Fall From Grace
The Third part of the Full of Grace Trilogy
Chapter 1
By Tee and Danielle
(C) by us too. Don't force us to kill you.
A small confession:  We have had this last part planned out for oh 3 months or so and have been firing ideas back and forth about it while writing You Do.... If this turns out the way we want it to, it should be better than the first two combined. 
I think y'all knew we couldn't stay away from Kevin and Nick for long, they are like old friends at this point. we've been living and breathing them for 9months now. Jeez time flies.
Well, without further ado and SURPRISE! Let's get on with the story shall we?
Nick stood in the hallway of the house and his booty was just a-shakin doing the "happy turtle dance of joy".  They were finally home after finishing their tour, flying home from Toronto the next morning after their last concert.  Not minding leaving the cold and snowy March Canadian weather behind them.
His husband just watched him while he leaned against the door, rolling his eyes and shaking his head.  "Nick, hon, you do know you are an idiot right?"
Nick grinned at him, still shaking all over the place, "I know. But it's what you love about me! And I'm HOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMmmmph!"
The last part of Nick's yell was lost in Kevin's mouth as he couldn't take the adorableness any more.
Nick wasn't quite expecting to be spun around mid booty shake and meet with Kevin's lips, but when he found himself there, he was more than happy to give in to the kiss.
Kevin was just as happy to stand there in the middle of the entry and kiss him.  He felt Nick's fingers sliding across the back of his neck and nearly melted into a puddle.  Nick knew how much he loved that. 
When Nick pulled away, he grinned at the dopey look on his husband's face.  "I missed that."
Kevin opened his eyes and gave him a confused look,"Missed what?"
Nick leaned close again and peppered Kevin's face with kisses across the bridge of his nose, "Just kissing whenever we feel like it.  Here we don't have to keep 'three feet between us at all times,' " which was said with more than a little mocking, "or look over our shoulders at who might be around."
Management had been surprised to say the least when Brian, AJ and Howie had told them about Kevin and Nick.  When they had come back from their honeymoon in Australia and met up with the tour in Amsterdam, management was waiting for them. 
The meeting that followed was long and pointless to Kevin and Nick, but the Firm would not let it go.  They did try to be respectful about it, but when Nick and Kevin were balking at some of the suggestions they were making, like never standing next to each other and keeping a minimum of three feet between them at all times in public, the PR took exception to their reluctance and got exasperated.
"Well have you even thought about how the other three of your bandmates feel about all this? It's as much their career as it is theirs!" 
The PR smiled when he saw the look on Kevin and Nick's faces, thinking he had struck a blow for common sense in this matter.  It wasn't until the other three turned around to look at him that he realized how wrong he was in that. 
Brian looked at the PR, his blue eyes practically shooting daggers, "We are family first and bandmates second.  They've been together for a while now, and you were none the wiser until we told you AFTER the wedding.  So if we can keep it from everyone around us, from those who run our careers and see us on nearly a daily basis, then I think they pretty much have the hang of spending those hours and days in front of the press and fans and NOT jumping each others bones!  God, they aren't three you know.  We've been in this business for almost ten years now, I think we've gotten the hang of swallowing who we really are for the cameras."
AJ, Howie, Kevin and Nick all looked at Brian.  His fists were clenched by his sides and he seriously looked like he was ready to deck the PR guy.  Nick got up from his chair and went over to Brian, hugging him and whispering something in his ear about needing a cape to go with that halo. 
It was enough to make Brian look at Nick and crack a smile.  Kevin marvelled at the change in his cousin.  He had gone from the one who nearly destroyed the both of them to the one that had be come their greatest champion against the world. Kevin smiled at his cousin and turned to the PR guy, "We know what is expected of us and Brian is right, if we had you fooled, we can do it for the cameras and public.  Now, could we please have the schedule for the next week and wrap this up? I have a bone jumping scheduled at three."
