Fall From Grace
Ch. 5
by:  Tina & Danielle
(c) by us
standard death threats for stealing apply


Thankfully, the medicine worked rapidly and Kevin settled down and slept peacefully through the night.  He would cough in spells throughout the night but  it wasn't bad enough to  wake him up.

Nick, on the other hand, jerked awake ever time Kev coughed or shifted around in his sleep.  He'd sooth Kev's brow, kiss his forehead, or straighten the cover over him - just small little things so that Kevin would know he was there.

The next morning the doctor made his rounds and  discharged Kevin but with strict orders for him to stay in bed for two weeks and drink lots of fluids.  He told Nick that Kev wouldn't have an appetite for awhile but as long as he got plenty of fluids in him that would be fine.  He also handed Nick some prescriptions and told him he could get them filled at the pharmacy on the first floor and that Kevin needed to take all the medicine.  The doctor also said he wanted  Kev to have a check-up in two weeks once he had taken all of the medicine.

A few minutes after the doctor left out of the room, the nurse came in to remove Kevin's IV and get him ready to leave.  Nick took that time to go get the prescriptions filled.  By the time he got back up to Kevin's room, Kev was dressed and ready to go.

Kevin let a contented sigh when they pulled up in front of the house.  "Glad to be home, babe?", Nick asked him. 

Kevin gave a small smile and said, "Yeah.  You know for as long as we've had this house we just haven't spent enough time here enjoying it."

Nick reached over and squeezed Kevin's hand.  "Well, all that is going to change now that we're home for awhile.  We'll get to do all those little boring, dull, routine things that married couples do when they have nothing else to do but hang around the house. And you know something?  When we were *christening* the house before the tour I do believe we forgot that closet at the top of the stairs.  We'll have to take care of that as soon as you're able."

Kevin grinned, "You are so on, babe."

Nick got Kevin inside and upstairs to their bedroom.  He got Kevin settled in bed and Max immediately jumped up on the bed and snuggled up beside Kevin.

Nick gasped, "What the hell is he doing?"

Kevin laughed, "I think he thinks we haven't been home enough either." 

While they'd been gone on tour, Max the Dog and Max the Cat had taken up residence at Howie's parent's house.  Max the Dog did not like Max the Cat and the feeling was very mutral on Max the Cat's part.  Both animials had been more than estatic to have their masters finally return and claim them.

Nick leaned down and looked Max in the eyes and said, "Ok, let's get one thing straight pal.  You can keep my place there beside Bumpkin warm until I get ready to join him. Then you have to get your furry ass out of the bed.  Got that?"

Max raised his head up, promptly stuck his tongue out at Nick, and lay his head back down.

Nick yelled, "That dog just stuck his tongue out at me!"

Kevin was holding his sides trying to contain his laughter.  His ribs still hurt from all that coughing he'd done but he thought if Max could have talked he would have just told Nick to fuck off.

Nick walked into the bathroom mumbling something about *damn dog* and the word *neutered* was mentioned.

Kevin slept on and off through out the day, Max staying right by his side.  The only time Kevin was allowed out of bed was to walk the short distance to the bathroom and then back to bed.  Max followed him every step of the way.  Kevin and Nick wondered what the hell was up with the dog but figured once he got use to them being around so much he'd go back to his doggie house and be happy.

Brian stopped over to check on Kev and see if him and Nick needed anything.  Nick got Brian to help him move the big screen tv out of the living room up to the bedroom so Kev could watch tv in comfort. 

Brian didn't stay long.  He was just glad to see that Kevin seemed to be feeling a lot better than he had the day before.  And it was funny as hell seeing Nick being the *domestic* god around the house.  He was cleaning up downstairs and in the kitchen cooking, popping up into the bedroom every few minutes to see if Kevin was okay.

Brian joked, "Ok, Leighanne does not do all this stuff for me.  I'm thinking seriously I need to trade her in and get me a man."

Nick and Kevin just stared at Brian in open mouthed shock!  Brian cracked up laughing, "I'm kidding!  I'm kidding!"

Later when Nick walked Brian to the door as Bri was leaving, he was taken by surprise when Brian pulled him into a big hug. 

"Not that I'm complaining, Bri, but what the hell was that for?!"

"For taking care of my cousin.  For loving him and for making him happy.  And just for being you.  Call me if you need anything, Nick."

Brian was out the door and in his car so fast that Nick didn't even get to respond.  He shook his head as he shut the door and said, "Did they seriously expect me to stay 13 forever?!" 

By the time Nick took a shower and got ready for bed that night he was pretty well tired himself.  Max watched him walk towards the bed, never lifting his head or moving.

Nick stood there and glared at the dog but Max didn't budge.  Nick sat down on side of the bed and said, "Remember I am the one who found you and brought you to this nice, cozy home.  I do remember where I got you from.  I can take you back there you know."

This time Max raised his head up and looked at Nick. 

"Don't fuck with me, fur face.  I mean it."

Max got up off the bed and walked around to Kevin's side of the bed, where he lay down.

Kevin reached his hand down and scratched behind the mutt's ears while laughing.

Nick climbed into bed beside him and turned out the light.  He snuggled up against Kevin's back and said, "What the hell are you laughing at?"

"My husband and my dog are fighting for my attention.  God, I feel the love."

Nick was trying hard not to laugh but he couldn't help it.  "Perhaps I should finally call Suzanne and get that professional help, huh?"

Kevin laughed, "If this keeps up, I would say so."  Kevin turned his head back to look at Nick and Nick softly kissed him.

"Love you, Nickers. And thank you for taking such good care of me."

"I love you too, Bumpkin, and hell, I figure I owe you big time considering all those nights on the tour bus you stayed awake with me when I made a pig out of myself with junk food."

The two fell aleep snuggled up close together.  Sometime during the night Max made his way back onto the bed and wedged himself between Nick and Kevin.