Fall From Grace

Chapter 22

© and written by: Danielle


Nick felt something brushing lightly over the side of his face. He didn't know what it was, however he did know that it was disturbing his sleep. He brought his fingers up to where the sensation was and waved his hand there, hoping to deter whatever it was from disturbing his sleep any further. He waited a minute and when nothing happened, he snuggled back into the pillow and sighed happily, knowing he could go back to sleep.

Just when he was on the cusp of sleep once again, a fluttering sensation caressed the side of his neck, making an involuntary shudder race through his body and raising goosebumps along his exposed back and arms. He laid still, waiting for whatever had caused that sensation to come again. He kept his breathing long and soft, his ears picking up every sound in the room. There was no other sound than his breath.

Satisfied that it was probably Max's tail, he snuggled the pillow again until he got comfortable and drifted towards sleep.

His eyes snapped open when he felt the unmistakable sensation of something trailing down his spine from the nape of his neck to the upward slope that met the small of his back and the beginning of the blue silk sheet that covered him.

He felt a shadow fall over him and a single rose fell to the pillow close enough for it's petals to brush his bottom lip; causing his tongue to dart out and lick the spot that had been touched and then pull the bottom lip inwards to be caught in his teeth, as a pair of hands made contact on each side of his spine in the small of his back.

He knew at that first touch who it was. Kevin. A gasp of shock came from his lips as he realized how cold Kevin's hands where. A shiver raced through him again as he realized they were coated with something to make them slide along his skin. Kevin's hands moved in long deep strokes over Nick's skin, relaxing the tension from his muscles, tension he didn't even know he had, he had gotten so used to it being there.

Nick sighed happily, feeling his spine stretching out at the gentle prodding of his husband. A massage like this would normally put Nick right into a relaxed sleep. But, the coolness of Kevin's hands and the fact that he had just woken up, it seemed to have the opposite effect on him, making him more alert and every nerve in his body was crackling to life.

By the time Kevin had worked his hands from the small of Nick's back to the nape of his neck, where his thumbs were now rubbing over, Nick was whimpering lowly and squirming around on the bed, trying to be a good boy and lay still.

Just at the exact moment he couldn't take it any more, he was turned over and his lips were met by Kevin's and their bare chests collided in skin against skin. His hands were held against the mattress by Kevin's as he was kissed so deeply and so thoroughly that when Kevin pulled away, all he could do was stare at him and try to breath in some sort of in and out fashion instead of the chaotic panting it was now.

Kevin smiled and brushed his nose with Nick's in an eskimo kiss, "Happy Anniversary, Love."

Nick smiled, his eyes shining and bright. "Happy Anniversary, Bumpkin. I love you."

Kevin leaned down closer to Nick's lips, "I love you too."

Nothing more was said as they brought in the morning with kisses and caresses, holding each other tight.