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[author’s note: Thank you to all of you that have reviewed. I started writing this over two years ago and you long-time readers are well aware of my large gaps between updates. I had even given up on it a few times. Or thought I had, rather. It never really left the back of my mind and I finally realized the other day that I need to keep writing until I finished it. What kept me from giving up on it all was you guys. I didn’t want to let any of you down. So many of you have been so wonderful to encourage me and tell me how much you’ve enjoyed this story. That means the world to me and now that I am writing on it again, I remembered how much I truly love to write. Thank you all.]

Nothing Is Chance

Chapter Nine

We stood in front of the ICU doors waiting for them to respond to our buzz. When the doors opened we filed in and head towards Brian’s room.

“Excuse me! Where do you think you all are going?” Came an annoyed voice.

We stopped in our tracks and looked at the nurses station in surprise. One of the older nurses was glaring at us, hands on her hips. We looked at each other not knowing what to say.

Finally Kevin answered her. “Um, we’re going to see our friend in room 538.” He informed her.

She shook her head. “Uh uh, no you aren’t. Are you not aware that this is the Intensive Care Unit? Only immediate family is allowed in here and two people at a time, max!”
“Well, we practically are his family and they never said we couldn’t all see him at once.” Retorted AJ.

Luckily right then another nurse came to our rescue. “Laura, it is okay. Their friend is my patient. I gave them permission.”
Laura glared at us again. “Well see that you stay out of the way and keep quiet.” She ordered tersely.

AJ was about to snap something, but Howie cut him off. “Yes ma’am.”
The nurse that rescued us smiled at us and waved us on. We quickly walked to Brian’s room and Kevin knocked on the door.

“Come in.”
We all walked in and were relieved at the sight of Brian. He looked much better than before. Although he was still more pale than usual, he had regained a little bit of color. His eyes were red-rimmed, but sparkling again. The oxygen mask that was covering his nose and face was not there and was replaced by a thin cord with two small prongs that went into his nose. He had used a button on the side rail of his bed to help him sit up. Best of all, he was smiling.

Nick immediately ran over and hugged him. I think he hugged him a little too tight cause Brian made a face and said, “easy buddy.” He was still smiling though. Kevin hugged him next, a little gentler than Nick had. The rest of us took our turn giving him hugs before we all went to where we were last time we were in his room.

“Wow! I feel so loved.” Commented Brian with a grin.

“We’re just glad to see you feeling better Rok.” Said Howie.

“Yeah, me too. I’m sorry I kicked you guys out. I just needed a little time to think on my own.” He said softly.

Kevin smiled reassuringly at him. “It’s okay, cuz. It’s perfectly understandable. It’s a lot to take in all at once.”
Brian nodded. “Has anyone called my parents and Leighanne?”
“I tried to call your parents, but they weren’t home. This was right about when they were bringing you up here. I didn’t want to leave that kind of message on their answering machine.” Replied Kevin.

“That was a good idea. I don’t want Mom to freak out. If she heard that on an answering machine she would freak. Dad too.” He added.

“We didn’t call Leighanne because we didn’t know how to get ahold of her.” Said AJ.

“Oh, I don’t remember the name of the hotel, but I programmed the number into my cell phone.” He paused and knitted his eyebrows. “I don’t know where my phone is though.” He said, bothered.

I remembered that I had grabbed it and put it in my jacket pocket. The pockets were so big that I forgot that it was there. “Bri. It was in your car. I brought it in just in case you needed it.”
“Ooh you rock!” He said happily.

I pulled the phone out of my pocket and handed it to him.

“Thanks.” He said taking it. “By the way, why don’t you sit down or something. You are making me nervous standing there. Besides you look tired.”
“Oh that’s okay. There’s no chairs left.” I shrugged. I was exhausted, but I didn’t want him to know that.

Immediately Kevin and Nick jumped up. “Here! Take my chair.” They both said at the same time. We all started laughing.

“No it’s okay. I’m fine.” I told them. They reluctantly sat back down.

“Come sit on the bed then.” Brian insisted. “It’s as hard as a rock, but it is better than standing.” He shifted his feet over underneath the covers to make room for me.

I sighed. “Okay, then. You won’t give up until I sit down will you!” I was still laughing though.

“Nope.” He grinned back. I sat gingerly on the end of the bed. I had to admit it felt good to be sitting down.

Brian looked satisfied and turned his attention to the phone. He punched some buttons and then held it up to his ear. He sat there for a minute as he listened into the phone. Finally he frowned and flipped the cover shut. “No answer.”
“What about her cell?” Nick suggested.

Brian’s eyes lit up. “Oh yeah!” He dialed the number and listened again. After about 30 seconds he frowned again. He hung up and tried again. Again he got the same response. “‘The number you are trying to reach is no longer in service. Please check the number and call again. If you feel that you have reached this recording in error...’” He mimicked. “That is weird. I dialed it twice. Why wouldn’t it be in service?” He looked unhappy.

“I don’t know. You could call the cell phone company and find out what is up.” Suggested AJ.

“Yeah.” Brian murmured. Suddenly he grimaced. “Oww...” He said softly.

