Full of Grace: Chapter 11
by: Tina and Danielle
Rated: R (adult stuff, ya know?)
copyright: 1999
This part written by : Danielle

Nick looked down at Kevin, looking very much like a scared little child. "Even though you told me to forget about the whole thing, I couldn't. You scared me into being quiet though."

I nodded as Nick's fingers raked through my hair, "I know. I'm sorry Nick, I didn't mean to scare you. "

Nick smiled a little, "Well every time I went to open my mouth you gave me this look like you were fixing to kill me, that tends to kick in your self preservation instinct."

I sighed, "I know. You got really quiet there for a while. You never said anything, even in interviews. Then I had the other three coming to me to get me to see why you were so quiet. I couldn't come out and tell them I was the reason. I really shouldn't have done that, but I was just so...."

Nick laid a hand on my shoulder, "Scared."

I heaved a sigh as I realized he was right, "Scared."

We both fell into silence as we each remembered.

"You got what??!!" Brian was looking at me, shock written all over his face.

I looked him in the eye, "Carjacked, Brian. It happens."

He raised an eyebrow at me, not knowing what to believe, "What in the hell were you doing in that part of town at that time of night? Nick said he picked you up on Lanebrook. My god, you could have been killed!"

I fixed Nick with a look that would have frozen boiling water and saw him retreat behind Howie a little. "Well Nick should have kept his trap shut! I'm taking care of it! I couldn't sleep so I was driving around. I stopped at a light, some guy put a gun in my face and told me to get out of the car and when I didn't move fast enough he sucker punched me a few times. End of story. Can we get on with rehearsal now? Is that ok with you, Nick? Can we actually do our jobs now, instead of gossiping like old ladies? Can we, Nick?"

Nick was now almost completely hidden by Howie's smaller frame. He tried to talk, but fear had closed his throat, so all he could do was nod meekly.

We got on with rehearsal for the upcoming tour and even though it hurt like hell to do the dance moves, I never once said a word about it, even refusing the rest that Brian was offering, knowing I was in pain.

I just wanted to work, why couldn't anyone understand that? Here I had control, here I knew what was going on. Once I got out of rehearsal, I didn't know what was going on and somehow I had lost the control I had in my life. Stefanie had it and I didn't know how to get it back.

I worked them to near exhaustion. I wanted perfection and I was going to get it before I let them go. We went for hours at a time, not stopping for anything. Howie, AJ and Brian were complaining bitterly, but not Nick. He didn't say a word unless it was his time to sing or add something to the ad-libbing between songs. He danced like he was afraid if he did something wrong he would have the wrath of god on his head. In a way he would have, because I know in the state of mind I was in, I would have come down on him, hard.

When we broke for lunch, Nick took off like a scared little puppy, not coming back until five minutes before we had arranged to get back to work. He spent that time going over lines of choreography, over and over, so that when we came back from lunch he was already drenched in sweat. He didn't say a word as the rest of us fell into position and started in on "The One." We did the number over and over until I was satisfied that it was perfect and then we did it some more to make sure they remembered it.

Tommy wanted to go over a key progression with me, AJ, Howie and Brian immediately sprawled out on the stage and guzzled back water like it was going out of style. Nick just paced the stage, looking down at his feet, deep in thought.


He nearly jumped a mile and looked up to see my none too happy face in his, "Jesus Nick, where in the hell were you? I've been calling your name for five minutes. I Need You Tonight is up. Try not to screw it up too bad."

He just nodded and scurried to his position on the stage. Brian tried to stop him and make him towel off a bit and drink some water, but he just shook his head and stepped behind his mic. He cued the band to start and they swung into the intro music of the song.

Nick gripped the mic and closed his eyes, trying to get it perfect. Needing to get it perfect.

The cue came for him to start singing and nothing. Tommy cued him again with the piano notes leading into him singing. Nothing. I opened my mouth to really let him have it, but before I could say a word, he seemed to crumble before my eyes. He swayed slightly and then, almost in slow motion, he fell until he was sprawled out on the stage.

We all hopped to our feet from our stools and no one moved faster than me to the unconscious boy on the floor. One thought going through my head, "Sweet Jesus, what have I done to him?!"
