Fall From Grace
Ch. 3
by:  Tee & Danielle
rated: R & (c) by us - standard death threats apply for stealing


There were so many friends and family there at Brian and Leigh Ann's little party.  Kevin and Nick made their rounds trying to speak to everybody.  Most of the people there knew that they were married and they gave them their best wishes.  But since there were some people who didn't seem to have a clue about them, Nick and Kevin didn't engage in any PDAs. 

AJ, Howie, and Brian watched Nick and Kevin for awhile. The three men were standing around the barbque pit.  Though Nick and Kevin had been married for almost a year now, it still amazed their friends at how good they were together - how perfect they were for one another.  Out in public like this they acted just like anybody else.  If you didn't already know they were a couple, you never would have known it.  But once they were alone or just around people they felt comfortable with, they couldn't stop touching each other and they couldn't stop telling each other how much they loved each other. 

When Kevin had come down sick with the flu, Nick waited on him hand and foot.  Even when Nick came down with it himself he took care of Kevin first before he took care of himself.   None of the guys could even remember the last time they'd seen Nick play his beloved Nintendo.  When he had free time he spent it just being with Kevin, even if they did nothing more than curl up together and watch tv.

AJ suddenly  said, "I admire them.  It's never easy for any boy/girl couple.   But they have overcome things most of us never dream of going through and look at them now."

Howie nodded his head in agreement.  "I know.  They've both grown and matured, especially Nicky.  Our little brother is going to be a daddy in just 7 months guys.  I feel very old now."

The sound of sniffling could be heard and AJ and Howie snapped their heads around  to look at Brian, who was trying not to cry.

Howie put his hand on Brian's shoulder and asked, "Bri, what's wrong?"

Brian waved Howie off and said, "I'm just being silly.  Guess I'm feeling old too, D.  I was just remember what a puny, sad, lonely kid he was when we all first got together.  God, he was so damn little then that I could actually take him down and whip his ass when he got really annoying."

Howie and AJ chuckled, remembering  they all use to have to look down to Nick.  That had certainly changed.

Brain continued, "He was so lonely and homesick when we first out on the road.  And Kevin use to scare the shit out of him.  I can't even begin to count how many nights I held him while he cried himself to sleep, begging me to send him home cause he didn't want to be away from his brother and sisters and his dogs.  He felt so akward and shy and he wondered what his purpose in life was.  Now he's gonna have his own child.  He'll be the one holding and comforting someone else like I use to do to  him."

Brian couldn't hold back his tears any more.  He turned and ran into the house before he made an ass out of himself in front of everyone.

Nick and Kevin came walking up in time to see Brian run inside.  Nick asked, "What's wrong with, Rok?"

Howie smiled at Nick and said, "He's okay.  We're all just feeling kinda mushy and old right now, Nicky."

Nick cast a glance at Kevin and AJ, then he looked back at Howie and asked, "Why?"

Howie said, "Because you're all grown up, Nicky, and you're gonna have your own kid running around here in a few short months.  As much as we all use to kid about how we couldn't wait for you to grow the hell up and get out of our hair, it's harder to cut the apron strings than what we thought it would be."

Kevin was smiling from ear to ear.  Nick found himself a bit choked up himself.  "Aww, damn, guys, this is suppose to be a happy day. No fair in making me cry but I love you all too.  Very much." 

Dylan's cry of, "Daddyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!" rang out and broke up the little *emotional* moment the guys were having there.

Kevin grinned and bent down, scopping the little boy up in his arms, when he came running up to him.

Kevin covered his smiling face in kisses and said, "Hey little man.  You all better now?"

Dylan eagerly nodded his head, "Yep!  I missed playing with you.  Can we go play basketball now?  Please daddy please."

"Sure little man.  But remember you Uncle B is the basketball expert around here so be easy on me, ok?"

Dylan grinned, "Ok, daddy."

Nick said, "Kev, are you sure you're up to it?  You still aren't back to feeling 100%.  I'm sure Dylan would understand if you don't play today."

Kevin said, "I'm fine, babe.  Being in bed all this week really made me feel better."

At that comment AJ snickered and Howie slapped him in the chest, trying to get him to shut up, but Howie was chuckling as well.

Nick gave his friends a dirty look.  Kevin laughed and said, "We'll catch you guys later."  He put Dylan down on the ground and the little boy grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the basketball court on the other side of the house.

Sam and Melinda came strolling up then.  Nick cringed when he saw how rough Sam looked and he quickly stepped behind AJ so that AJ was between him and Sam.

AJ said, "Man, what the fuck are you doing?"

Nick said, "She's still suffering from morning sickness."

AJ and Howie said at the same time, "Awww.  You don't stand a chance you poor bastard."

The guys got Sam seated at one of the tables that had been set up for guests to eat on.  Nick got her a pillow for her back and got her something to drink.  She hadn't said a word to him since she'd gotten there. She was just sitting there, trying not to laugh at him about to break his neck trying to make sure she was comfortable. 

