Fall From Grace

Chapter 34

By Danielle

Kevin opened his eyes to see that the sun was now throwing oranges and pinks and reds along the walls of the living room as it set. He blinked the last of the bleary vestiges of his dreams out of his eyes and lifted his head to look for Nick.

"Don't move, Bumpkin."

Kevin froze where he was and put his head back on the pillow. "Why can't I move, Hon?"

Nick smiled and ran his eyes over the shadow and light playing across Kevin's olive skin. "Because if you move you are going to shift the composition I have going. I'm already fighting the sunset. Don't make me tie you down…" Kevin heard a chuckle, "Although that could be fun."

Kevin rolled his eyes and laid his head back down on the pillow, shifting his eyes over so he could see Nick sitting a few feet away, sketch pad in hand and his tongue poking out of his mouth as he concentrated on what was on the paper.

Kevin watched Nick draw. More specifically he watched Nick's face as he drew. That pink tip of his tongue just jutting out beyond his lips. His lips. Those talented, talented lips. The memory of kissing the utter hell out of each other, his hands ridding him of his clothes and those god damn lips all over him until he couldn't even remember how to breathe. He shifted slightly on the couch.

Don't even get him started on the hands…. A shiver raced through him.

"Nicky?" Kevin sing-songed in barely a whisper.

"Kevy?" Nick sing-songed back at him, peering at him over the top of his reading glasses.

Kevin smiled at him sleepily, "C'mere."

Nick set down his drawing carbon, "Why? I'm losing daylight, Hon."

With a sigh and roll of his eyes, Kevin's bottom lip poked out in a face that he knew was Nick's downfall. For being the master of the pouty face, Nick had virtually no resistance when Kevin pulled his own trick on him. "It'll just take a sec. You told me not to move….please?"

With a sigh of his own, Nick got up and walked over to where Kevin was, falling to his knees so they were eye level. "Yeeeeesss?"

Kevin laughed at Nick's eyebrows wiggling and the odd way he drawled out the word like some horror film door creaking. He lifted the hand that dangled off the couch and ran his fingertip down Nick's nose. "I forgot what I wanted you for."

The look on Nick's face was priceless to Kevin. He gave Kevin an odd look, "Well what was the last thing you were thinking about before you called me all the way over here?"

Kevin bit his lip, to Nick it looked like he was thinking, but really it was so he wouldn't laugh out loud. Sometimes it was just too easy. His mouth made an "O" shape and he grinned at Nick, "I remember now!"

Nick smiled, "What?"

Kevin crooked his finger to make Nick lean closer and when he was close enough, he shifted on the couch to free his other arm and grabbed Nick by the shoulders and pulled him into a kiss. His tongue searched out Nick's and sucked on that little bit of pink flesh that had been driving him out of his mind.

Nick wasn't sure what had happened. He wasn't even really sure how he had gotten in the middle of this mind-blowing kiss, but he didn't mind one bit. His only thought was to wrap his arms around Kevin and enjoy the ride.

Kevin felt Nick's arms slide around him and he smiled in the kiss, running his fingers up Nick's shoulders and through the hair at the nape of his neck and up through the thicker hair on the top of his head; mussing it up in that just fucked way that he thought looked sexy as hell on him.

When Kevin let Nick go, they were both out of breath and gasping for air. Kevin smirked and returned to his position on the couch, "Ok, that's all I wanted. You can go back to your drawing now."

Nick stood up, still kissed a little stupid. He had his fingertips to his lips and was walking away from Kevin when that deep voice stopped him.

"Nicky, your stuff is the other way. Come on, Hon. You are losing daylight."

Nick shook his head and smiled sheepishly, even though Kevin couldn't see him through the back of the couch. 'God that man can kiss.' Another thought hit him and he smirked evilly.

This time it was Kevin who didn't know what hit him. All he heard was a whoosh! before something big landed on him and then hands were everywhere tickling the holy crap out of him.

"Niiiiiiick! Oh god, don't ti*hic*ckle me….you are going to gi*hic*ve me the hiccups!" He couldn't talk any more, he was laughing too hard.

Nick cackled wickedly and kept tickling, "You did that on purpose! You knew that was going to get me all spun!"

Kevin grinned just as wickedly, "Well you have a photographic memory. Use it. And you were doing that tongue thing on purpose. Evil! Evil I tell you!"

Nick stuck his tongue out and laughed, "Tooooo laaaate!!! You already married me! ppppfffttttttthhh!!!!"

Kevin wiped his face, "Ok, ew. Say it don't spray it, hon." He poked Nick in the stomach softly with his finger, "Second, that was real mature Mr. Richardson-Carter."

Nick made a face and rolled his eyes, "Oh please. I just spent a week with Alex. You're lucky I'm not finger painting my hair and singing "The Wheels On The Bus Go Round and Round" at the top of my lungs."

Kevin raised an eyebrow, "You were the kid in Kindergarten that ate the paste, weren't you?"

Nick laughed, "Busted."

Kevin pulled Nick down to lay with him and pulled a blanket over their naked bodies, cuddling together. "I still love you anyway."

Nick smiled and leaned forward until the tips of their noses were touching. "You better."

Kevin leaned his head back and nipped the end of Nick's nose, "It's so good to have you home."

His only response was Nick kissing his neck softly. He tangled his fingers in the soft blond hair played with it some more, "Today has been fun. This whole week has given us both new attitudes."

Nick pulled away from Kevin's neck, "I know. We've been so focused on what's going to happen. On the "d" word that we forgot how to live somewhere in there."

"We have. We've been so busy waiting for the axe to drop that we haven't done anything else."

Nick jumped up off the couch and pulled the blanket with him.

Kevin sat up and tried to grab the blanket back, "HEY!"

Nick grinned at him, "I'll be right back."

Kevin looked down at himself, "But I'm naked here!"

The leer that Nick gave him as he looked at Kevin stretched out on the couch made his skin pink. "I know. And it's quite a sight. I just need to get some paper." With that he started out of the room. "You just lie there and be Naked Boy. I'll be right back."

"But there is a whole pad of it right here!"

He heard Nick rummaging around in the study, "I know, but I need the lined stuff! We are going to make a wish list."

Kevin sat up on the couch and talked towards the hallway, hoping Nick could hear him, "A wish list?"

Nick came walking back in the room with a pad of paper and a pen. "Yes. A wish list. Kinda like a fantasy to-do list."

Kevin smiled, "Ooooh. Gotcha. Then we concentrate on crossing them off?"

Nick nodded, "Exactly."

"I have the first one then."

Nick grabbed the pen, "Ok, what's item number one?"

Kevin ran his fingertips up Nick's leg as he stood in front of him, "What day is it today?"

Nick raised an eyebrow, "Tuesday."

Kevin yanked the blanket from around Nick and threw it across the room before he could react. "From now on, it's Naked Tuesdays."

Nick laughed and sat down on the couch, "I like the way you think."
