Fall From Grace
The third story in the Full of Grace Trilogy
Chapter 2
By Tee and Danielle
(C)by us too. Standard disclaimers and death threats apply
The morning of Brian and Leighanne's engagement barbeque found Nick and Kevin laying in bed, where they had been for most of the week.  Nick was on the phone and Kevin was laughing into Nick's stomach, trying not to be too loud.
"Uh huh"
"Yes Sweetie, I know."
"Yes I am."
"Okay, thank you for letting me know."  Nick hung up the phone and cuffed the laughing head that rested on his stomach, "That's enough out of you!"
Kevin lifted his head and grinned at Nick, "Sam calling to cuss you out for the morning sickness again?"
Nick nodded and heaved a long suffering sigh, "Yeah. That's every damn day so far." He chuckled, "At least we aren't in the same hotel anymore, I'm not within smacking distance."  He rubbed his cheek, "Thank God."
Kevin laughed and started kissing across Nick's stomach, his tongue poking out every few kisses and licking at the saltiness of Nick's skin, "Oh, my poor baby."
Nick sighed, "She called me a miserable excuse for humanity and that if I wasn't married to you she would cut off certain parts of my anatomy that produced the sperm she needed to get pregnant and feed them to dolphins I believe she said."  He groaned, "This has been going on for almost two months now, when does it stop?"
Kevin continued kissing Nick's stomach, "Usually three months into it, the morning sickness slows down.  But some women have it all the way through. I think even when it does stop she will keep calling you just to annoy the shit out of you."
Nick rolled his eyes and amused himself by running his fingers through Kevin's hair and playing with it. "Alright, lets get back to the game." 
Kevin grinned up at Nick and lifted the card from the bed where it had fallen.  The game was some sort of lovers game that you asked your mate questions or did something physical depending on the part of the game board you landed on.  The game board was lost probably 8 or 9 hotels into the tour, but question cards stayed.  Sometimes when they were just lazing around in bed on days off, like they were now, they would ask each other the questions. The cards asked some things that never would come up in normal conversation and that was part of why they liked them. They always learned something new.
Kevin looked over the card, "Ok, what is your favorite part of my body?"
Nick grinned, "Oh that's easy."  He slid his fingers down from Kevin's hair until they were sliding over the nape of Kevin's neck, "Right here."
Kevin shuddered, "Right there works for me....mmmm."
Nick smirked, "So I hear.  Yeah, I figure if I ever need a kidney or anything, all I have to do is shake my tush, bat the baby blues and kiss over the nape of your neck and I'm golden!"
Kevin arched his neck, enjoying Nick's fingernails scraping softly up the back of it, "You keep that up and you are going to have alot more than my kidney coming to you."
Nick laughed and slid his hand back up into Kevin's hair, "My turn to ask you a question."  He looked at the card in his hand, "How long have we been married off the top of your head answering in three seconds. 3...2."
"Ten months, 14 days and..." Kevin raised his head to look at the clock, "13 hours and 28 minutes, give or take a few minutes."
Nick's jaw was hanging open, "Damn boy, that was smooth!"
Kevin smirked, "I try."  He picked a new card and read the question, "The time I most surprised you."
Nick thought for a second and then smiled, "I can sum it up in five words, 'Need any help with that?' "
Kevin rested his chin on Nick's stomach, "What?" 
He had a confused look on his face that Nick thought was just adorable.  Nick ran his finger down the length of Kevin's nose and tapped the end of it, "Remember when a certain someone....not mentioning any names to protect the guilty....snuck into a certain clinic where another certain someone....me.... had went with Sam to do the...uhm...donation?  I was in there surrounded by pictures of naked women and who knows what the hell awful stuff was on those video tapes and just when I managed to get the urge to run out there to go away, I hear over my shoulder, "Can I help you with that?"  I swear, Bumpkin, if you hadn't kissed the back of my neck to let me know it was you, I would have screamed like a girl." Nick grinned and ran the tip of his thumb over Kevin's lips, feeling his mouth open and nip the edge of his thumb. "But before I could say a word you had you hand rubbing over my stomach and the stuff you were whispering in my ear.....damn boy.  I'm sure that nurse still thinks I set some sort of land speed record for donation. "
Kevin laughed, "Sam figured you would be feeling a little uncomfortable about the whole thing, so she snuck me in there to surprise you. I'd say it worked."
Nick nodded, smiling back at his husband, "On two scores! The fact that you snuck yourself in there and I would have never thought you would have done that in a million years."
Kevin grinned, "Well gotta keep the romance alive somehow!"
Nick looked down at his card, "Ooooh speaking of romance, what is the most romantic thing I have ever done for you?"
Kevin smiled, "Paris.  You went all out.  The candles, the rose petal covered bed, the balcony looking over the Eiffel Tower.  That was the most romantic night of my life.  I'm still amazed you kept that a secret from me."
Nick sat up and lifted Kevin until he was sitting facing him and leaned in to kiss him, "Everyone deserves to be wined and dined and slow danced in front of the Eiffel Tower at least once in their lives."
Kevin leaned forward and kissed Nick softly, "I love you."
Nick smiled when Kevin pulled away, "I love you too."
Kevin yawned and leaned against Nick, "Time for a nap?"
Nick smiled, "Someone wear you out?"
Kevin grinned, "Someone, not to mention any names to protect the guilty as you said, kept me up last night doing wild and wonderful things to me last night."
Kevin looked up at Nick and saw him whistling innocently and trying his damndest to look angelic. If it weren't for those horns poking out of his head that Kevin knew were there, he might have pulled it off.  Kevin rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around Nick pulling him down beside him on the bed. 
They snuggled up to each other and listened to each other breath before falling asleep for a few hours before Brian and Leighanne's engagement barbeque.
"Well well, if it isn't the newlyweds.  They've actually left the bed. Alert the press!!"
Kevin and Nick both shot AJ the finger and went off to find Brian and Leighanne to say hello and offer their congrats to the happy couple.