Full of Grace
by: Tina and Danielle
Rated: R (adult stuff, ya know?)
copyright: 1999
This part written by : Tina

Nick's eyes widened as he saw her approach him with the dagger raised high above her head. But he never said a word or made a sound as the dagger came down at ligtening speed right towards his heart.


I sat up in bed gasping for breathe, the sweat pouring off me.

"It was just a dream, Kevin. It's a dream."

I got up and went to the bathroom. After splashing some cold water on my face I looked at myself in the mirror. Who the hell was that looking back at me? God, I didn't even know anymore. It didn't look like Kevin Richardson that was for sure. This person looking back at me looked old, tired, beat down. Shit, was that a gray hair there? Better not be or Nick would not let me live that down.

My gut clenched at thinking about Nick. I walked back to the bed and sat down on the side of it. I could tell myself a million times a day that it was just a dream but I knew it wasn't. I knew first hand of what that crazy bitch was capable of and Nick was going through everything I had at the moment.

But he had no one to call to save him like I did. I realized then that the only chance Nick had of being saved lay with me. There was no way I could sit in this damn houseboat waiting for someone to come knock on the door and either tell me Nick was dead or that I could finally go home. Oh that's right. I don't have a home to go back to anymore since that fuckin cunt burned my house down!

I picked up the telephone and dialed a number that not many people in the state of Flordia had access to. The Governer's Office.


"Trey, it's Kevin. I'm in trouble man."

"Hold on a minute, bro. Let me clear my office out so we can talk."

Trey turned to the office full of aides and assistants that were sitting at the conference table. "Everyone please move to the confence room down the hall. I will rejoin the meeting as soon as I can."

His top aid, Matt said, "But Governor Davenport we have a time line to get this project done." Trey Davenport glared at the young man, "I realize that, Matt, but I have a family emergency here. I may be Governor of this state but I didn't get here with out my family and friends. They come before anything else. Do you understand that?" Matt hung his head, "Yes sir" as he walked out of the room.

"Ok, Kev. I'm back."

"Thank you, Trey. I heard what you told him. I need you now more than ever."

"That's what best friends are for. Now I'm all ears big bro. What gives?"

Some forty minutes later when Kevin had finished telling Trey everything, Trey sat there speechless. He'd gone from shock to anger to disbelief and back again.

"Ok, Kev. I'm brining in the State Police Swat Team into this. We're gonna find her and Nick. Now what about you? "

"Can you send someone to come get me? I want to come back to Orlando. I've got to get to a doctor and get these stitches out. I don't know maybe some physical therapy would help me get use of my fingers again. I just know in my gut she's got him in Orlando and I want to be there when you find him."

"Ok, you'll be back in Orlando by the end of the day Kev. Just keep your cell phone on and keep in touch."

When Trey hung up with Kevin he dialed a number. When it was answered he said, "Doug, get to my office now. I have a personal emergency I need you to handle."

Not 10 minutes later the head of the Florida State Police Swat Team was face to face with the Govenor.

Trey told Doug the story. Doug whisteled , "Mother of God. People like her shouldn't even be allowed to live. Mental illness is not an excuse. You murder people in cold blood like that you should die. "

"Remember that when you locate her, Doug."

"Yes, sir." Doug didn't have to ask for a clarification. He knew what the governer meant. Stefaine would not be a problem to anyone ever again once they found her.
