Full of Grace: Chapter 18
by: Tina and Danielle
Rated: R (adult stuff, ya know?)
copyright: 1999
This part written by : Tina

Nick got me back into bed and finally a peaceful sleep decended over me in those wee morning hours.

I woke up to the smell of bacan frying. Nick wasn't in the bedroom so I knew he was in the kitchen cooking. Thank God I had taught that boy to cook so many years ago. It was going to come in handy now.

I was still yawning as I walked down the hall to the kitchen but I heard Nick talking so I stopped just in the doorway and listened. He had the cell phone propped up on his shoulder as he went from the stove to the sink, tending to the food cooking and washing dishes at the same time.

"No one was in the house, were they?"

"And they are sure it was her?"

"Listen, Brian, I can't tell you. It's not my place to tell you. All I will say is you and the other guys need to be careful. Very careful. This chick is bad news."

"It doesn't matter how Kevin got involved with her. What matters is he is away from her now and I'm gonna keep him here until she is 6 feet underneath the jail."

"Look, if there are any other spottings of her and if they happen to catch her crazy ass, give me a call Brian."

Nick disconnected the phone and put it back in his pocket. He turned around to bring the food to the table and faltered when he saw me standing there.

"What's going on, Nick? Tell me." He sighed and said, "Come on and sit down bro." We both sat down at the table and Nick said to me, "Stefaine burned your house down last night."

"WHAT?!", I screamed. "She was pretty blatent about it. Your neighbors identified her. I'm sorry, Kevin, but she burned it to the ground. There is nothing left."

My house. Gone. Everything I owned. Litterally up in smoke. My priceless treasures. Pictures of my dad. My gold records. My awards.

I lay my head down on the table and sobbed. Nick's hand stroked my back while he sat there silently and let me cry.

The tears stopped finally. I was actually all cried out. Maybe that was a good sign. At that moment I couldn't have cried even if I had wanted to.

I sat back up and wiped my eyes. "I'm ok, Nick." He said, "You wanna hear the kick ass part to this whole nightmare? Stefaine is an escaped patient for the criminally insane hospital up in Pensacola." "Hospital for the criminally insane? That's for mentally ill people who have been convicted of crimes right?"

Nick said, "Yep. How appropriate huh? She's been on the loose for 3 months now. She had killed her parents and two younger brothers when she was 20. Stabbed them with a butcher knife."

I closed my eyes and groaned, "Oh my God. That's why you told the guys to be careful. Nick, I'm scared of what she will do if she gets her hands on any of them. She slit my fuckin wrists for God's sake and burned down my house. And now knowing her past, she'll do anything to get to me. I know it, Nick. I feel it in my bones."

Nick said, "The guys called Q and they all have body guards now. That's about all that can be done." "Nick, you have to call them back and tell them the whole story. That's the only way they will be safe. They have to know exactly what kind of monster they are dealing with." Nick asked, "Are you sure, Kevin?" "Yeah, I'm sure." "Ok, but why don't you finish telling me the story. After you told her to get out, you got hit and things went black. What happened?"

I took a shaky, deep breath and let myself go back to the horrible night.......
