Full of Grace: Chapter 15
by: Tina and Danielle
Rated: R (adult stuff, ya know?)
copyright: 1999
This part written by : Tina

Nick helped me to my room and helped me get undress, down to my boxers, and into bed. He did everything. Made sure my pillows were fluffed, that I had enough cover.

Finally he said, "I'm in the room right across the hall, Kev. You need anything you give one good holler and I'm here bro, ok?"

"Ok, Nick. Thank you. You get some sleep. You look tired."

After Nick left I tried to sleep but I couldn't. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw Stefaine's face in front of my eyes.

The look as she came towards me with the razor blade in her hand. I don't even know how to describe that look in her eyes at that moment except pure hatered. It was then that I knew she didn't feel anything for me or anyone else. All she could feel was hatred.

But I was too late realizing that. She wasn't gonna be happy until I was dead.

I heard myself screaming as the razor blade sliced through the skin, down deep. I screamed until I couldn't anymore. And I saw the blood gushing like a river.

Would the images haunt me until I died? I tossed and turned but they were too horrific to keep reliving in my mind like that. I sat up and looked at my hands. I tried moving my wrist but I couldn't. I tried moving my fingers but I couldn't.

If I couldn't do something I loved as much as playing the piano again, I couldn't help but think I would have been better off bleeding to death in the bathroom.

I shook my head, to clear thoughts like those from my mind. I got up and quietly walked to Nick's room. As I stopped at the doorway and looked at him, I found him looking back at me. He held the covers back and I slipped into bed beside him.

He lay his arm across my stomach, "It's ok, Kev. She's only in your mind now. And we're gonna get her out of there too." I sighed, "I don't know about that Nick. I think that might be an impossible task."

That morning at the jail. As the officer led me out there was Stefaine standing there. She ran to me, sobbing, "Oh, Kevin, I'm so sorry. It was a horrible mistake. I thought you were someone trying to break in. Please forgive me."

She wrapped her arms around me and sobbed into my chest. She cried so hard I thought she was going to start hyperventalating. I stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head, "It's alright, Stefaine. Mistakes happen. You're here now and that's all that matters."

We left the police station arm in arm and she drove us home. At home she took me by the hand and led me to the hot tub. It was filled up and steaming. She smiled at me, "A good soak in this should help you feel better." She helped me undress and get into the hot tub. A moment later she joined me there.

We spent a couple of hours in the hot tub. Stefaine was right - soaking in the hot water eased the ache from my ribs. She massaged my neck and shoulders. I felt her hands and lips carressing my back.

I sighed and closed my eyes. Her touch was sending little electric sparks through out my body. I found myself becoming aroused. Stefaine's hands circled me and began stroking my stomach and chest - rolling my nipples in her fingers until they were hard.

I turned my head back towards here and kissed her deeply and with all the passion I was feeling at that moment. "I want to be insde you now", I huskily told her.

Without a word she moved around and stradled my lap. She eased herself down on my length and took me inside. Our thrusts matched steady and fast and we rapidly lost ourselves in our climaxes.

Afterwards we got out of the hot tub and dried one another off. I put on a pair of boxers but Stefaine lounged around all that day in the nude. We lay together on the sofa watching tv and she fed me throughout the day.

By the time it was dark we were in my bedroom. I guess I should say our bedroom since she had moved in. She began kissing me roughly and letting her nails scrape my skin. It was nice but I was tired.

"Stefaine, baby, it's been a long day. Wonderful, don't get me wrong about that but long. I need to rest. Please baby." Her eyes narrowed and she frowned. My stomach immediately knotted.

But she then smiled and said, "Ok, baby. You have had a rough day. Rest my love. Sweet dreams." "Thank you God", I whispered to myself as I dozed off to sleep.

I started waking up to voices and the feel of my limbs being stretched. It took me a moment to come fully awake. There was Stefaine and a guy I had never seen before. He was dark like me but had a full beard and longer hair. They were standing by the bed looking at me.

I raised my head up and looked down. I was spread eagle on the bed, naked, handcuffed to the bedposts. My head was the only part of my body I could move. I looked up and met Stefaine's eyes. My heart sank as she hissed, "I hope you enjoyed your little nap, Kevin. I wanted to fuck but you were too tired." She began undressing the guy and she said, "Oh, Kevin, this is my friend Frank. He is a real man. You can take lessons from him."

As soon as Frank was rid of his clothes, he threw Stefaine down on the end of the bed and began fucking her. He was thrusting so hard the whole bed shook and I could hear his balls slapping against her ass.

I closed my eyes so I wouldn't have to watch but I found myself aroused as much as I hated to admit it. This was definitely a case of that head thinking on it's on without the rest of the body in agreement.

Stefaine and Frank uttered a string of profanaties as they came. Frank pulled out of Stefaine and looked at me and started laughing, "Kevy Kev has got a boner baby. What do you want to do about it?"

Stefaine smiled as she stroked her nails down my shaft, "Well, I don't want to fuck him anymore, Frank. I lost my urge. Why don't you take care of him?"

Frank grinned, "Oh my pleasure. I've never had a big strong hunk like this before." I felt the bile rise in my throat, "Oh God, please no. Stefaine, no. I'll do anything you want but not this please."

She walked up to me so she was standing beside the bed by my head. She smiled and then slapped me. I groaned as I felt blood fill my mouth. She grabbed my hair and forced me to look at her. "I want to watch your expression. Let's see if Frank can make you like dick, Kevin."

I felt Frank's mouth go down on me. Oh, shit. That's all I could say to myself. I refused to say anything out loud. He worked his mouth up and down my shaft, letting his tongue scrape along it at times. As I felt myself tighten with release I closed my eyes and bit my lip to keep from crying out.

Frank licked for a bit longer and then I felt him move. Thank God he was leaving.

But then I felt fingers at my asshole and I wanted to die. He inserted first one finger and then two inside me and wiggled them around. Then I couldn't control the scream that escaped my body as he thrust his cock all the way inside me. The pain was unbearable. Tears slide down my cheeks.

Thankfully it didn't take him long to flood my bowels with his cum and he pulled out. He got dressed as Stefaine undid me from the bed. I turned on my side and curled up into a ball crying. Stefaine kissed me on the cheek and whisped in my ear, "That was amazing, Kevin. I hope you'll like to get some dick now because I never knew something could turn me on as much as that little performance did."

I just glared at her and hissed, "You can go to hell bitch." She was taken back and stood up. "Frank, you know where the front door is. Kevin and I have business to discuss."
