Full of Grace: Chapter 14
by: Tina and Danielle
Rated: R (adult stuff, ya know?)
copyright: 1999
This part written by : Tina

I don't know when I came regained conciousness. It might have been an hour later or several hours later.

I woke up in a hospital room, in a hospital bed. I looked around and Nick was sitting beside my bed, looking at me.

"Hey," I mumbled. "Hey yourself. How do you feel?" I went to sit up but a bolt of pain traveled through my ribs and chest and I lay back down and groaned.

Nick got up and sat down on the edge of the bed. "Kev, you have a broke rib. It puncured your lung. You had to have known it was broken. There is no other kind of pain like that. What the hell were you doing even at rehersal today, Kevin? Your health is not worth it dude."

My rib was broken? My lung puncured? Good lord. A little gal had done this to me. Not some guy my size or even bigger than me. But a girl.

That hurt worse than the pain in my chest.

I couldn't say nothing to Nick. What was there to say?

His hand covered mine and squeezed, "Kevin, what is going on? Your lower body is covered with bruises. I think you are doing some heavy duty lying about things, Kevin. Why?"

I worked my jaw a couple of times but nothing came out.

My room door opened and Howie, AJ, and Brian came in. Brian came and hugged me - very gently. "Thank God you are ok, Kevin. We about had a heartattack when you passed out. I'm sorry about how I acted earlier. I was just upset."

I patted his shoulder and said, "It's ok, Brian. All our emotions were running high today."

Howie and AJ both started in on me about if I was crazy for dancing around with a broken rib and why didn't I say anything.

Brian said, "It was from the carjacking guys. We've never been through something like that. I can only imagine how tramatic that was for Kev. He probably just wants to forget about it. Right, Kev?"

"Um, yeah. That's right, Brian."

The nurse came in then and ordered everyone out. They were gonna keep me overnight just for observation. Nick was discharged. He'd been suffering from stress and dehydration but the IV fluid had perked him right back up.

By 9:30 that night I was bouncing off the walls in my hospital room. There was nothing on tv and I couldn't rest. I had called my house repeatedly but Stefaine did not answer. I was sure she was there though.

Finally, I said, "Fuck it", and got out of bed. Slowly, painfully, I got dressed and made me way down the hall to the stairwell. It was on the opposite end of the hall from the nurses station is why I chose it.

By the time I had walked down the two flights of stairs I was gasping for breath and wondered if I would be better off staying at the hospital. After stopping and resting for a few minutes I made my way out to my 4-Runner and got in.

I made it home a little bit later. The house was dark except for lights in the living room. I tried the front door and it was locked, so I dug out my house key and went to insert it in the lock but it wouldn't fit. "What the hell?", I muttered.

I began ringing the doorbell and knocking, "Come on, Stefaine, it's me. Let me in sweetheart."

It was a couple of minutes before I heard her heels clicking on the hardwood floor as she walked to the door. "What do you want, Kevin?" "What do I want? This is my house, Stefaine. Can you let me in? I don't feel so good." "Oh, poor, Kevin. You don't feel good. I'm so sorry but no, I don't think I want to let you in. You left me tonight and you need to be taught a lesson."

As I heard her walking away from the door, I began banging on the door, "Stefaine, please! Stefaine, let me in! STEFAINE!"

I don't know why I was surprised when the police car pulled up in front of the house but I was. The two officers came up with their guns drawn, ordering me to get down and put my hands behind my head.

"I can't get down, officer." One of them screamed, "GET DOWN ON THE GROUND NOW!"

There was no explaining this. I went to get down, moving as slow as I could because of the pain. That wasn't fast enough for one of the cops. He grabbed me by the back of the neck, pushing me down hard to the ground.

I cried as the waves of pain racked my body. I was frisked and my hands cuffed behind my back. I was dragged roughly to my feet and pulllled towards the police car.

"Officers,please. This is my house. My girlfriend locked me out. I was trying to get back inside to talk to her is all."

I was shoved inside the back of the police car and one of the officers got in beside me. He said, "Well your girlfriend says that's her house and you are harrassing her. So you get to spend the night in county lock-up and then in the morning we will get all this straightened out."

I looked back at the house as we pulled away. Stefaine was standing in the open doorway, smiling. She had to be the devil. She was evil. Pure evil. But why couldn't I stand up to her?
