"Black-Dove January"
Chapter 8

            "So, where to first?", Kevin asked Raegan. Looking around, she
spotted a Gadzooks a little farther down from them. "There", she pointed.
"Alright. Let's go", he replied.
          Inside Gadzooks, she picked out a few shirts and a few pairs of
jeans. Stepping out of the dressing room after trying the clothes on, she
suddenly spotted two girls in the store whispering excitedly and pointing at
Kevin who was trying his best to ignore them, pretending to be studying a
shirt. Deciding she had better save his ass before all hell broke loose, she
walked back up to him and said loud enough for the girls to hear "They all
fit fine, Brad. You sure you want to pay for these? I know you just quit your
job at the music store." Kevin smiled, grateful. "I'm sure", he replied, trying
his hardest to conceal his voice which always seemed to give him away with
fans. The disappointment was evident on the two girls faces as they walked
out of the store.
        As soon as the girls walked out Kevin breathed a sigh of relief.
"Thanks for that. The sunglasses and hat usually do the trick when I'm not
with the guys", he explained. She shrugged. "I think it's the fact you're
wearing sunglasses INSIDE on a CLOUDY day." He gave a short laugh. "So, you
want to get those?", he pointed to the clothes draped on her arm. "Yeah. If
it's ok." "Money's not an issue, I told you before. It's fine."  Kevin used
his credit card to buy the shirts and jeans and they headed to look for
shoes next.
        At a store called Active Edge, Raegan got a new pair of Vans
sneakers and a pair of Nikes. They then went to Kinney shoes where Kevin bought her a
pair of black velvet platform Mary Janes and Doc Marten boots.
        Next they went into a store called The Icing. Raegan picked out a
pair of black athletic pants and was inspecting a shirt when Kevin walked up
to her holding a light purple dress. "What about this?", he asked. "Purple's
not your color. And I'd go with something in a bigger size." He smirked.
"Not for me, for you." She turned up her nose. "Nah." "You don't like dresses?"
"I like them. That's just one ugly dress is all." "Well, you should get a
dress." "Why?" "Because you're going to need one eventually. For places we go, I
mean. In fact, you should get a few", he told her. Taking the shirt she'd been
looking at, she walked over to some dresses. She picked out a black one with
a red dragon print and then another dark blue satin one. "I like those", Kevin
told her. She picked out a couple more pairs of pants, a few more shirts, a
couple necklaces and rings, and a few barrettes, and a watch.
            After going to Bath and Body Works and getting some lotion, body
splash, shower gel, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, and make-up, Kevin
asked her if there was any CDs she'd like to get. Going into Sam Goody, she picked
out  Tori Amos's "Boys For Pele" , Sarah Mclachlan's "Surfacing" , and
Third Eye Blind's self-titled CD. "Good choices", Kevin commented.
            "So, I think we've covered everything", Kevin said, ready to go
home. "Not exactly." "What didn't we get?" Raegan pointed to Victoria's
Secret. "Oh. That", he said, not wanting to go in there. "Do we absolutely
HAVE to go in there?" "I need bras and underwear, Kevin." Sighing, he went
inside with her. He pretty much stayed in one place while Raegan picked out
what she needed. But he couldn't help blushing when she walked up to him
with what she'd gotten. Raegan tried her hardest not to smile when he blushed. He
looked so cute. Wow..she had admitted it. He looked cute. She suddenly
realized how much she felt for him.