Fall From Grace
Chapter 4
By Danielle and Tee
(C) 2000 by us. we don't know them, they don't know us. does not reflect their lives or those of their dogs.
The ambulance came screaming up the driveway and the crowd around Kevin and Nick cleared to let the EMT's through.  Kevin was still coughing so badly that he couldn't breathe, the edges of his lips starting to turn a scary purplish/blue color. He jerked forward and Nick quickly rolled him over on his stomach and shielded him from everyone standing around as Kevin wretched onto the grass.  The coughing stopped and there was silence for a second, enough for Kevin to get one good breath of air, then his lungs revolted again and the coughing started again.  Everyone was wincing at the sound coming from Kevin, it literally sounded like his ribs were cracking with every cough.
They tried to make Nick step back so they could work on him, but Kevin refused to let go of Nick's hand.  They learned the hard way that when Nick wasn't near him, Kevin got even more panicked and the coughing got worse, if that was possible. 
They finally just moved Nick over just a little so they could work on Kevin without Nick being in the way. 
Everyone was still around Kevin, Nick and the paramedics, just in a wider circle than before.  Kevin looked at all the faces looking down on him, the sight of it making him dizzy, their features ovewhelming him and sliding in and out of focus.  Nick noticed his distress and turned his head after the EMT's had slipped an oxygen mask on him  and made Kevin look right into his eyes, "Don't look at them, B.  Look at me.  It's just you and me. Okay? You and me."
Kevin found himself mesmerized by Nick's blue, blue eyes and how calm they seemed compared to everyone else he had been looking at.  Nick was careful to keep eye contact with Kevin, swallowing all of the panic that was racing around his body and stifling it before it became reflected in his eyes and made Kevin panic even more.
Kevin and Nick were so lost in each other's eyes that it didn't register that Kevin was now loaded onto a gurney and was being wheeled into the ambulance.  It just seemed like Nick was part of Kevin and rose when Kevin rose and moved towards the ambulance when Kevin did.
The was silence in the backyard except for Dylan's whimpering when the ambulance doors closed.  Kevin's coughs could still be heard, but barely through the thick walls of the ambulance.  One of the EMT's left the name of the hospital with Brian and hopped in the cab of the vehicle and started the lights and siren before racing down the driveway and towards the hospital.
Brian took a minute to close his eyes and take a few breaths to compose himself before turning around.  The only thought that he could get a grasp on and hold onto in the chaos that was his mind at that moment was 'what would Kevin do?'  He took another breath before turning around and looked over the shocked faces of his family and friends.  "Ok. D, AJ, come with me.  Leigh, Mom and Dad, please make sure everyone gets home and then come to the hospital. Sam, Melinda and little D......hey little guy, come here."
Dylan ran into Brian's arms and Brian held on to him for dear life as the little boy cried.  He was scared out of his mind, seeing his father collapse like that in front of him, "It's ok, Buddy.  Daddy is still sick with the flu, that's all.  Remember how you got a really big cough?"
Dylan nodded and scrunched his face up, "It hurt!"
Brian nodded back, "Well if you a little boy and got a cough that big....Daddy's a big guy and he got an even bigger cough, that's all.  You couldn't run and play with your cough and neither can Daddy. "
Brian leaned closer to Dylan, like they were sharing a secret, "Daddy sometimes likes to think he is Superman, but we know Daddy isn't right?"
Dylan nodded, "Daddy is Daddy, not Superman!  Superman has a cape and can fly! Daddy can't fly!"
Brian grinned, "Well you know that and I know that, and Daddy Nick knows that, we just have to make sure Daddy knows that."
Dylan nodded, "I tell him! Daddy no Superman!"
Brian nodded, "I think your Momma's are ready to take you home.  You give me a great big hug and kiss and I'll give them to Daddy for you ok? And when Daddy gets back from the doctors and is all better, he'll come over and give you a great big hug and kiss back."
Dylan wrapped his little arms around Brian's neck and squeezed fiercely, then pulled away and kissed Brian on the cheek, then kissed him again and hugged him again. "Daddy Nick too!"
