Fall From Grace
Chapter 14
By Tee and Danielle
(C) by us too.
We don't know them, they don't know us. Fiction. yada yada yada.

Kevin let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding.  Nick was ok. He
hadn't murdered him. He looked at Nick and instead of looking relieved, Nick
looked like he was about to burst into tears.


Nick turned towards Kevin and the look on his face broke his heart.  Tears
were shining on the rim of his eyes, so much as a blink would send them
skittering over the edge, and his teeth chewed into his bottom lip. His
fingers clawed at the chair, trying to hold back the bile that was rising in
his throat.  'I have got to be strong. I HAVE got to be STRONG. I...'

His thoughts were interrupted as Kevin knew exactly what Nick was trying to
do.  He never wanted to see a day when Nick had to swallow his feelings to
keep them from him.  He got up out of his chair and went over to Nick's.
Before Nick knew what was happening, Kevin grabbed Nick and had him hugged
close to him.

Nick tried to stay strong, he really did. But he knew it was hopeless when
Kevin's arms came around him. Kevin's strong, safe arms. The arms he was
looking at spending the rest of his life without. It was unthinkable to him.
With a soft choking sound he buried his face in Kevin's neck and let the
tears flow. "I...I'm sorry."

Kevin held Nick tighter, whispering in his ear, "Never, ever be sorry for
being well. It would kill me to know I hurt you. That I was the reason that
our children would be deprived of the most wonderful father they could ask
for.  I'll die a million deaths with a smile on my face, knowing that you're

Dr. Sullivan sat at his desk, doing everything in his power not to cry right
along with them. He had never seen a love so beautiful and complete than
with these two before him. They instinctively knew each other on some base
level that cut right through everything and spoke to the core of the other.

A little while later, Nick's tears ceased.  He was all cried out.  At least
for now.  He raised his head up from Kevin's neck and looked at his husband.
His lover.  His best friend.

"I love you so much, Bumpkin.  What am I going to do without you in my life?
You've always been by my side.  How am I suppose to go on without you?"

"When you feel like you can't go on any more just look at Dylan and our baby
daughter.  They are the reason to go on without me.  Do you understand that,

Nick just nodded his head *yes*.  He didn't trust himself to speak at that

Kevin softly pressed his lips against Nick's and said, "I love you, Nickers.
I love you with every ounce of my being.  When you look at the kids you
remember how much I love you."

Dr. Sullivan wiped the back of his hand across his eyes.  He cleared his
throat and said, "Um, Kevin, have you decided what you want to do about

It was a moment before Kevin could tear his gaze away from Nick's.  Finally
he looked at the doctor and said, "I'll take whatever medications there is
that will help keep me *comfortable*.  No chemo.  My time is going to be
limited.  I don't want to waste a moment of it in the bathroom throwing my
guts up because of chemo."

Dr. Sullivan nodded his head, "I can certainly understand that.  We'll deal
with your symptoms as they arise.  Both the cancer and the AIDS can spawn
other illnesses as we all well know.  I know you want to stay out of the
hosptial as much as possible.  I know of a private home health care
organization that deals with caring for patients with terminal illnesses.
They took great care of my mother when she was dying of breast cancer.  I
can arrange for them to start seeing you whenever needed.  That is if you
want me too."

Kevin nodded his head, "Yes, that would be good if you could arrange that.
Thank you.  Do you think I'll live to see the new baby born?"

Nick jerked as though he had been slapped.  Kevin couldn't die that soon.
No, no, he just couldn't.  They had to have more time together.

Dr. Sullivan said, "I hope so, Kevin.  I honest to God hope so."

No promises.  No guarantees.  Nick and Kevin walked out of the doctor's
office with silent prayers that if God really did grant miracles, he would
have the grace to grant them one.

They were quiet on the elevator ride down to the lobby.  The doors opened
and before they could step out they were surprised to see Sam and Melinda
standing there.

Sam squealed, "Guys, what are you doing here?!"

Kevin shot Nick a look and said, "I had a doctor's appointment. What about
you?  And where's my boy at?"

Sam said, "I'm here to get an ultrasound done.  It's perfect you guys are
here.  You have to come in with us."

Kevin and Nick smiled and said that would be awesome.  They got back in the
elevator and headed towards the 5th floor.  Melinda told them that *cousin*
Brian had came by and picked Dylan up. They were going to the park and then
off to play some basketball.

In the clinic, the technician led them to the ultrasound room and got Sam
ready.  Melinda stood on one side of the table and held Sam's hand while
Nick and Kevin stood on the other side of the table.  The monitor was turned
around so they all could see it.  The technician pointed out features such
as the baby's head and fingers and toes.  There was exclaimations of joy
when they saw the baby's heart beat.

The technician said, "You've got yourself a very healthy baby girl there,
Sam. She is absolutely perfect."

Everybody grinned.  Nick and Kevin were struggling so hard not to cry.
Suddenly the technician said, "Oh my."

Four worried gazes turned in her direction.  Melinda asked, "What's wrong?
Please don't say there is anything wrong."

Linda, the technician, smiled and said, "Nothing is wrong.  Look."  She
pointed to the screen showing them something.  It took a moment before
anybody realized what they were looking at.

Sam said, "Oh my God.  I'm pregnant with twins.  Oh my God."

Linda said, "Yep.  From the looks of it, you're got twin girls, Sam.

Twins.  Kevin began crying.  Two babies.  Two baby girls.  He couldn't
believe it.  His life was ending but God was blessing them with another
child.  One life ends, another begins.  This was their miracle.  They prayed
for a cure so Kevin could live but God gave them two daughters instead of
one.  Yes, this was their miracle.

Nick was crying as well. He knew exactly what Kevin was feeling at that
moment because he was feeling the exact same thing.  He caught Kevin when
Kevin's knees started to give out on him.  Kevin fell against Nick and both
men sobbed.

Sam sat up and said, "What the hell?  Guys what is going on?"

Melinda came around the table so that she was next to them.  "Guys, this is
more about the babies isn't it?  Why were you here at the hospital today?"

Kevin pulled away from Nick and wiped at his eyes.  He looked at Sam and
Melinda, both of their looks of happiness from just seconds ago replaced now
with a lot of concern and fear.

"I'm dying.  I might not even be here to see the girls be born."

Melinda's hand flew to her mouth to try and stifle the sobs that fell.  Sam
looked at Kevin in disbelief, "No, you can't dye.  No, no, no.  You're big
strong Kevin.  You can't die.  How can you die and leave Dylan?  Damn you.
Damn you Kevin.  DAMN  YOU!!!"

Melinda tried to wrap her arms around Sam but Sam shrugged her off.  Kevin
cried, "I'm sorry, Sam.  I'm so sorry.  I have AIDS.  And I already have
cancer from the AIDS.  I don't want to leave Dylan.  I swear I don't.  I
don't want to hurt him the way my daddy hurt me."

Sam's hysterical sobs echoed through out the corridors of the clinic.