Full of Grace
by: Tina and Danielle
Rated: R (adult stuff, ya know?)
copyright: 1999
This part written by : Tina

AJ was going to be in the hospital for a couple of weeks. He was going to need some skin grafts. Denise refused to leave his bedside.

I wanted to go to him more than I could ever express in words. I was the reason he was in the hospital, burned, scarred, and in pain.

I kept begging Nick to take me back, that I wanted to sit beside AJ's bed and hold his hand, but Nick refused. No matter how much I begged and pleaded he wouldn't budge.

Finally I snapped, "You're a big fuckin prick, Nickolas!"

Nick smirked, "Oh that's real mature, Kevin. But if I am a big fuckin prick then I learned how to be one from the master. That would be you in case you were wondering."

"AJ is our friend, Nick. We should be there."

"Kevin, I agree with you but AJ understands why we are not there. You can't go back until Stefanie is either locked back up or dead. The latter would be perferable. But think about the rest of us. You go back and something happens to you, then how are suppose to deal with that knowing you went back to help us."

I litterally flopped down on the couch. My legs didn't seem to be able to support my weight any longer. I was exhausted. Mentally and physically.

"You know, Nick, too bad Stephen King isn't here. He could get a best selling novel out of this deal."

Nick laughed, "That's for damn sure. I don't think he's ever written anything as horrific as this."

After a bit I sat back up and said, "Ok, as long as AJ and Denise are at the hospital under the armed guard we hired for them they are reasonably safe. Let's get the others out of Orlando before she comes back."

A couple of hours later, Nick put the cell phone down and said, "That's it. They are as safe as we can make them, Kevin."

I rubbed my eyes with the palms of my hands, trying to relieve the tension there that was threatening to build into one hell of a headache.

"Ok," I said, "so where has everyone gone?" "Brian and Kel are on a plane for Japan. Howie and Kat are headed for England. If AJ and Denise still need to leave by the time he gets out of the hosptial, they are heading towards Canada."

"Thank God, they are all getting out of the states. God, Nick, I'm glad you're family doesn't live here anymore. She knew you were the one I always called to help me. She knows you're with me now. If she could get her hands on your family, she'd do anything to make them talk."

"Well, they are all the way on the other coast in LA. Mom and Aaron are due back from Germany tommorrow. They're fine thank God."

I lay back down on the sofa and surprisingly found myself a sleep. Nick was on the cell phone calling different friends and family checking in with them.

I don't know how long I slept. It doesn't seem like it was for very long. Nick's startled cry woke me up. He was still sitting in the recliner, the cell phone was on the floor, and he looked like death warmed over.

I got up and went to him, knealing beside him, "Nick, what happened?" His voice shook when he spook, "My mom and Aarron will be arriving in Orlando 7 hours from now. Aarron wanted to see me before they went home so they are flying in to stay for a couple of days. Mama left a message on my answering machine."

I groaned, litterally, "Oh what lousey timing for a visit. Ok, why can't we get an armed guard to meet them at the airport and put them right back on a plane."

Nick shook his head, "no."

"No? What do you mean no?"

Nick looked me in the eyes and said, "I have to go get them. I have to see that they get right back on a plane and leave all safe and sound."

"Ok, you go get your stuff together and I'll get you some food together." Nick shook his head and headed upstairs.

Within 30 minutes the car was packed and he was ready to go. I walked with him out to the car. He said, "Everyone's phone # is programmed into the phone and each button is marked showing who's # it is. I hate leaving you here with no transportation or anything but I'll be back as soon as I can Kevin."

"I'll be fine, Nick. Honestly. If anything should happen, I can always call 911. You just go take care of your family."

"Ok, look. There is a loaded pistol in the bottom drawer of my nightstand in case you need it."

"Nick, what the hell are you doing with a gun?"

He frowned at me, "Save the lecture, Kev. I don't like guns anymore than you do but in this case it's a necessaity." Nick then softly said, "If something happens to me, my dad knows exactly where you are at. He'll get the authorities to come get you so you won't be stranded out here in the middle of nowhere."

My heart clenched. If something happened to Nick? Oh, lord, no. I couldn't bare it if anything happened to Nick. The thought was too much. I turned my head so he wouldn't see my eyes tear up.

"I have to go now, Kev. It's a long drive." His hand stroked my cheek, turning me to face him. His lips firmly pressed against mine and then he was in his car and gone.

I watched him until the car was out of sight. My fingers touched my lips, still stinging from his kiss. Dear God, he has to be ok. Please watch out for him.

Nick's fingers touched his lips and he said outloud, "Please let him be ok, God. He's been through too much for anything else to happen."