Nick was about to go check on Kev and Dylan when he noticed a familiar figure come out of the back door of the house talking with Brian.

"Oh my," he said.

Mel and Sam followed his gaze and saw a beautiful blond talking with Brian.  "What's wrong, Nick?", Melinda asked him.

"I........um.......nothing.  I'm just surprised to see her here but I guess I shouldn't be."

Sam asked, "Who is she?"

"That's my ex-girlfriend, Mandy."

Mel and Sam both said, "Rut-roh."

When Nick saw Mandy coming towards him he got up and met her half-way.

"Hey, Nicky.  Long time no see.  How are you?  You look great!"

Nick politely kissed her cheek and said, "I'm fine, Mandy.  You look great too.  How are you?"

"I'm doing fine.  We're on break from the tour for 2 weeks so it's good to be home. The record is doing really well overseas."

"That's great.  I'm very happy for you.  You've certainly worked hard and deserve all the success you can get."

"Thanks, Nick.  That means alot coming from you.  Can we go somewhere private and talk?  We have a lot of catching up to do."

Nick said, "Um,  yeah, sure."  He took her by the elbow and guided her into the house.  There were so many people about there didn't seem to be a quiet place anyhow.  Finally Nick just went into Brian's office and shut the door so they wouldn't be disturbed.

Nick wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans as he sat down on the sofa next to Mandy.  He was very nervous about being here talking to her face to face.  This was the first time they'd seen in each other in about 3 years.  Mandy had been his first and only girlfriend.  Their split had been mutral. Both had been young and very busy with their careers but Nick knew how hurt Mandy had been about the break-up. She'd made it pretty clear how much she loved him.  He loved her too but it was as a friend - a really good friend. 

They talked about their careers and about mutral friends they had.  Mandy had heard about the ordeal Nick and Kevin had gone through with Stefaine and wanted to know if he was ok. He told her he was fine now.  She told him about her boyfriend.  A guy named Keith who was the drummer for her band.  Nick froze when she asked him if he was involved with anybody.

"Yeah, I am, Mandy. Actually, I'm married."

Her eyes widened in surprise.  "Married?  Oh my God.  That's great, Nick.  Can I ask you something without you getting ticked?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Is it to Kevin?"

Now it was Nick's eyes that widened in surprise.  "How.....how did you know?"

She shrugged her shoulders and said, "I don't know.  Call it a sixth sense or wahtever but I just always had a sense of something being there that  you two didn't even have a knowledge of.  I'm so happy for you, Nick.  Are you happy?"

Nick smiled as he fingered his wedding ring then held it out for Mandy to see.  "Oh, it's beautiful, Nick."

"Thanks. And yeah, I'm happy, Mandy.  He makes me so happy sometimes I could just cry from the sheer joy he brings me.  And we have a son.  His name is Dylan.  He's actually Kevin's son.  And I'm going to be a dad in seven months.  We're hoping for a little girl."

"Nick, that is wonderful!  Congratulations."  Mandy threw her arms around his neck and hugged him. 

Nick hugged her back and thanked her for being his friend.  If everyone would give him the warm acceptance that Mandy had, he'd go to the tallest building in Orlando and scream to the world that he was married to Kevin Richardson, the greatest man in the world, and he loved Kevin more than anything.  But sadly everyone was not that open minded even in this day and age.  Ann Richardson prime example.

Nick frowned at the thought of Kevin's mother.  He didn't like thinking about her.  It pissed him off.  Thankfully, Mandy pulled him out of his thoughts when she said, "I gotta go, Nicky.  Since I'm not home for long I'm trying to squeeze in visits with as many people as I can.  Promise me you'll stay in touch and let me know how you're doing.  I definitely want to know when the new baby arrives."

Nick walked her to the door and promised to stay in touch with her.  He'd just shut the door behind her when Brian called to him. "Nick, get out here now."  Immediately sensing that something was wrong Nick ran out back.

He saw everyone gathered around a figure on the ground.  As he drew closer he realized it was Kevin.  Nick pushed his way through the people and dropped to his knees at Kevin's side.  "What the hell is wrong?", he asked but Kevin was coughing so badly he couldn't answer. 

Kevin just looked at Nick with pleading eyes.  His face was red and he was drenched in sweat.

Nick screamed, "Call an ambulance somebody!" 

Howie said, "I already did, Nick. They should be here any second."

Nick cradled Kevin's head in his lap and turned him on the side so he could rub his back.

"It's alright, babe.  Help is on the way.  Try and breath, Kev."  But Kevin couldn't.  He was gasping for breath in between coughing.

Nick was vaguely aware of hearing Dylan crying and Sam and Mel talking to him.  He screamed, "Where the fuck is the ambulance?!  Howie call them again."

Howie started to run inside to the phone when the welcome sound of a siren drawing closer and closer was heard.