Brian laughed softly, "Ok, I'll give them to Daddy Nick too.  Now run along to your Momma's and make sure you have say your prayers before going to bed."
Dylan nodded and ran into Melinda's arms.  The two women gave Brian looks of thanks.  They couldn't hear what Brian had said, but whatever it was, Dylan was back to normal now and for that they were thankful.
Brian looked at the crowd again, who hadn't so much as moved since Brian had last spoken to them.  The fame mask slipped onto his face like an old friend and he smiled a little at the crowd, "Sorry about the party, Ladies and Gentlemen.  I'm sure you all know that the flu has run rampant throughout practically the whole tour and Kevin's the lucky one that got the last of the latest one that went through, probably getting it from all of us and he's come down with it hard.  I'm sure there is nothing to worry about, it's probably developed into bronchitis like happened to Tommy and Dennis.  We'll keep you all posted on Kevin when we know something. When things have calmed down and EVERYONE is completely better, we'll reschedule the barbeque.  Thank you for coming." 
With that he turned back around and started towards his car, hearing the footsteps of AJ and Howie right behind him. Howie's car was one of the last ones in the driveway and easiest to get out, so it was the vehicle of choice to get to the hospital. 
Once the three of them were in the car and Brian had gotten the keys from Howie, he manouvered out of the driveway and started towards the hospital.
They had driven for a few minutes, all of them lost in their own thoughts, when the car jerked to the  side, startling AJ and Howie out of their dazes.  Brian had pulled the car to the side of the road and sat with his hands gripping the wheel in a white knuckle hold. He started to shake so bad, that Howie and AJ thought he was having some sort of seizure, then they heard a muffled sob and immediately AJ's ams went around Brian from where he was in the back seat and Howie's went around him from the side, the three of them holding on to each other for dear life.  Here in the parked car, they didn't have to put on their game face and they could show how scared they really were, knowing the other two were just as scared as they were. In front of everyone at that party that didn't know about Kevin and Nick, or about their lives behind all the stardust, they had to play the part, here they were just Brian, Alex and Howie and they were scared for their friend.
Nick sat in the back of the ambulance and watched the EMT that was back there with them start an IV into Kevin and monitor how much oxygen he was getting into his system.  His eyes would only stray from Kevin's for seconds before going back to meet his husband's green ones, knowing that contact was the only thing that was holding Kevin together at the moment.  It was the only thing holding Nick together at this moment also. 
They arrived at the hospital and Nick prayed that someone at the party hadn't been press and called someone to get pictures of Kevin and himself in the back of an ambulance. 
The doors opened and out of habit, Nick lowered his face towards the floor of the ambulance and then raised his eyes to glance through his bangs to survey for press standing there ready to ambush them. 
He breathed a sigh of relief, there weren't any.  He turned to Kevin's eyes again and reassured him without a word and a simple squeeze on the hand.  Kevin was still coughing horribly and gripping Nick's hand with each racking sound.  The only thing that stopped Nick from wincing was the knowledge that however bad it hurt for him, coughing like that for so long had to hurt worse for Kevin.
They were ushered right into a room in the E.R. and a doctor was waiting there for them.  He looked at Nick and was about to say something when the EMT caught his eye and shook his head discreetly, "He panicks.  Let him stay."
The doctor barely heard it, but acknowledged with a nod of his head, "What have we got?"   He looked down at Kevin and recognition dawned on his face, but not for the reason that you would think.
"Kevin?"  He looked up at Nick and recognized him too, "Nick?"  He shook his head, "We have to stop meeting up like this."
Nick tried to place the face and it clicked with him, this was the same doctor that took both of them after the whole ordeal with Stephanie, and then gave them a clean bill of health when it was time to tour.  He smiled at the doctor, "Hey Doc. And you are right. This is becoming an awful habit."
Kevin feebly raised his free hand while he coughed and flopped it a little in a wave. 
Doctor Sullivan took the hand and turned it over and examined Kevin's fingernails and then lifted the oxygen mask a little to study Kevin's lips and then glanced down at Kevin's sandaled feet to look at his toenails. 
