Fall From Grace

Chapter 35

by Danielle

Nick put down his pencil and looked over the list they had created. "This is quite the list we've come up with here. Good mix of the practical and the wouldn't-that-be-cool."

Kevin nodded and continued playing with Nick's hair, "Yup. There are just some things I refuse not to be around for. Dylan's next birthday, Brian's wedding and the day that you become a father to those two gorgeous little girls that are dragging Sam through hormone hell."

Nick smirked, "I know. Poor thing. But on the up-side, she's stopped calling me daily to ream me out for simply existing."

Kevin smiled and sucked Nick's earlobe into his mouth, "I think she figures we have enough on our minds already."

Nick shuddered at the chill on his ear when Kevin pulled his lips of his earlobe. "I don't know, I'm having one hell of a time keeping anything on my mind when you keep doing stuff like that to me."

Chuckling, Kevin nuzzled Nick's neck, "What stuff? You mean things like this?" He slowly dragged his tongue up Nick's jugular, feeling it pulse softly."

A whimper left Nick's lips before he could stop it, "Oh God yeah."

Kevin smiled against Nick's warm skin, "Then it would really get you worked up if I did this huh?" He followed up his words by hitting the one spot behind Nick's ear that would just send fireworks through every nerve in his body.

Nick's eyes drifted closed as they rolled back in pleasure, his toes curling at the sensations pounding through every cell of his body, "Oh God, that is so not fair."

Kevin kept sucking on the spot, loving the whining growl that Nick made with every stroke of his tongue over the sensitive skin that was between his lips. "But you are loving it."

Nick sighed, "That's beside the point."

Kevin chuckled, "Then what is the point, my dear sexy husband?"

Nick turned his head and caught Kevin's lips to his, "The point is you are going to give me an eargasm."

"And the problem with that is?"

It was Kevin's turn to yelp this time as Nick dragged him down onto the couch by his shoulders, "Problem? Who said that was a problem?" He grinned wickedly, "I'm having noooo problem with this. You aren't playing fair, but I'm not having a problem with this."

Kevin grinned back at him and snuggled closer, "Good. I plan on doing it lots more."


Nick fished his boxers off the floor and ran his tongue over his kiss-swollen lips. He had to get off the couch and out of Kevin's arms. The temptation was almost unbearable to give in to the hormones that were rushing through his veins. Everything in him wanted to be lost inside, and surrounded by, Kevin, no matter the risk. But it was because of that very risk that Kevin wouldn't let himself or Nick go any further than kissing the utter hell out of each other, hands wandering and testing each other's resolve to go no further. It was torture and it was driving Nick out of his mind.

Kevin was his husband, hell, his entire life. And to be denied all but the most basic of intimacies and touches just seemed wrong to him. He'd tried arguing with Kevin about the risks, about both of their needs, about it not just being about the sex, but the closeness in those moments that made everything fade around them when Kevin became his entire world and the release of everything that fought against them.

He wanted to see Kevin flushed with cheeks ruddy, eyes shining and breath rasping into his ear in hot streams that coaxed shivers out of his spine. He wanted that one more time, to remember every touch, every sensation, every smell, every taste. He wanted to hide it away for the long loneliness he knew was ahead. Just one more time to remember everything. He'd thought he would have a lifetime to stock up on these memories, thousands of moments to hide away for a time, off in the future, when one of them would be left behind.

Now the memories would have to last longer than the time they would have together. Everything would have to be remembered in more detail, so that when they started to fade, he would still be able to pull up his face and see him with his eyes shining, his cheeks flushed and the words that brought shivers out of him falling from his lips. All he wanted was one more time to remember it all.

Was that too much to ask?

He leaned down, level with Kevin's face, who was looking at him curiously. "I'm going to get something from the kitchen. Go look in my bag, there's a blue box inside there. Get it and bring it back here, ok? But don't look in it."

Kevin nodded slowly, "I'm sorry we can't...."

Nick put his forehead to Kevin's and halfway smiled, "I know. But you don't need to be." With that he walked away into the kitchen, leaving Kevin gazing after him.

When Nick walked out of the kitchen ten minutes later with a tray in his hands, Kevin was sitting on the couch in his boxers, the blue box resting in his lap, still closed.

Nick smiled and placed the tray down on the coffee table, taking the box from Kevin's lap. "Thank you, Bumpkin."

Kevin nodded and raised an eyebrow, "What's in the box?"

Nick grinned, knowing that for all Kevin was the "adult" one of them all, he had the patience of a two year old when it came to boxes or bag or any container that had something in it that Kevin didn't know what it was. It was torture for him. "You'll see in a minute, Hon."

Nick made sure to move slowly, taking the lid off the box and then setting it down on the table top without lowering the box enough for Kevin to see inside.

He grinned secretively and turned to face the entertainment center, moving some things around. He turned back around and wiggled his eyebrows as he walked back to the couch to wrap himself around Kevin. "Ready?"

Kevin raised an eyebrow, "For what?" Nick stubbornly just grinned at him and Kevin sighed, "Yeah, I'm ready."

Nick lifted the remote control and beamed the vcr to life.

The grin on Kevin's face took Nick's breath away when his husband saw the opening theme to Rugrats begin to play. That look alone made the surprise worth it in Nick's eyes.

"You and I have a week's worth of cartoony goodness to catch up on."

Ever since Kevin had let Nick read his diary in the hopes of convincing the younger man his feelings were true, and Nick had read the entry containing his secret obsession with Rugrats, they had made a point of watching it together every day. It was their half hour of sanity in the perpetual insanity of touring.

Kevin looked up at Nick, kissing the underside of his jaw before resting his head on the younger man's shoulder. Moments like these, when Nick surprised him with a gesture so sweet and loving and completely thoughtful, these moment were the ones he knew, despite everything that was going on, he was the luckiest man in the world.