“What’s wrong?!” Cried Nick in alarm. The rest of us echoed Nick’s reaction.

He tried to smile at us. “Nothin’ much. I just moved the wrong way.” He didn’t look convinced though.

“Call your nurse.” AJ ordered.

Brian started to object, but he didn’t have to because his nurse walked in at that moment. It was the same one that let all of us into Brian’s room. “Hello Brian. How is everything feeling?” She asked pleasantly.

“No he isn’t.” AJ gave Brian a dirty look. “He just had a chest pain.” He told the nurse. Now it was Brian’s turn to give AJ the dirty look.

“It wasn’t a big deal.” Brian muttered.

“Honey, you need to tell me when that happens, okay?” She looked sternly at Brian.

He nodded, giving AJ another look. He still looked unhappy about the whole phone thing and the nurse picked up on that.

“Is everything okay? You look pretty upset.” She observed.

“I just can’t get ahold of my parents or fiancee.” He said told her.

She patted his hand sympathetically. “Brian, I know this is easier said than done, but you need to try to avoid getting overly upset. It puts too much stress on your heart.”
“I know. I’ll try to keep it cool.” He said.

“By the way,” she said, turning to the rest of us. “My name is Shari.” She turned back to Brian. “I’ll be your nurse until 7 tomorrow morning.”
“Oh, thanks for letting us all come in here. I would imagine that it is against policy for us all to be in here.” Said Howie.

“You’re welcome. You’ll have to enjoy it while it lasts though. The only reason you can all be in here now is because Brian isn’t in any immediate danger. After about 9pm only two of you can be in here at a time and tomorrow after his surgery it will be pretty much the same way. We are a little more lax about the whole family thing in some instances. I know you all are like family to him and I believe it is important for you guys to be here with him. I’m going to go finish some charting.” She explained.

Before leaving she turned back to Brian. “Dr. Johannson will be in at about 8:30 tonight to talk to you about your surgery. If you need anything or experience any more chest pains, call me.”
“She’s pretty nice.” Said Howie.

“Yeah, bud, I think she’s got a soft spot for ya.” Smiled Nick.

Brian shrugged. “I dunno. She’s cool. I’m going to try Leighanne again.” He picked up the phone and dialed the number. He must have gotten the same reaction because his face clouded over. He saw our worried looks and quickly recovered. “No biggie. She’s probably at a shoot or something.” He smiled at us.

“We’ll keep trying her. Don’t worry. We’ll get ahold of her.” Nick said.

Brian turned to me. “I saw us on TV.” He said softly.

My eyes widened. “You saw that?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I have?” He asked.

“I was hoping you hadn’t seen that.” I muttered.

“Did I really look that bad?” He wondered.

“You looked pretty bad.” I said bluntly. As soon as the words left my mouth I was ashamed.

AJ covered for me though. “Of course you always look like that in the morning.” He snickered.

“Shut up Bone!” Brian retorted. “Looked in a mirror lately?” I could see him trying to conceal a smile.

AJ only laughed. “I’m sure I look horrible.” He hung his tongue out of his mouth and rolled his eyes back to show only the whites. He looked gross.

“AJ! Stop you weirdo!” I exclaimed.

“Freak!” Commented Nick.

“Oh you wish you were cool like me!” AJ replied with a smirk.

“You guys are so immature.” Said Kevin, exasperated. I had to smile. Their banter was so silly. We got quiet for a minute.

“I want to go outside.” Brian announced suddenly.

“What?!” Nick exclaimed.

AJ and Howie looked at him like he was crazy.

“Absolutely not.” Said Kevin sharply.

“Why not? Who knows when I’ll get to go outside again?” Whined Brian.

“Because you are in ICU for heaven’s sake! Why do you think? You can’t haul all these machines out with you. Be real!” Replied Kevin.

“Come on. I just want to go outside for a few minutes. It might be awhile before I can go outside again.” He pleaded. He looked at me for support.

I shook my head. “Kevin’s right, Bri. There is no way they will let you leave. What if your heart does something funny on you again? Or if you start having chest pains again?”
He gave me puppy dog eyes. “That isn’t fair.” I told him. I thought for a minute. “I’ll tell you what. We’ll ask you nurse and she was she says.”
He pushed the call button and within a minute Shari came in. “Is everything okay?” She asked Brian.

“Yup. I have a little itty bitty request to make.” Started Brian, flashing his famous grin.

“Can I go outside?” He batted his eyelashes.

“Uh uh Brian. No can do. If you were on the regular floor, maybe, but not in ICU. You are in here so we can constantly monitor your heart, among other things.” She said. She looked like she felt bad, but it wasn’t really in her hands.

“Well, what if my doctor says it is okay?” He asked hopefully.

“I suppose I could ask him. Your vitals have stayed the same for the past hour so there is a chance that he might let you. Don’t upset if he says no, though.” She warned him.

“I won’t.” He promised.

She left to go page Dr. Johannson.

“It is starting to get dark outside and it is probably cold too.” Commented Nick.