He raised his head and looked at the nurses waiting at the ready, "I'll need......" 
Nick listened and it all flew over his head. It sounded alot like the stuff they shout on the show E.R. but he didn't have a clue what it was for and if it was bad. 
"And a chest x-ray. Stat."
The nurses scattered and the Doctor leaned over and looked at Kevin's hold on Nick's hand, "Married?"
Nick jumped and looked around to see if anyone was watching their conversation, "Yes. 10 and a half months."
The doctor nodded, "I figured as much.  I'm going to need to take some x-rays of Kevin.  We'll get you a lead vest to wear, because I think with that death grip that Kevin has on you, he's going to panic if I pull you out of here and start coughing worse than he is already."
Nick nodded, "Yes, please.  Thank you for letting me stay."
The doctor nodded, "I need to ask you a few things.  Has he had the flu lately?"
Nick nodded and explained they'd all had the flu more than once
"Has he ever completely shaken it?"
Nick thought about it and shook his head, all of them had barely had time to recover before another flu flattened them all again.
"How long has he been coughing badly?"
Nick counted the days back in his head, "About two weeks."
"Did he cough anything up?"
Nick nodded and tried his best to describe it for the doctor, shuddering at the having to remember it.
The doctor nodded and took a vest type thing from one of the nurses that was wheeling in a large protable xray machine. He slung the heavy material over Nick's shoulders and made sure it draped over Nick's internal organs and other x-ray sensitive parts.  He then moved Nick to stand right above Kevin's head and assist in holding Kevin's arms spread out at his sides so they cold get a clear view of his chest in the x-ray. 
The room cleared, leaving only Nick and Kevin in there, looking overwhelmed in the large white room while the x-ray machine hummed into power.
Brian wiped his eyes and felt the tremors racing through his body ease a little, "That....that scared the shit out of me."
AJ wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, "Amen."
Howie just nodded silently, his wide brown eyes saying more than he could at the moment.
AJ took a deep shuddering breath, choking down the lump in his throat, "Did you see him go down? He just crumbled right there in front of Dylan.  I saw him try to catch himself, trying not to scare the kid, but he couldn't help it. "
Brian and Howie nodded.  Howie finally got a grasp on his voice, "Nick was...he just snapped right into control. I've never seen anything like that before from him. He held himself and Kevin together and even though he didn't look at us, I could feel the calm coming off of him and calming me down."
Brian nodded, "He amazed me.  He didn't have eyes for anyone but Kevin and it was like....he instinctively knew what to do, even when Kevin jerked forward like that.  I would have pushed him back down on his back again, Nick rolled him over probably saved him from choking."
The other two nodded, knowing they would have done the same thing.Brian shook his head like he was trying to clear it, "We need to get to the hospital."
AJ and Howie settled back into their seats as Brian pulled onto the road and started back on the way to the hospital.  When they arrived ten minutes later, they marched up to the reception desk, "We're here about my cousin, Kevin Richardson, he was brought in by ambulance a little while ago."
The nurse looked up and thanked their lucky stars that the woman was well over the age of their fan base. She didn't seem to have a clue who they were.  "They are still working on Mr. Richardson at the moment. If you want to take a seat in the waiting..."
"Helen, it's ok. I'll take these gentlemen back to their friend." 
Brian, AJ and Howie looked up and saw a doctor standing there. Recognition lit up their eyes.  Brian stuck out his hand for the doctor, "You were the doctor that treated them the last time they came in....aren't you?"
The doctor smiled and nodded, leading them through the large door into the E.R., "Like I told them, we have to stop meeting up like this."   He opened the door to the room, "I'm just going to go look at the x-rays. I'll leave you in here to be with your friends."