There was silence at Kevin's deadpan then AJ started to snicker, which set Howie off and before long, they were all laughing.  The PR just stood there, his face red for not only his outburst, but for being taken down a few pegs by not one, but two of his clients.  He knew when he was beat. 
"Ok, here's the schedule for the next week. Look it over and you'll find that we've made the modifications to the on/off days like you've asked. One day off for every two days on.  We've also tried to schedule the off days in major metropolitan centers so you'll have a variety of choices for recreation. 
We've also arranged the rooms as you've asked with two suites booked and a single room for each hotel stay. Kevin and Nick will always be rooming together, obviously. With the new Stage Designers being in the other part of the suite with their s...son."
The pause on the word was barely detectable, but they all heard it.  That was the other surprise that was sprung on them.  All of them had to admit, The Firm was getting rather good at rolling with the punches. 
"AJ, Howie and Brian will all rotate who gets the single room and the other two share."
They all nodded at the arrangements. 
The PR continued, "Ok, I've spoken with Sam and Melinda and they understand what is going to be involved in being presented to the world as Nick and Kevin's significant others.  Extra security detail has been posted with them as well as Dylan.  Sam and Melinda have asked that if Dylan is referred to or asked about, they would like him presented as Melinda's from a previous relationship."
This was nothing new for any of them, they just sat quietly thumbing through their schedule and nodding when appropriate.  Soon enough the meeting was adjourned and the tour went into full swing.
Kevin and Nick were surprised a few days later when a written apology from The Firm arrived on behalf of their PR guy and the whole organization.  A letter was mentioned that was written by Howie, AJ and Brian alerting them to the situation.  When Kevin and Nick asked about it, Brian just shrugged.  "What the idiot did was wrong, we knew it and he knew it. We just called them on it."  Of course, that letter came after Millennium was released and broke all records for first day and week sales.  They couldn't be human first and PR's second, that would upset the order of the world, wouldn't it?
Kevin and Nick had started kissing again, enjoying the freedom, when the door to the house opened. "Hey, we accidentally grabbed one of your suitca......"
The couple pulled apart just enough to break contact and turn their heads to look at where the voice was coming from. 
AJ grinned at them, "You ever think why you two kept passing the flu back and forth to each other was because you were swapping spit all the time?"
They both rolled their eyes at him and Nick giggled as Kevin started nuzzling and kissing his neck, "What did you want, Bone?" 
AJ grinned at how lovesick they still acted, "I grabbed your suitcase by mistake. I'm just bringing it back before we drive away with it.  But something tells me y'all aren't going to be using much clothes for a few days."
Kevin and Nick both started laughing, causing Kevin to start coughing.  The flu had ran rampant through the tour a few times now. It seemed every new country or state they went to, someone caught a new and more lovely strain of the flu.  Of course with how hard everyone worked and the close quarters in hotels and buses, it swept through everyone over and over again.  The last one had hit each of the Boys pretty hard along with Sam, Melinda and Dylan.  The three of them had actually had to leave the tour a few weeks early so they could just be home and spend some time getting well.  The crew had started joking that the next tour should be done from a plastic bubble. 
Nick rubbed Kevin's back as he stopped coughing and heaved a sigh.  AJ laughed at the frustrated look on Kevin's face, knowing he was the last one with this particular flu before Kevin got it.  AJ's laughs too were cut off by coughing and Kevin shot him a look that clearly said 'See, that's what you get for laughing at me"
AJ glared back with a wounded look and dropped the suitcase and cleared the frog in his throat.  "So we'll see you two in a week for Brian's engagement bar-b-que?"
They both nodded with happy smiles, he'd finally gone and asked Leigh to marry him and they all couldn't have been happier for him.  AJ waved good-bye and gave us one last joking warning about resting and getting over the flu rather than "fucking like bunnies" as he put it.
Kevin threw a stack of mail at him, but it missed when he laughed like a maniac and slammed the door behind him.
"And we hang around with him why?"
Nick grinned, "No one else would put up with him."