“I know.”
After about 10 minutes Shari returned. The expression on her face was one of mild surprise. “He said that since you seemed to be doing a little better that you could go.” She shook her head in wonder. “I guess he thought you wouldn’t have any problems as long as it is a short trip. There are three conditions.”
“Anything.” Brian said, pleased that he had gotten his way.

“Okay, number one, you have 20 minutes. No later! Number two, you need to put on something a lot warmer. We don’t need you getting sick on top of everything else. And three, you have to wear your oxygen. Got it?”
“Man, that is a lot of demands.” Brian pouted. I thought I could see a hint of a smile though.

“Brian!” Kevin warned. “Do you want to go outside or not?”
Brian’s face broke into the grin he was trying to hide. “I’m only kidding, cuz.”
“I’ll be right back with a wheelchair, oxygen tank, and some blankets.” Shari said.

“Okay...where are my clothes?” Brian questioned, looking around the small room.

“Oh!” AJ exclaimed, suddenly. “Someone in the ER gave me and Ellie a bag with your wallet, jewelry, and whatever else you had on you. I left it in your rental car by accident.” He paused. “I don’t remember him giving us your clothes though.”
“They are probably down in the emergency room then.” Said Kevin.

“Well, your shirt isn’t.” I interjected.

“What happened to my shirt?” Brian looked at me.

“They had to cut it off of you. It would have taken too much time to take it off the normal way. Time was of the essence.” I explained.

“Bummer. I loved that shirt.” He wrinkled up his nose.

“Small price to pay, Rok.” AJ said quietly.

“We’ll go down there later and try to find your jacket and jeans, okay man?” Asked Howie.

“Maybe you can wear some scrubs for now.” I suggested.

“Huh?” AJ looked blank and Brian smiled.

I laughed. “That’s what the doctors wear.”
“Ohhhhh, those green things. I know what you are talking about now.”
Kevin volunteered to go try to get ahold of some.

He returned a few minutes later with Shari. He was pulling a portable oxygen tank behind him and Shari was pushing a wheelchair with a few blankets on the seat. He tossed a pair of green scrub pants at Brian. “Need help?”
“I can manage.” Brian sat up straight and immediately leaned back against his pillows. “Whoooo...dizzy...” He looked at Shari worriedly.

“Don’t worry. You have been lying down for quite awhile and you’re pretty weak.” She assured him.

“Okay, then. You can help me.” Said Brian to Kevin.

I went around to the other side of the curtain.

“Hey! I’m wearing boxers.” He called, laughing.

“Just the same.” I replied.

“Okaaaaayyy!” He sang out a moment later.

I went back around to the other side of the curtain to see him sitting on the side of the bed, his feet dangling off the side. He was wearing the green pants and they were tied tightly around his waist. He was shirtless and Shari was removing the leeds that connected the patches on his chest and sides to the machines. He was also gripping the side rail for support. He didn’t look very steady.

“These pants are a little big on me!” He snickered.

“Brian, hold still.” Shari admonished. She took the blood pressure cuff off of his arm and gave the hospital gown to Brian to put back on. “Okay, now into the chair.”

Brian tried to stand up, but his legs started to give out right away.

“Whoa there.” Shari said as she caught him and eased him back onto the edge of the bed. “I don’t think you have enough strength to support yourself.”
“Man, this is frustrating.” He grumbled as Kevin came over and lifted him into the wheelchair.

“You need a jacket or something.” Shari told Brian.

Nick jumped up and shrugged off his black, down Adidas jacket. He handed it to his best friend. “Here, Frick, wear mine.”
“Thanks Frack.”
Shari helped him put the jacket on and in seconds we were all laughing.

“What?!” Demanded Brian.

Shari pulled back his curtain and let Brian look at himself in the door’s glass reflection. He started laughing along with us.

“It is huge on me!! And I thought the pants were big!” He said between giggles.

Sure enough, the sleeves hung well past his hands and if he could have stood up it would have fallen almost to his knees. Shari leaned over and tucked the blankets around his legs. One on top of the other. I pulled his hat off my head and set it on his.

“I wondered when you were going to give that back.” Brian looked up at me with a grin.

I felt bad. “I’m sorry. I forgot I was wearing it. I wear hats all the time so I am used to them. I didn’t mean to keep it for so long.” I tried to explain.

“That’s okay. I understand why you would want to wear a hat of the awesome Wildcats.” He paused and added with a mischievous smirk, “besides, you have really bad hat hair!”
“Probably.” I said with a chuckle.

“Don’t worry, when we get back, you can wear the hat again.”
I only stuck my tongue out at him. Everyone else was laughing with us. I think we were all glad to see Brian in better spirits.

“Okay.” Shari said, getting our attention. “One of you gets to push him, someone else gets to push his IV pole, and someone else pull the oxygen tank. It’s easier if you pull it instead of push it. Be back here in 20 minutes. No later. Brian, if you start feeling bad, come back right away. Have fun.”
Nick immediately grabbed the handles of the wheelchair. “You are at my mercy now, Frick!”
“Swell.” Groaned Brian.

Kevin took the IV pole and Howie took the oxygen tank. We headed slowly out Brian’s door and into the hallway for the last 20 minutes of freedom Brian would have for awhile.