The three of them walked in the room and smiled when they caught sight of Kevin and Nick.  Nick was sitting on the gurney with Kevin, his arms wrapped around the bigger man and the two of them were both jumping with every cough.  They had slowed down a lot, only coughing every thirty seconds or so instead of so badly that he couldn't even breathe.  He had traded in the oxygen mask for a tube that was attached over his ears and under his nose, feeding him a constant supply of air.  Their arms were wrapped around each other, Kevin's head was resting on Nick's shoulder and Nick was rubbing Kevin's back and whispering softly in his ear.
AJ nudged Howie, "Too cute for words aren't they?"
Howie grinned and nodded, "Now if only we could find girls that we could have a relationship like that with, we'd be happy little guppies, wouldn't we?"
Nick raised his head, hearing the whispering and smiled at the three of them at the door, "Hey guys." 
They all nodded a greeting and went over to the bed, seeing that Kevin was exhausted from coughing so much.  He barely lifted his head to look at them before letting it fall to Nick's shoulder again.  Nick started stroking his hand over Kevin's hair and kissed his forehead, "Just rest, Darlin'.  Relax your stomach, you're going to pull something."
Nick's hand slid over Kevin's knotted stomach, feeling the muscles loosen under his touch and Kevin sink against him a little further.  That's the way they stayed, with the other three talking softly to them between Kevin's coughing.
The doctor walked in the room and smiled at all of them, "It's just what I thought it was."
Nick raised his eyes from Kevin's, "What is that?"
"Did you want everyone in here?"
Kevin and Nick both nodded and the doctor had figured as much, as the last time they were in the hospital together, the other three and their families were right in there with them.
The doctor held up two x-rays and put them on the lightbox at the end of the room, "See this one?" He pointed to the one on the left, "This is when you came in with the punctured lung from your broken ribs. This side has the healthy lung."  He pointed to it on the x-ray, "Now look at the one I  just took."
He pointed to where Kevin's lungs where and all that was seen was a cloudy haze.  "That cloudiness is an infection.  He has a viral pneumonia, my guess is from the flu after flu that he's been fighting off.  We're going to keep him overnight to put him on an antibiotic I.V. , to get the drugs working faster, and then put him on oral meds for two weeks to knock the infection out and keep it from coming back.  After that, he should be as good as new."
The five of them sighed in relief, which caused Kevin to cough again, but at least they had a cause for it now.
Within an hour, they were ready to move Kevin to a room, under a fake name and with his bodyguard waiting at the door for them.
"What are you doing here?"
The great, big house of a man smiled, "Couldn't let my boys be without some sort of protection in here. I have one word for you." He grinned evily, "Candystriper."
They all shuddered at the thought of hysteria in the hallways of the hospital. Nick shuddered even more, realizing that without a bodyguard being there to guard who comes in and out, he would have to be on guard for prying eyes all the time instead of having his concentration on Kevin where it belonged.
Nick smiled at him, "Thank you. This is going above and beyond the call of duty."
With a nod of his head, the bodyguard was back out in the hall and making sure no one of the teenage female persuasion was in the hallway. With his nod, the orderlies moved down the hall with Kevin's gurney, Nick walking beside it holding on to Kevin's hand beneath the blanket and the other three following closely behind. 
Kevin was placed in a private room in a wing no one would think to look for him, the geriatric medicine wing.  There wasn't a patient below the age of 60 and for a one night stay, it was the perfect place.
Once he was all settled, Brian, AJ and Howie were sent home along with the Littrells, Carters and Leighanne, who had met them up at the room and were informed on what was happening,  to get some rest.
When they were all gone, Nick crawled in the bed with Kevin and they held each other close.  Nick leaned close to Kevin and kissed his forehead, "Go to sleep, Love.   I'll be right here when you wake up."
Kevin nodded with a yawn, the coughing finally ceasing for ten minutes at a time, which was a god sent for Kevin because his stomach muscles were on fire from being in constant use for so long with each cough.  "No goodnight kiss?"
Nick smiled and leaned even closer to Kevin and their lips met, Nick's tongue gently coming to meet Kevin's in a few tender strokes and then back into his mouth.  He pulled away and rubbed his nose across Kevin's, "Go to sleep. I love you."
Kevin laid his head on Nick's shoulder and kissed his neck, "I love you too."