevin looked up from his book. “Ah, maybe a change of clothes?”

I shook my head. Kevin was the only one of us who hadn’t left the hospital at all yet. He’d showered here, ate here, slept here and everything else. Everyone had tried to convince him to take a few hours off, but he insisted that he couldn’t leave. I was moved. Seems that the whole “protective big brother” thing was for real. It’s hard to know what is real about the guys and what is media fabricated. I was glad to know that their dedication to each other was genuine.

“Kev, why don’t you come with us? You need some good sleep.” Howie suggested gently.

Kevin shook his head vehemently. “I won’t sleep good not being here. Where’s Nick?”

Howie shifted his eyes. “Um, out in the hall.” He glanced at me, his eyes apologetic.

Kevin sighed loudly.

I forced a smile. “It’s okay. He has every right to be upset, or mad, or whatever.”

“No he doesn’t.” Kevin said flatly. “You-”

“He probably just needs to get some good rest. Don’t worry El.” Howie interrupted, shooting a look to Kevin. He flashed me a reassuring smile. With that, he shut the door behind him and I heard soft talking fade away on the other side of the door.

“Ellie-” Kevin started.

“I’m going to go see Brian, okay?” I said meekly. I didn’t want to hear whatever Kevin was going to say. I knew whatever it was would make me cry and I’d cried enough today.

Kevin hesitated, but finally nodded, his eyes sympathetic.

I left quickly, not giving him the chance to change his mind. I risked a glance over my shoulder, but Howie and Nick had already gone around the corner where the elevators were. I let out a sigh of relief and headed towards the ICU. The dim lights immediately soothed me. Hospitals weren’t exactly the most relaxing places to be, but I never minded them at night when everything was so calm and quiet. Instinctively I wanted to roam the hospital like I used to, but considering the situation I had fallen into, this certainly wasn’t the best time for that.

ICU buzzed me in almost immediately and I grinned when I saw Shari sitting at the desk. Out of all of the nurses he’d had, she was my favorite. I hoped she was his nurse tonight and more than likely she was. The ICU tended to be pretty consistent about giving their patients the same nurses whenever possible.

Shari returned my smile. “How’re you doing, honey?”

“I’m doing okay,” I replied, my voice hushed. “You?”

“Slow night. We like those around here.” Her eyes twinkled and I couldn’t help but smile again. She was certainly right about that.

“Would it be okay if I...” I started, nodding towards Brian’s room. Even though the hospital had been very relaxed about the visitor policy in ICU, I didn’t want to overstep my bounds.

“Sure honey, go right on ahead,” Shari replied. “AJ’s in with him too, I believe.”

I nodded and murmured a soft thanks. I didn’t bother knocking because I figured Brian would be asleep and I didn’t want to wake him up. But when I slipped in the door, I was pleasantly surprised to see him awake. Playing chess with AJ no less. He had the back of his bed angled so he was sitting up and several pillows were helping to support him. AJ was sitting on the end of the bed, the tray table positioned between them.

Brian looked up when I walked in. “Ellie!

I hesitated, not knowing how he was going to react. I needn’t have worried. Slowly he lifted his arms up for me to hug him. With a lump in my throat, I walked over to the side of the bed. Very carefully, as to not hurt him, I leaned down and wrapped my arms around him.

I’m sorry, El,” he whispered.

“No, you have nothing to be sorry about.” I argued.

I didn‘t want to burden you-

I pulled back and took his hands in mine. “Brian, listen to me. You aren’t a burden. Please don’t ever think that okay? Meeting you was one of the most incredible things that has ever happened in my life. I just want to be here for you the best I can, however you’ll let me. But please don’t ever think you are a burden. On me or anyone else.“ I said emphatically.

Brian smiled and squeezed my hands. ‘Thank you,’ he mouthed silently.

“See man, I told ya.” AJ put in, smiling at me. “Now you can quit worrying about it.”

Brian rolled his eyes and gestured to the chess board.

AJ groaned. “I was hoping it wasn’t my turn.”

I giggled. “AJ, you aren’t doing so good.” I observed.

It was AJ’s turn to roll his eyes, but he scooted over and patted the bed next to him. I climbed up and studied the game. “I didn’t know you guys played chess.”

Well, I do...” Brian whispered, grinning mischievously.

“I have an image to maintain.” AJ informed me as he shot Brian a dirty look.

“Oh, really? Well I’m running straight to the enquiror with this one then.” I smirked.

AJ stared at me in horror. “Guess what? You aren’t funny.”

Brian snickered.

I laughed too. “Brian thinks I’m funny. By the way, if you move your knight there...” I pointed to the knight that was in danger of being captured.

“I would’ve seen that.” AJ announced, moving the piece triumphantly.

Brian’s smile turned into a frown as he was forced to rethink his strategy. “Thanks a lot, El.” He retorted sourly.

The game continued on with Brian beating AJ by a hair. I’d done the best I could to help AJ out of the hole he’d dug himself, but the damage was too extensive. Brian had a few tricks up his sleeve that had come through for him and he certainly wasn’t shy about his smugness in beating AJ. AJ was surprisingly a good sport about losing, something that I never would have guessed. We attempted to play a rematch, but halfway through it, Brian started to get real sleepy.

I’m sorry guys...” he whispered, after his head bobbed a third time.

AJ shrugged. “Like I wanted to lose again anyway,” he retorted good-naturedly.

“Yeah, we’ll take ya tomorrow, huh AJ?” I added.

