Full of Grace
by: Tina and Danielle
Rated: R (adult stuff, ya know?)
copyright: 1999
This part written by : Tina

I took a deep breath as I walked out in the garden. It was beautiful here. After all my years in Orlando I had never known this place existed.

I had been back in Orlando for three days now. I was at a clinic -- no, let me take that back. I was at a resort. At least that's what the people there preferred it be called. It was a place where "rich" people could come to get away from the "stress" of their lives for awhile. A lot of them had drug and acohol problems but most just needed a break from their lives.

Dr. Gravois, who owned this clinic also happened to be Trey's personal physician. Dr. Gravois took the stitches out of my wrists and set me up with some physical therapy. My fingers were moving now. They were still stiff and there was pain but they were moving. Dr. Gravois said it was just going to take time. A little bit would come back each day.

Trey had a limo and driver at my disposal around the clock. I had a cottage at the back of the clinic that was private so that I could come and go as need be.

I walked along the garden and sat down on the first bench I came to. I opened my wallet and stared at the blue eyes staring back on me. I had a picture of all the guys in my wallet but I never realized I had quite a few pictures of Nick until now. Seemed like every time he grew and changed in some way I had to have a picture of it.

He'd definitely grown up in the last year especially. It was like I went to bed one day and woke up the next morning to find my little buddy a man. A sweet, kind, caring beautiful man. It was kinda funny actually how he was so sensitive about so many things and tried so hard not to cry and show his emotions. But then let Brian beat him at a couple of games of Nintendo and Nick would cuss like a sailor for an hour afterwards.

My finger traced Nick's cheek in the very latest pic of him I had. He was smiling that killer smile of his and his eyes sparkling. "God", I said outloud, "please give me the chance to see that smile again. I know I haven't been the best son in worshipping you these last few years but I know you are here with me. I feel your presence God. I beg you if it's Nick's time to go take him quick so he doesn't have to suffer. But I love him and I don't want to lose him yet. I know that's selfish of me but I can't help that. Just please do what is best for him to give him peace."

I wiped the tears from my cheeks and put my wallet up. I lay my head back and let the warm sun just beat down on me. I saw Nick laying on a floor - his face battered and bloodied. He seemed to be unconcious but then he said, "Kevin."

I jerked awake. "Oh, thank you God. He's still alive. Hang on, Nick. Baby, hang on. We're getting closer to you." As I ran to the limo I had the cell phone out and was dialing Trey, "He's still alive, Trey. I know for a fact he is but we've got to find him now. His time is running out!"