AJ nodded in agreement and Brian smiled at us in relief. AJ helped Brian settle into his bed a little more comfortably while I put away the chess board and dimmed the lights. “You want us to stay awhile, buddy?” AJ asked softly.

Brian looked for a minute like he might protest, but gave in. “Thanks,” he whispered gratefully.

I leaned down and gave him a shy kiss on the cheek. “We’re glad to do it.” I said softly.

He smiled at me in return, before letting his eyes fall shut. AJ plopped down in one of the recliner chairs and I settled down in the other one. I was lost in thought till I had that creepy feeling of being stared at. Sure enough, AJ was gazing at me.

“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” I said softly, trying to keep a serious expression on my face.

AJ laughed. “Sorry, I was just trying to see how you’re holding up. So, how are you holding up?”

“Honestly? I’m doing better. Seeing Brian in better spirits definitely helped. I just wish that Nick wasn’t so upset with me...” I trailed off.

“Nick’s Nick. Don’t worry about him.” AJ assured me, rolling his eyes.

I didn’t respond, my mind drifting. Drifting to Jack, mostly. He was usually pretty good about keeping up with the news. I wondered if he had tried to call my cell phone. It had managed to die later this evening. They tend to do that when you go without charging them for a few days. Since I hadn’t been to the apartment since I was there with Nick, I had no idea if he’d tried to call me there. I missed him. Even being over a thousand miles away, he brought me comfort. Jack was my anchor in the storm.

“Ellie, can I ask you something?” AJ asked suddenly, startling me out of my thoughts.

“Sure.” I said slowly.

“It’s about something you said earlier. When w-” AJ stopped mid-sentence when the door to Brian’s room opened.

I looked up, expecting to see Shari. I gasped when Leon’s face came into view. He shut the door behind him and roughly jerked the curtain so no one could see into any part of the room.

“Sonofabitch.” AJ hissed, jumping to his feet and crossing the small distance to plant himself between Leon and Brian’s bed.

“Nice to see you too.” Leon sneered back. “Like my scrubs?”

I felt sick when I realized that there was a good chance that he could have hurt the owner of the scrubs he was now donning. AJ and Leon were only a couple of feet apart, with Leon towering over the smaller man.

“How the hell did you get in here?” AJ demanded.

“That isn’t important. I’ve come for my interview.” Leon stated simply.

“Get out of here before we have a very serious problem.” AJ growled in a low voice. Okay, even though AJ isn’t exactly the biggest person, he wasn’t someone I would want to get into a scuffle with. Evidently, Leon wasn’t impressed because he started laughing as he took a menacing step forward.

“Don’t make me laugh, punk.” He mocked. “And you’re right, if I don’t get what I want, there will be a very serious problem.”

I glanced at Brian, hoping he was still asleep. My heart dropped when I saw his eyes flutter open. He looked around, his expression one of confusion.

I leaned over and grabbed the nurse call button. “Get out or I’ll rip it out of the fucking wall. The nurses will be in here before you even know what happened.” I threatened.

“Oh, I don’t think you will.” Leon snarled back at me.

Wha-” Brian uttered, not fully understanding what was going on. His eyelids were heavy and he was groggy, but desperately fighting it.

AJ whipped around. “Brian, don’t talk! Don’t even say a word!” He ordered quickly.

Brian nodded slowly and closed his mouth. Seeing the fear in his eyes, I put my hand on his shoulder. He gripped it tightly. Either he was shaking or I was, probably both.

“Here’s what you are going to do, AJ,” Leon started. “The plan is for my first interview to include Miss Cage, here, and Nick Carter. Since Carter isn’t in here, you are going to go get him.”

“Like hell.” AJ shot back, darkly.

“I don’t think I need to tell you what I’ve got in my waistband.” Leon warned, patting the bulge under his shirt.

I let out a cry and started to move forward. AJ took a step backwards and gave me a quick look over his shoulder. It clearly told me to stay put. My heart pounding, I froze, gripping Brian’s hand tighter. He looked up at me, his eyes desperate.

“His name is Leon. He’s been harassing us ever since Nick and I went to my apartment after your surgery.” I told him, trying to keep my voice quiet.

“That’s right, and now I am here to collect on what you owe me.” Leon added, before turning his attention back to AJ. “Go get Carter.”

“No.” AJ hissed through gritted teeth.

Leon reached for the gun he had hidden and AJ paled. “Fine. Okay, you win. Just please don’t hurt them.” He pleaded, softly.

“Hurry, boy. And if anything goes wrong, you know what’s going to happen.” Leon threatened, resting his hand on the gun for added emphasis.

AJ turned to us, his eyes pained.

“Go.” I whispered, my voice catching. “We’ll be okay.”

Swallowing hard, AJ turned and ran out of the room. One of the nurses looked at him funny as he forced himself to slow down and act normal. Think AJ! Think! He ordered himself. No way could he get Nick and risk him as well. There was no guarantee that this psycho would cooperate if he got his way. Adding Nick to the danger that was already there was too risky.

AJ’s eyes fell on the fire alarm on the wall. An idea formed in his mind, but it was risky. Almost too risky. But, if he didn’t do something quick, Leon might hurt Brian or Ellie. Taking a deep breath, AJ reached over and pulled the little silver pin out of the fire alarm and pulled down on the handle. Somewhere in the back of his mind, a little voice told him that the media would have a field day with him if they ever found out what he’d done.

Immediately, the shrill alarm started screeching and lights started flashing all the way down the hall.